Pastor Butch News title

11 Reasons Why The Federal Reserve Is Bad
Most Americans realize that the federal government is drowning in debt and that inflation is out of control. But very few Americans can coherently explain where money comes from or how our financial system actually works. For decades, bankers that we do not elect have controlled America’s currency, have run our economy into the ground, and have driven the U.S. government to the brink of bankruptcy. The Federal Reserve is an institution that was designed to drain wealth from U.S. taxpayers and transfer it to the global elite. Have you ever wondered why a sovereign nation such as the United States has to borrow United States dollars from anyone? Have you ever wondered why a sovereign nation such as the United States does not even issue its own currency? Have you ever wondered why we allow a group of unelected private bankers to run our economy?

Trump Prepares His 2nd War Against the American People by Invoking Emergency Powers to Destroy the Economy through Tariffs
During Donald Trump’s first presidency, he invoked the PREP Act to release $trillions to fund one the largest military campaigns in U.S. history, the “War Against the Unseen Enemy” and Operation Warp Speed, to allegedly fight against the corona virus, giving $billions to the pharmaceutical companies to rush untested vaccines and other products into the market which resulted in millions of Americans being killed, injured, and crippled for life.

America’s Middle Class In 2024: Aging Vehicles, $300 Carts Of Groceries, And Mountains Of Credit Card Debt
Have things been getting better for the middle class, or have things been getting worse? Needless to say, the answer to that question is obvious. The cost of living is absolutely crushing us, we can’t afford to replace our rapidly aging vehicles, debt levels are exploding, and the proportion of the country that is living paycheck to paycheck has been steadily rising. Our economy is a mess, and America’s middle class is getting smaller and smaller. Sometimes I feel like I am watching a very tragic version of musical chairs. If you are still holding on to your chair, you should be very thankful, because more people are slipping out of the middle class and into poverty with each passing day.

Goodbye Middle Class: Half Of All American Workers Make Less Than $43,222.81 A Year
It is that time of the year again. The Social Security Administration has finally released the final wage statistics for 2023, and they are quite sobering. According to the report, last year the “median wage” in this country was just $43,222.81. In other words, half of all American workers made less than $43,222.81, and half of all American workers made more than $43,222.81. That is terrible news, because the cost of living has been rising much faster than paycheck have. More people are being squeezed out of the middle class with each passing day, but most Americans don’t even realize that this is happening because the media isn’t really talking about it. Poverty, homelessness and hunger are all growing all around us, and if we stay on the path that we are on the middle class will continue to be systematically eviscerated.

A “Lockdown Economy” Without The Lockdowns: 48 Percent Of U.S. Small Businesses Couldn’t Even Pay Their Rent Last Month
When nearly half of all small businesses are struggling so much that they can’t even pay their rent, you have an enormous economic crisis on your hands. The last time that we witnessed anything like this was during the peak of the COVID pandemic, but here in 2024 we don’t have a major global health crisis to blame for our catastrophic economic performance. In March 2021, 49 percent of small business owners in the United States could not make their rent payments, but that was because so many states had instituted lockdowns which were severely harming the economy. In September 2024, 48 percent of small business owners in the United States could not make their rent payments, but there is no excuse this time around…

Why were birth certificates really created

Measuring our Impoverishment
The minimum wage is $7.25 per hour- about twice what it was in the ’80s – And a Big Mac costs about $5.70 cents – about four times what it cost in the ’80s. It doesn’t look so good anymore, either. But the take-home point is you’d have to work about an hour at McDonald’s to be able to afford to eat at McDonald’s today.

The Collapse of Fiat Money and Gold’s Resurgence
Lastly, Nixon said removing the link to gold would stabilize the dollar. However, even by the government’s own rigged inflation statistics, which understate reality, the US dollar has lost over 87% of its purchasing power since 1971.

If Everything Is So Great, Why Are Millions Of Americans Sleeping In Their Vehicles?
Have you noticed an unusual number of vehicles in the parking lots of major retailers in your area at night? If you look closely enough, you will see that many of those vehicles actually have people sleeping in them. At this point, millions of Americans are sleeping in their vehicles every night. This is happening even though we are being told that the economy is just fine. But of course the truth is that the system is failing all around us. So if you get to sleep in a very warm bed in a very warm home, you should consider yourself to be very blessed, because vast numbers of people are really struggling right now.

