Pastor Butch News title

Dark beyond comprehension

CIA Ordered Staff to Remove Nativity Scenes, Stop Saying ‘Merry Christmas’
Shipp also pointed out that around the same time CIA leadership ordered employees “not to display manger scenes or say, ‘Merry Christmas.’”

The Empire Burns The Middle East While US Homelessness Surges
The IDF has built a beachside resort on the coast of northern Gaza where its soldiers can take a break from committing genocide to relax, get massages, drink iced coffee, and eat ice cream and cotton candy by the shore.

Male Lawmaker Claims He Is “Every Bit as Biologically Female” As a Woman
Words must have meaning. For example, for the word “woman” to describe anything, it must have an agreed-upon definition that is intended when the word is used. And it (or its equivalent in other languages) has for all of human history—the distinction between male and female was obvious from the moment Adam saw Eve in the garden (Genesis 2:23)! And it’s evident all the way through the Bible’s recorded history.

FBI Seize Diddy Snuff Tape Showing Jay Z and Beyonce 'Sacrificing Children'
FBI investigators on the Diddy case have seized snuff tapes recorded by Jay-Z and Beyonce exposing their role in a series of ritual killings and sacrifices of A-list stars and their family members including children, an industry insider reveals. For decades, Jay-Z and Beyoncé have been hiding in plain sight, using a fawning mainstream media as their shield to keep their true nature hidden from the world. But now, the tide has turned, and their true allegiance is surfacing. As Luciferians with blood on their hands, their secrets are unraveling, and this time, there’s no covering it up. The truth is finally coming to light, and it’s about to shake the entire entertainment industry to its core.

FBI Seize Diddy Tape Showing Hillary Clinton Killing Child at 'Freak Off' Party
Seized footage from Sean “Diddy” Combs’ notorious parties allegedly feature Hillary Clinton in scenes that will upend the political establishment in Washington D.C. and send shock waves around the world. Diddy now sits in prison, fearful that he will not survive long enough to face his day in court, while rumors circulate that Hillary is anxious she will be the next powerful figure to be exposed. Whistleblowers, including those closest to Diddy and the Clintons, are coming forward with damning evidence of sex crimes and crimes against children, involving Hollywood stars, famous athletes, and D.C. elites. Hillary has survived countless scandals, but this time, there’s no covering it up — the tide has turned, the truth is being laid bare, and it’s about to rock the entire system to its core.

Celebrities and CEOs Facing Life in Prison as Diddy's "Adrenochrome Ring" Busted Wide Open
The entertainment industry is on edge as a sweeping FBI investigation into Sean “Diddy” Comb’s underage sex and drugs blackmail scandal threatens to bring Hollywood’s most powerful figures to their knees. With hundreds of celebrities, CEOs and political elites under scrutiny, many are scrambling to erase their digital footprints and distance themselves from the growing scandal. Unfortunately for the celebrity elite, it’s too late to cover their tracks. Diddy has been linked to Jeffrey Epstein’s child sex procurers and his hidden tunnel trafficking network has been exposed.

Public School Used Fifth Graders to Groom 5-year-olds
A public school in California used fifth graders to groom kindergarteners during a bizarre transgender assignment that included a storybook about a little boy who wears a dress. And the district refused to let parents opt-their children out of the lesson.

Dozens Of Bullets Were Just Fired At A Famous Pastor’s Home. Sadly, This Was NOT An Isolated Incident.
On Tuesday night, dozens of bullets were fired at Pastor Greg Locke’s home in Tennessee. It is being reported that one of his children was actually inside the home at the time of the shooting…

Whistleblower: Nancy Pelosi Murdered a Child in 'Horrific' Adrenochrome Ritual
The political elite in Washington D.C. practice an occult religion that involves the sacrifice of children and the consumption of their blood, according to a young whistleblower who spent years working on Capitol Hill. According to the whistleblower, these depraved rituals are an open secret in D.C. and form part of a sickening initiation ritual for newcomers to the Hill earmarked for a career involving status, power, and wealth. Although not everyone succeeds in passing the initiation trial, everyone understands the dire consequences of speaking out.