Thanks To The Cost Of Living Crisis, U.S. Household Debt Has Soared To The Highest Level Ever Recorded
Our entire economy is fueled by debt. In fact, if going into more debt was suddenly banned the U.S. economy would instantly hit a brick wall. For the vast majority of us, our lifestyles simply cannot be funded by what we actually make. So we use debt to bridge the difference, and this has particularly been true during the cost of living crisis. Total household debt has now reached a grand total of 17.8 trillion dollars, and we continue to pile up more with no end in sight…

This Is What The Final Stages Of A Bubble Economy Look Like Just Before A Collapse Happens
How does it feel to be living on the edge of a bubble just before it bursts? Ever since the days of the Great Recession, our leaders have been going to extremes that we have never seen before as they attempt to keep our failing economy propped up. The Federal Reserve has created trillions upon trillions of dollars out of thin air and pumped it into the financial system. Our politicians in Washington have been on the greatest debt binge in the history of the world, and as a result our national debt has soared to truly horrifying levels. On Monday, our national debt reached 35 trillion dollars, and even the New York Times is admitting that it is growing “more quickly than many economists had predicted”…

Property Tax & The Death Of The American Dream
While the primary catalyst for the original English pilgrims to venture to America was religious freedom, a strong desire for independence followed closely behind. They desired to be independent of two things: poverty and government meddling. This spirit carried into the American Revolution and informed domestic policy for many years. The Homestead Act of (FIND YEAR) was enacted to allow citizens a type of independence those who first fled Britain could only dream of. Remote settlers earned their own homes by proving their merit to Mother Nature. It was fairly easy to live as one wished without violating rules and regulations. The law was a fairly small framework that attempted to allow lives free from violence and evil. The two curses they fled were now powerfully refuted. The poverty caused by government oppression of the past was replaced by success or failure based upon individual action.

If The High Cost Of Groceries Makes You Feel Sick, You Are Not Alone
If you are really struggling with the high cost of living, I want you to know that you aren’t alone. In recent months, I have been hearing from so many people that feel like they are drowning financially. Have you experienced a palpable sense of panic when you compare your rising bills to the level of income that you are currently bringing in? So many people out there are stressed out of their minds because it has become such a struggle to pay the bills each month. As I discussed a few days ago, a typical U.S. household must now spend $1,069 more a month just to buy the exact same goods and services that it did three years ago. Over the course of an entire year, that is almost an extra $13,000 dollars. Month after month, prices just keep going higher, but those that are running things continue to insist that everything is just fine.

Little By Little, The Economy Has Declined To A Point Where Almost Everyone Is Struggling
It happened so gradually that a lot of people didn’t even realize what was happening. The cost of living just kept rising faster than paychecks were, and little by little our standard of living just kept going down. Now we have reached a stage where the ultra-wealthy are thriving but almost everyone else is struggling. For most people, it is a real fight just to pay the bills from month to month. The majority of the population is deep in debt, and meanwhile the cost of just about everything is going up and up. Millions of Americans feel like they are drowning financially, and there is no easy way out. Sadly, many of them don’t even realize that the game was designed to get them on to a hamster wheel and keep them running for as long as possible.

Alabama Eliminates Income Taxes on Capital Gains From Sale of Gold and Silver
Senate Bill 297 allows Alabama to exempt capital gains taxes on the sale of gold and silver in a bid to prioritize the earnings of citizens and to protect them from the harmful effects of inflation, currency debasement and increasing federal debt.

The Income A Family Needs To Live Comfortably In Every US State
The calculations for family income needed in each state were done by SmartAsset, using the cost of necessities sourced from the MIT Living Wage Calculator, last updated on Feb. 14, 2024.

America In 2024: Fast Food Is A “Luxury”, 11 Million Children Live In Poverty, And 1000s Of Stores Are Closing
Little by little, our standard of living has been eroding. A couple decades ago, we had the largest and most prosperous middle class in the history of the world, but now most of the country is struggling. At this point, fast food is considered to be a “luxury”, 11 million children are living in poverty, and thousands of stores are permanently shutting down all over the United States because consumers have so little discretionary income these days. We are in the midst of a historic cost of living crisis, and those at the bottom of the economic food chain are being hit the hardest

WEF Orders Govt's To Burn Millions of Bees To Usher In 'Global Famine'
World governments have been ordered to crack down on honey bees as the globalist elite escalate the war on farmers and prepare the groundwork for the devastating global famine that insiders have warned us about. Beekeepers around the world are reporting that government officials are visiting farms and destroying healthy bee colonies without cause and without testing for the diseases they claim they are restricting. This blatant assault on our food system is the strongest indication yet of the elite’s resolve to intentionally design a worldwide famine, enabling them to seize tyrannical control over humanity.

Duck Tales in 1967

WEF Admits Pandemic Was a Hoax to Eliminate Cash
The World Economic Forum (WEF) has admitted that the Covid pandemic was a globalist hoax that sought to eliminate cash and force the public to accept central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and digital IDs.

98% of central banks agree to eliminate cash and implement CBDCs, a new WEF report says
The World Economic Forum released a report on 16 April claiming 98 per cent of the world’s central banks have agreed to implement a cashless society by eliminating physical cash and switching to central bank digital currencies.

Income Tax: Civil War Emergency, Supreme Court declared unconstitutional "Class legislation...leads inevitably to oppression"; Woodrow Wilson made permanent, FDR expanded - American Minute with Bill Federer
Among the 1,514 lives that were lost were millionaires John Jacob Astor the Fourth, Benjamin Guggenheim and Isa Strauss, all of whom opposed the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank.

“I Cannot Afford To Live”: Americans Get Emotional As The U.S. Economy Goes Off The Rails
As we approach what is likely to be the most chaotic presidential election in U.S. history, trouble signs are starting to erupt for the U.S. economy. In fact, CNN is actually admitting that “the long-predicted storm clouds in the economy may actually be forming”. I can’t remember the last time that I saw a CNN article with a headline like that. But at this point, it is becoming extremely difficult for the mainstream media to avoid the truth. Inflation is getting worse at the same time that many key sectors of our economy are slowing down. If you thought that the last couple of years were rough for the economy, just wait until you see what is coming next. Tremendous turmoil is on the horizon, and the American people are becoming increasingly emotional about our rapidly growing economic problems.

How The Federal Reserve Created An American Caste System
In 1913, Woodrow Wilson and his progressives promised that the Federal Reserve would avert both depressions and inflation, while preventing the wealthy from controlling America’s financial markets at the expense of the poor.

Is The Soaring Cost Of Living Stressing You Out? U.S. Households Are Spending An Extra $11,434 Per Year Just To Maintain The Same Standard Of Living
I used to really enjoy going to the grocery store. I would relentlessly hunt for deals, and I would show off what I was able to find when I got home. But now all of the bargains are gone. Instead, there are ridiculous prices and there are even more ridiculous prices. The prices for some of the things that I normally buy have doubled. In other cases, the prices have almost doubled. Of course the soaring cost of living is the direct result of decisions that our leaders have made. They just kept borrowing, spending and flooding the system with money, and now the cost of living is wildly out of control.

WEF Pushes Ban on Home-Grown Food to ‘Fight Climate Change’
The World Economic Forum (WEF) is calling on governments to ban the general public from growing their own food at home by arguing that they are causing “climate change.”

The Truth About The Economy That The Mainstream Media Is Not Telling You
If it seems to you that the economic headlines that we are being fed by the mainstream media are completely and utterly disconnected from reality, you are definitely not alone. They tell us that inflation is under control, but I was just at the grocery store today and I could hardly believe the prices.

Masonic symbols and brethren on world currency, according to the Grand Lodge of Russia
Below is a slideshow published by the Freemasonic Grand Lodge of Russia. It reveals masonic symbols and Freemason members on bank notes from various countries throughout the world and during different eras.

New Report Reveals How Much Everyone Pays for Electric Vehicles, Whether You Buy One or Not (Guest: Kevin Stocklin)
There’s been a lot of talk about electric vehicles becoming more affordable than internal combustion engine (ICE) cars and trucks. However, estimated costs, including taxes and subsidies, indicate that there is up to $48,000 in “socialized costs” per EV that are not included in the sticker price but are rather paid by Americans at large.

Bill Gates ‘Digital IDS’ Will Be Mandatory To Participate in Society
The United Nations, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and partners of the Rockefeller Foundation are launching a campaign to accelerate digital ID, digital payments, and data-sharing rollouts in 50 countries under the umbrella of digital public infrastructure (DPI) by 2028. (source).