The Food Industry was Purchased by the Cigarette Industry: “Our Food a Science Experiment”

Fully Naked Men on Bikes Cycle in Front of Kids at Seattle Gay Pride Parade
DEVELOPING STORY: Fully naked men riding bicycles exposed themselves in front of children during the Seattle Gay Pride Parade. Journalist Katie Daviscourt filmed the graphic video, which you can watch below. It’s beyond repulsive.

California Cops Stand Idly By As Men Expose Themselves, Pee On Each Other At Event Open To Kids -WARNING!! Graphic material!! This should make you sick and extremely angry!! If it doesn't there is something wrong with you!!
Police appeared to opt out of taking action as San Francisco’s Pride march attendees openly performed oral sex on each other and engaged in disturbing sexual acts, including urinating on one another, during Sunday’s pride parade, social media video shows.

Ominous Signs In a Godless Nation
As followers of Christ — Jesus, the Son of God, our souls are saved by the blood He shed for us on Calvary, but we remain strangers, foreigners in this world. We must understand, we’re living in a world ruled by Satan, sojourners among the enemies of God, and we’re commanded to “occupy” until Jesus returns.

Pope Francis Urges Pride Organizers To Be Inclusive of 'Pedosexuals'
If you thought Pope Francis could not possibly make it any clearer that he’s a false prophet who is actively working to subvert Christianity, you would be wrong. If you thought the pope who replaced the conservative Pope Benedict in a globalist coup orchestrated by Obama, Clinton and Soros could not possibly find yet more shameful ways to betray his followers, you would be wrong again. Brace yourself because Pope Francis has voiced his support of people who molest children being openly accepted in mainstream society. Pope Francis has outdone himself this time, putting his Satanic cards on the table in the most shameless way possible as he joins the globalist elites’ war against our children.

Teens Face Felony Charges For Scooter Marks on Pride Street Mural
Three Washington State teenagers are facing felony charges after they left scooter marks on a gay pride mural that had been painted onto the pavement. A “no-ride zone” has been created around the mural.

We Can't Do the Work For You
You see, “pride” parades and festivals, and “transgender” “drag” events — which not so long ago only happened in the big cities — are now invading small town America, like waves of locusts. The outrage is justifiable, especially considering the targets of all this stuff are our children, and they’re no longer even trying to hide that fact. But my question is, “where have you been all this time?” People: are you just now finding out about all this? Have you listened to nothing I’ve been sounding the alarm about for the last 25 years? Did you not believe the evidence and proof I brought forth, over and over again? Or did you just not care because it wasn’t affecting you?

Navy SEALs ridiculed for promoting LGBT ‘pride’ on social media: ‘Our enemies are laughing at us’
The Navy SEALs – famous for being one of the military’s most elite, respected fighting forces – and the Department of Defense are being blasted on social media for promoting rainbow-colored social media posts promoting Pride month

‘Your Children Will Love Us. And Your Children Will Join Us!’ – LGBT Activist
In Philadelphia over the weekend a bit of chaos during the pride parade. Pro-Palestinian Queers formed a blockade – leading to a tense confrontation between the Pro-Palestinian mob and a bunch of lesbians banging their bongos.

VA Hospital Replaces American Flag With LGBT Flag
The American flag was reportedly removed and replaced with a gay pride flag inside the VA medical center in Orlando, Florida. Video of the flag was posted on social media and has since gone viral. The public affairs officer at the medical center has yet to respond to inquiries about the whereabouts of Old Glory. The video also shows a sign posted asking veterans to provide their preferred pronouns. There’s also another sign that says, “love wins.”

Manhunt Underway for Motorist Who Left Tire Marks on Gay Pride Crosswalk -- May God bless this individual!! I would like to shake their hand for their bold stance!! We need to see more of this!!
“In light of the recent vandalism targeting our Progressive Pride flag mural, I want to emphasize that there is no place for hate in St. Petersburg,” an aghast Welch wrote on his X account. “We stand united in valuing and appreciating every resident, regardless of their orientation, gender identity, or expression.”

Colorado Middle School Requires Teachers to Show LGBTQ+ ‘Day of Silence’ Video to Students
A middle school in Colorado set time aside for all students and staff to participate in a daylong LGBTQ+ celebration, encouraging students to watch a promotional video, complete “solidarity” activities, and buy related merchandise.

Maryland parents must accept LGBTQ-inclusive curriculum, appeals court decides
On Wednesday, a 2-1 panel of the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia ruled that Maryland parents cannot opt their children out of LGBTQ-inclusive book curricula in classrooms.