9 Signs That The U.S. Consumer Is About To Break
When the U.S. consumer is in healthy financial shape, the outlook for the U.S. economy is generally positive. But just like we witnessed prior to the Great Recession of 2008 and 2009, when the U.S. consumer is not in healthy financial shape, bad things tend to happen.

9 Signs That The U.S. Consumer Is About To Break
When the U.S. consumer is in healthy financial shape, the outlook for the U.S. economy is generally positive. But just like we witnessed prior to the Great Recession of 2008 and 2009, when the U.S. consumer is not in healthy financial shape, bad things tend to happen.

While You Were Sleeping - FedNow Goes Live Providing Path To Digital Currency
Yesterday, with a bit of fanfare but not TOO much fanfare, a "wonderful" new product was launched. FedNow is live, and we can all transfer money to our heart's content via the Federal Reserve.

Watch "Tate Reveals Why Banks Want A Cashless Society" on YouTube
Youtube Short

'Water is Not a Human Right': WEF Orders Govt's To Begin Rationing Water Into Homes

'Water is Not a Human Right': WEF Orders Govt's To Begin Rationing Water Into Homes

Healthcare job cuts up 65% from first quarter of 2022
Healthcare announced the third-most job cuts out of 30 industries and sectors measured in the first quarter of 2023, according to one new analysis.

Walmart converting 65% of its stores to “automation” – human employees will be let go
At its annual investor meeting in Tampa, retail giant Walmart announced that over the next three years, it plans to convert 65 percent of its stores to a model of “automation.”

Small Businesses File For Bankruptcy At Record Pace, Surpassing COVID Crash
Small businesses across the United States are experiencing a surge in bankruptcies, surpassing levels not seen since 2020. According to a UBS note reviewed by The Epoch Times, conditions could become worse as the knock-on effects from the recent banking crises begin to manifest.

Texas Bill Would Create State-Issued Gold-Backed Digital Currency
Sen. Bryan Hughes (R) introduced Senate Bill 2334 (SB2334) on March 10. Rep. Mark Dorazio (R) introduced a companion, House Bill 4903 (HB4903) on the same day. The legislation would require the state comptroller to establish a digital currency that is fully backed by gold and fully redeemable in cash or gold as well. The comptroller would also be required to create a mechanism to use this gold-backed digital currency in everyday transactions.

The Dollar Is In Trouble! BRICS Nations Developing New Reserve Currency
For decades, the U.S. dollar was the undisputed king of global currencies, but now dramatic changes are happening. China, Russia, India, Brazil, Saudi Arabia and other nations are making really big moves which will enable them to become much less dependent on the U.S. dollar in the years ahead.

The Dollar Is In Trouble! BRICS Nations Developing New Reserve Currency
For decades, the U.S. dollar was the undisputed king of global currencies, but now dramatic changes are happening. China, Russia, India, Brazil, Saudi Arabia and other nations are making really big moves which will enable them to become much less dependent on the U.S. dollar in the years ahead.

What Will a Cashless Society Look Like?
This internet post provides a glimpse into a dark future in a society without cash and banks control every cent that you own. A cashless society means no cash. Zero. It doesn’t mean mostly cashless and you can still use a ‘wee bit of cash here & there’. Cashless means fully digital, fully traceable, fully controlled. I think those who support a cashless society aren’t fully aware of what they are asking for.

Credit Suisse sees both bail out and bail in at the same time - billions vanished yesterday
Situation Update, Mar 20, 2023 - Global finance SHOCKWAVES as Credit Suisse BAIL IN wipes out billions in bonds

Separate Money and the State
We often hear that the “gold standard” was a system in which paper money was “backed by gold.” Nothing could be further from the truth. There was no paper money in the United States. That’s because the Constitution did not empower the federal government to issue paper money. It also expressly prohibited the states from issuing paper money.

186 More Banks At Risk - This Crisis Is Far From Over
Back on January 4th, I specifically warned that our problems would "greatly accelerate over the next 12 months", and that is precisely what has happened. We are now in the midst of the most severe banking crisis since 2008, and it could soon get a whole lot worse.

Banking Collapse Explained for Dummies

FedNow Instant Payments Are Coming and CBDCs Will Follow
There’s absolutely no doubt that our financial system is in flux right now. We’re watching a storm approach, and it’s about to envelop the entire nation in chaotic conditions. If you think things are crazy now, just hang on to your halo…it’s about to get a whole lot worse.

Factbox-Top five U.S. regional banks with most uninsured deposits
The collapse of two major U.S. banks within days has put the spotlight on other mid-cap lenders’ balance sheets, with a few of them rushing to calm investors’ fears of a contagion in the broader financial system.

Home Depot co-founder torches ‘woke’ Silicon Valley Bank collapse, warns recession may be here already
During an appearance on "Cavuto Live," Marcus discussed the devastating collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, urging Americans to "wake up" and understand that the U.S. economy is in "tough times."

Funding the Control Grid Part 3: The Food Framework
“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.” This quote has been attributed to Henry Kissinger, though he denies ever saying it. Kissinger certainly did, however, perfect the weaponization of food through The Kissinger Report during his tenure as Secretary of State.

Food Crisis Grows As Number Of Beef Cows Drops To Lowest Level In 60 Years
As I detailed in a previous article, even CNN is admitting that we are currently in the midst of "the worst food crisis in modern history". But even though children are literally dropping dead from starvation on the other side of the planet, a lot of people here in the United States refuse to take this crisis seriously.

92% of Americans Can’t Afford Groceries: POLL
A recent survey pointed out what we’ve been saying all along – groceries prices are hard to handle, and quality food has become a luxury that few can afford. The survey was sponsored by Lean and Fresh, a food delivery service, which sought a case study on how inflation was affecting American diets.

European Central Bank Preparing for Bail Ins & Banking Collapse According to Whistleblower
Greg Reese recently published a video report about how banks are preparing to resort to “bail ins” where they would restrict depositors from accessing their own funds.

Catherine Austin Fitts explains the Financial Coup d’état that began 30 years ago
I am a fan of Catherine Austin Fitts – a former government insider, investment banker and currently a very successful publisher. I highly recommend her publication ‘The Solari Report’. The piece that is particularly relevant today is described in the ‘2020 Wrap Up’ HERE with John Titus, and a recently published interview below.

BREAKING: Davos Is Rolling Out The Digital Takeover!
BREAKING: Davos Is Rolling Out The Digital Takeover! This video explains the takeover that’s being rolled out right now in Davos, Switzerland. Next video –

Peter Schiff: The Recession Everybody Denies Exists Is Going To Get Worse
Peter Schiff recently appeared on Dan Bongino’s Unfiltered on Fox News to talk about the economy, inflation, the stock market, the Federal Reserve and investing in 2023. Peter said the recession that everybody denies exists is going to get worse, and so is inflation.

Whistleblower Reveals What is Behind the Mass Attacks on US Food Facilities (Video)
Huff has access to government information about simulating a food supply attack. The information comes from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Food and Agriculture Sector Criticality Assessment Tool (FASCAT). This also includes which places are particularly at risk.

Media Admits That We Are Facing "The Worst Food Crisis In Modern History"
People on the other side of the planet are dropping dead from starvation right now, but most people don't even realize that this is happening. Unfortunately, most people just assume that everything is fine and dandy. If you are one of those people that believe that everything is just wonderful, I would encourage you to pay close attention to the details that I am about to share with you.

Food Supply Chain
“Never before in history has there been this amount of “accidental destruction” of the food supply chain. Reuters and others say there is no evidence that the last 12 months of incidents were intentional or planned. But the sheer numbers statistically are very alarming.

Social Security Name Change
A woman dies at age 65 before collecting one benefit check. She and her employer paid into the system for almost 50 years and she collected NOTHING.

The 10 biggest THREATS to your food security in 2023 … HINT: Prepare for a “grocery police state” with guards, rationing and riots
Today’s analysis covers threats to food security in 2023 and beyond, beginning with the now-obvious fact that food inflation continues to worsen almost everywhere. This readily observable fact is now so self-evident that no one needs to be convinced of the reality of rising food prices. Yet few people have honestly considered where it leads in terms of global famine, civil unrest, revolutions and more.