Women Are Paying Thousands Of Dollars To Attend “Rage Rituals” Where They Scream And Smash The Ground With Sticks
Would you pay thousands of dollars to take part in a “rage ritual” which involves screaming at the world at the top of your lungs and smashing the ground with large sticks? I imagine that your answer to that question is the same as mine. But there are lots of women that are signing up to do this, and the scam artists that are running these programs are making enormous amounts of money in the process. The women that get conned into attending one of these rage rituals are instructed to work themselves up into an unhinged frenzy by thinking of “every person who’s ever crossed you, who’s ever hurt you, who’s ever ignored your boundaries or taken advantage of you or abused you in any way”, and then they are supposed to use all of that anger as fuel as they hit the ground with big sticks.

‘Queer Planet’ NBC Series to Teach Children About Transgender Animal Fornication
One of the social engineers’ ongoing projects in the furtherance of transing the world is to convince the public, and particularly children, that animals, like humans, are rampantly pansexual or whatever, with the intended conclusion that abnormal human sexual behavior produced by chemical castration and gender ideology is actually a feature of the natural world and a product of evolution.

Elite Pedo Victim Claims 'Hung' Michelle Obama Attended Satanic Sex Parties
Welcome back to the People’s Voice where breaking news out of the Obama household raises the question – is absolutely everything about Barack and Michelle a carefully constructed lie? The dark truth about Michelle Obama has been hiding in plain sight for years now. Michelle’s high school boyfriend has confirmed she is in fact a biological male, and child rape victims are coming forward to testify they were raped by the former first lady – when she was a man. Then there is the eye test. Some things simply cannot be unseen. Then there is Barack Obama, whose own family have outed him as a closeted homosexual, as has his college girlfriend, and multiple former male lovers. How many people have to come forward before the mainstream media accept their liberal pin-up boy might not be who he claims to be? If everything about the Obamas is a lie, then questions must be asked – who are they, and why are the elite so determined to protect them?

Eighty seven year old woman sentenced to 11 year in prison for sitting in front of "murder" center door.
A death sentence for trying to protect children.

BUSTED: Secret Hollywood Pharmacy Caught Selling Adrenochrome Pills to Elite Celebrities
An elite pharmacy in Los Angeles has been busted selling adrenochrome pills to Hollywood executives and celebrities according to an LAPD source who reveals the ancient drug sourced from tortured and murdered children is booming in popularity in Tinseltown. According to law enforcement, Hollywood elites believe the more the child has suffered, the better the high. They believe the negative emotions that were coursing through the kid’s body, the adrenaline and terror, will give them health benefits and special powers. It’s a Hollywood thing influenced by old school Satanism and they believe they are untouchable because they own everything including the media.“ Unfortunately for the elite, they can’t pay for our silence and we are determined to expose their crimes against children to the masses. Buckle up, this one is going to get wild.

Teacher fired for her Christianity, what she 'might' do if a student wanted her to use fake pronouns wins big settlement
JUPURA VALLEY, CA - On Monday, May 13th, the Jurupa Unified School District (JUSD) settled a $360,000 lawsuit after it fired a teacher for her refusal to use a student's preferred pronouns.

Target Retreats from LGBT Merch after Year-Long Profit Bloodbath
This year’s Pride Month is shaping up to be a much more humble affair at Target. In an extremely gratifying twist, the company that bragged their transgender line is “great for our brand” has changed its mind after a year-long stock market bruising. It’s the latest evidence that the wildfire of consumer activism is not only spreading but forcing the kind of change most people never thought possible.

Viral Videos Appear To Show FBI Agents Visiting Homes Over Social Media Posts
The first clip shows three people who claim to be FBI agents visiting a woman called Rolla Abdeljawad at her home in Stillwater, Oklahoma.

Veterans Affairs Sued to Provide 'Gender-Affirming' Surgery to 163,000 Transgender Vets
The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, follows a letter sent out by the TAVA on last November’s ‘Transgender Day of Remembrance’ demanding that the VA start paying for the surgeries or face legal action.

Ohio Megachurch Performs Annual Super Bowl Themed Service. Pastor Punts Bible Across Stage Like Football
“It was the first time I heard that Crossroads would do anything short of sin to get people in the door. At first, that phrase alone sounded too provocative, and I bristled. But then I broke it down. OK, if it’s short of sin, it’s not sinning. So, maybe it’s OK,” said an editor for the church in an article.