Why We Shouldn't Underestimate China's Petro-Yuan Ambitions
The de-dollarization of the global oil industry is in a treacherous mission creep phase. Things like this don’t happen quickly, but determinedly and gradually, not exactly fitting into today’s media headline game that only considers instant developments. But it is happening and the tide will not be turned based on current and near and medium-term geopolitical developments. Credit Suisse’s Zoltan Pozsar recently warned clients, in essence, that the de-dollarization of the global oil industry is in full swing–even if we can’t see the final end game from here.

BlackRock: The Company That Owns The World
During the 2008 Meltdown when the government bailed out too-big-to-fail giants like Bear Stearns, AIG, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac – who did they hire to analyze and clean up the mess? Another giant financial firm by the name of BlackRock, led by a very well-connected billionaire by the name of Larry Fink. BlackRock was awarded these key government contracts to help with the meltdown with no competitive bidding while being enveloped in secrecy. Basically, Larry Fink was hired to be the manager of Washington’s bailout of Wall Street, even though BlackRock is one of the biggest shareholders in the same banks that they were helping to bail out.

OJ prices are rising: Florida orange production expected to fall to lowest level in over 80 years
The combination of extreme weather and a disease impacting citrus fruit is expected to drive down Florida's orange crop to its lowest level since before World War II, shrinking the state's already dwindling supply and promising to send orange juice prices even higher.

Banks Are Monitoring Your Guns and Ammo Purchases
This is such a lightly reported reality, for more than 50 years, the United States government has given banks the legal tools they need to snoop into the private affairs of their customers. And now, they are monitoring the exercise of citizens’ Second Amendment rights.

Another Food Processing Plant BURNS!
a "Pilgrim's Pride" food processing plant in Mooresville, West Virginia, burned last night. This brings to over a DOZEN large food processing plants to suffer a large fire within the past year. It seems as though someone wants to affect the US food supply - and they are.

China buying up the world’s GOLD supply in preparation for new world reserve currency designed to END the DOLLAR
In the first quarter of this year, central banks around the world purchased 87.7 tons of gold. That rose to 186 tons for the second quarter, and in the third quarter a whopping 399.3 tons were purchased. A shocking 300 tons of gold was purchased by China alone, reports ZeroHedge, confirming what we long suspected (even though China’s purchase was deliberately shrouded in secrecy).

Food Bank Demand Soars (Again) As Inflation Crushes Working-Poor
WSJ reports that Forgotten Harvest in Detroit has experienced a dramatic increase in demand. Since December, demand at the food bank has increased from 25% to 45%. In March alone, when energy and food prices soared, demand jumped 30% over the prior month.

MORE MAJOR FOOD INFLATION...156%...Do not believe the government numbers....They are lying.

FLATION will be the keyword in coming years. The world will simultaneously experience inFLATION, deFLATION, stagFLATION and eventually hyperinFLATION.

HOW AMERICA ENDS: Putin announces new BRICS global reserve currency project to REPLACE the petrodollar
Although the biggest news of the week is undoubtedly the US Supreme Court overturning Roe vs. Wade, there’s another bombshell that quietly broke two days ago — one that will have a vastly more profound devastating consequences on the world than any decision coming from SCOTUS.

African Country Eyes Gold Currency
Seeking to curb inflation, which reached 191% in June, the Central Bank of Zimbabwe announced on Monday it will soon start issuing gold coins. The government in Harare hopes this will reduce the demand for US dollars and at least slow down the further debasement of the local currency, but the general public appears unconvinced.

‘Hostile Takeover’ of Global Food System Already in Process, Ice Age Farmer Tells RFK, Jr.
It’s “common knowledge” that we’re headed for a food crisis, said Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. during an interview with agricultural researcher, permaculturalist and author Christian Westbrook on “RFK Jr. The Defender Podcast.”

Livestock Producers Report Being Just Days Away From Running Out of Feed Due to Shipping Rail Issues
Rail bottlenecks in the U.S. are not improving, and in some cases, growing more severe. Feed users in California and the Southwest are having issues sourcing grain, with some reporting they are paying $3 over the CBOT price to secure grain by truck. Not only are feed users on the brink of running out of grain, but there are also concerns the rail issues could grow worse during harvest this fall.

SHOCKING: Corporations to start running GENDER COMPLIANCE AUDITS and “blackness checks” to qualify for lower loan rates from “woke” finance giants
Large corporations are signing loan agreements with finance giants that demand “LGBT quotas” and “black quotas” be met in order to receive beneficial interest rates on lines of credit. In essence, the more gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgenders, Blacks or Hispanics a corporation hires, the more favorable the terms become for their borrowing.

Dollar dominance scheduled for TERMINATION as Saudi Arabia declares CHINA its “reliable partner”
The petrodollar is now on its last legs as Saudi Arabia has declared China to be its “reliable partner” for energy and trade. The USA, under the catastrophic leadership of fake president Joe Biden — who was planted in the Oval Office via a rigged election — has lost all credibility in the eyes of world leaders.

Forget the Zombie Apocalypse – Can YOU Survive the Coming Layoff Wave?
So many people out there talk about the coming zombie apocalypse, EMP event, or even nuclear war. Yes, all of these are possible and something we might experience.

Cashless Society Talk Goes Mainstream in a Hurry and Should Be Trusted Like the NSA
As recently as a year ago, I’d be labelled a “conspiracy theorist” and get locked up as a Twitter jailbird for claiming some cabal of banksters, economists and government leaders is planning a new world order for everyone along with a government-controlled digital currency to empower it. Now, it is table talk, and those who are planning it all are only too happy to share their thoughts, so confident are they in how it will go down.

The Great Gold Robbery Of 1933
It's been [89] years since the federal government, on the spurious grounds of fighting the Great Depression, ordered the confiscation of all monetary gold from Americans, permitting trivial amounts for ornamental or industrial use. This happens to be one of the episodes Kevin Gutzman and I describe in detail in our new book, Who Killed the Constitution? The Fate of American Liberty from World War I to George W. Bush. From the point of view of the typical American classroom, on the other hand, the incident may as well not have occurred.

Portland Facing Homelessness ‘Catastrophe’: Mayor
With the homelessness crisis cited among their top concerns, Oregon voters are taking note of Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler’s declaration of a “humanitarian catastrophe” in the state’s largest city.

Here’s the inflation breakdown for October 2022 — in one chart
The consumer price index, a key inflation barometer, jumped 7.7% in October versus a year ago. It rose 0.4% during the month. Both were cooler than expected, a sign inflation may be moderating. However, consumer prices are still rising quickly by historical standards. Household staples such as shelter, food and energy were the biggest inflation contributors in October.

FTX Implosion Leads to Chaos in the Streets – Bix Weir
According to precious metals and financial expert Bix Weir, when the FTX cryptocurrency exchange imploded, it took with it billions of dollars of investments. It now has more than a million creditors both big and small. Weir says it is the tip of the iceberg in a dying over-indebted system. Weir contends it is orders of magnitude worse than the Lehman Brothers meltdown that caused the Great Recession in 2008. Weir explains, “Does it really matter if we control the House or the Senate or the Presidency? The only thing that will matter, the only thing that will change what is going on is when the ATMs shut off and, all of a sudden, people cannot get money out of the bank. That would change things really fast. I think it will happen. All we need is one highly connected derivative bank to go down, and they all go down. They can bail out a trillion-dollar bank, but they cannot bail out a $2 quadrillion failure, and that is what is coming. The moment that hits is when everybody will say, okay, nobody is getting paid off. . . .We are going to find out in about a month how many counterparties in the FTX debacle will be translated into the derivatives, which is probably 100 times bigger than what happened on FTX. Every one of those people on the FTX ledger was placing derivative bets that were hedging their crypto position. Now, their crypto positions have disappeared. The actual cryptos are no longer there . . .that is what was hedging this transaction. There are two sides to a derivative trade. If one side loses, they double lose. So, we could see a massive, massive fallout from the derivative mess.”

The Era Of Cheap Food And Cheap Gasoline Is Over
All of our lifestyles are about to change in a major way, but the vast majority of the population still does not understand what is coming. Throughout our entire lives, we have always been able to depend on a couple of things. There would always be cheap gasoline to fuel our vehicles and there would always be mountains of cheap food at the grocery store. No matter who was in the White House and no matter what else was going on in the world, those two things always remained the same. Unfortunately, those days are now over and they aren’t coming back.

1.1 Million Chickens to be Killed at Iowa Egg Farm Due to Bird Flu Infection
Iowa agriculture officials said Monday that another commercial egg farm in the state has been infected with bird flu, the first commercial farm case identified since April, when a turkey farm was infected.

Central Bank Digital Currencies are the Next Frontier in the Battle for Freedom
“If you can move every human into a digital concentration camp, empty their bank account any time you want, and tell them what they can and cannot spend money on, you’ve got complete control.” – Catherine Austin Fitts

Survey: Nearly 1 in 5 Americans Skipped Meals, Didn’t Buy Groceries Due to High Inflation
Seventeen percent of respondents said they were receiving food items from a food bank, including 22 percent of millennials, while 17 said they have stopped buying healthier food options. Eighteen percent said they had skipped meals or did not buy groceries.

Sanctuary States Dish Out Millions in Unemployment Benefits to Illegal Aliens as Americans Endure Inflation
As Americans suffer through record-high inflation with rising costs for groceries, gasoline, and public utilities, sanctuary states are transferring millions in United States tax dollars to illegal aliens via unemployment benefits, a new investigation reveals.

The Era Of Cheap Food And Cheap Gasoline Is Over
All of our lifestyles are about to change in a major way, but the vast majority of the population still does not understand what is coming. Throughout our entire lives, we have always been able to depend on a couple of things. There would always be cheap gasoline to fuel our vehicles and there would always be mountains of cheap food at the grocery store. No matter who was in the White House and no matter what else was going on in the world, those two things always remained the same. Unfortunately, those days are now over and they aren’t coming back.

More Bad News for Biden: Bureau of Labor Statistics Releases Report
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose 8.2% between September 2021 and September 2022, according to a report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics released on Thursday. The rise came despite swift action from the Federal Reserve to prevent it from happening.

The Food Crisis Of 2023 Is Coming & It's Going to Be Worse Than People Realize
As you will see below, two-thirds of European fertilizer production has already been shut down, currency problems are causing massive headaches for poor nations that need to import food, global weather patterns continue to be completely crazy, and the bird flu is killing millions upon millions of chickens and turkeys all over the planet.

JPMorgan Chase deplatforms National Committee for Religious Freedom
In an op-ed in the Washington Examiner, the chairman of National Committee for Religious Freedom (NCRF), Sam Brownback, announced that JPMorgan Chase had deplatformed the organization without providing a reason. The bank said it would consider reopening the account if NCRF provided a list of donors and preferred political candidates.

IMF Chief says Central Bank Digital Currency should be used alongside Social Credit System to control what people can and cannot buy
The deputy managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) recently explained how Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) can be programmed to determine what people are allowed to buy and insisted they should be used alongside a China-style Social Credit Score system.

CBA announces Australian banking first carbon tracking feature
Commonwealth Bank has announced an Australian banking first by providing personalised carbon footprints for customers based on their spending data in a partnership with fintech start-up CoGo.

WEF launches digital currency project to ‘reward’ climate action
The World Economic Forum (WEF) made a big move in the digital currency space this week with the launch of the Crypto Sustainability Coalition.

Eat Or Heat? Europeans Already Facing Previously Unthinkable Dilemmas
As the citizens of the European Union and the United Kingdom are increasingly struggling to make ends meet due to record levels of inflation, and as the winter draws closer, a serious cost-of-living crisis is set to spiral out of control. Skyrocketing energy costs, combined with galloping prices for food and other essential goods and services are bound to erase whatever was left of the "middle class."

Biden Administration Announces Framework for Digital Dollar
Last Friday, the Treasury department released a framework for regulating digital assets. One major objective, according to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, is to “advance policy and technical work on a potential central bank digital currency, or CBDC.”

“Absolute technological control” over your personal spending under Central Bank Digital Currencies
The Bank of International Settlements general manager Agustin Carstens stating boldly they will have "absolute technological control" over your personal spending under Central Bank Digital Currencies.

“Absolute technological control” over your personal spending under Central Bank Digital Currencies
The Bank of International Settlements general manager Agustin Carstens stating boldly they will have "absolute technological control" over your personal spending under Central Bank Digital Currencies.

Digital Identity – What’s Your Trust Score?
“Digital identity is a collage of up-to-date digital data that defines an individual, dynamic, multipurpose, and reusable, a system for verifying information to establish eligibility to access a service, perform a task, or receive a benefit, resulting from a dynamic network of distributed, data sources (such as financial institutions, mobile network providers, governments) that verifies identity in real time.”