EU Legalizes Child Porn As WEF Agenda To Normalize Pedophilia Accelerates
Germany has decriminalized bestiality and child pornography, Spain now encourages pedophiles to parade their naked victims around the streets, and France does not have an age of consent law anymore. That’s right – Europe has fallen under the influence of Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum and the shameless campaign to normalize pedophilia and other perversions in the western world. According to Schwab, the EU’s push to normalize pedophilia and legalize sexual relations with children must now be adopted with the same enthusiasm in the US. There is just one problem for Schwab and the other reprobates who crawl the halls of his globalist headquarters in Davos. We will never allow his sick agenda to infiltrate our culture. This is a hill we are willing to die on.

Town locals concerned over ‘diaper spa’ for adults with diaper fetishes (and it's near a children's park)
ATKINSON, NH – A business reportedly catering to adults harboring diaper fetishes has opened its doors in the New Hampshire city of Atkinson, spawning concerns among locals as to the sorts of clientele such an establishment would introduce to the area.

United Airlines CEO is a cross-dressing freak…
Have you noticed? The US aviation industry is crashing, both literally and figuratively. It’s like we’re watching the whole airline sector fall apart at the seams: pilots passing away out of the blue, passengers turning flights into WWE-style brawls, doors and windows blowing off mid-flight, and air traffic controllers resorting to Google for on-the-spot training. And when it seems things couldn’t get stranger, there’s the case of the freaky guy leading United Airlines.

Biden admin pours nearly $700,000 into program to prevent transgender boys from getting pregnant
The Biden administration has dished out nearly $700,000 to support the creation of a national pregnancy prevention program for transgender boys, federal grant records show.

SHOCKING REPORT: A middle school mom went undercover at @LakelandCSD to expose the shocking material they were teaching students and how the principal covered it up.
Students were given resources on se* dolls, herpes home testing, pe*is enlargers, and groping. They were also given a personality test which included questions about their se*uality and se*ual activity.

Pope Hosts Group of Transgender People for Luncheon at Vatican f You Are Supporting The Catholic "Whore" In Any Way You Are Part Of The Problem!!
The move comes shortly after the Vatican released a controversial document stating that transgender people – mentally ill people who believe they were somehow born as the “wrong” gender – are allowed to be baptized, serve as godparents, and witness marriages, all under certain conditions.

Former Mayor, LGBTQ Activist Found Guilty – Given Jaw-Dropping Sentence for Horrible Crime
Patrick Wojahn, a well-known LGBTQ activist and friend of key people in the Joe Biden administration, was sentenced to 30 years in prison on Monday. Wojahn pleaded guilty to 140 charges related to child pornography as part of a deal struck with prosecutors, according to Fox News. He was sentenced to 150 years total, with all but 30 years suspended. The former Democrat mayor, who resigned in March, will be eligible for parole in 7.5 years under state lawed.

Taxpayers Paying Millions for Child Medical Mutilation
ORLANDO, FL – As the “gender surgery industry” in the United States is expected to grow to $5 billion by 2030, many states are giving the industry tens of millions in taxpayer dollars to reimburse hospitals for harmful puberty blockers, hormone treatments, and mutilating surgeries administered on children. Researchers at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles reviewed the Medicaid policies for all 50 states and found that at least 25 states were using taxpayer money to cover gender surgeries in February 2021. As of November 2023, at least 26 states allow their Medicaid insurance programs for low-income families to cover medically mutilating procedures on minors.

Insanity: New Biden administration policy will fire HHS employees for using 'improper pronouns'
The policy, being implemented this month, was sent to department staff on Oct. 11, according to Roger Severino, former director of the HHS Office for Civil Rights, entitled the “Gender Identity Non-Discrimination and Inclusion Policy for Employees and Applicants.” is being touted as a “necessary step” to create a more “inclusive” space for “gender-diverse” employees and “provide workplace procedures safeguarding gender expression.”

‘Gender-bending’ elementary school teacher couple busted in prostitution sting
CHATTANOOGA, TN – A couple of elementary school substitute teachers who worked in the Hamilton County Schools district, who also happen to be some kind of a romantic couple, were apparently hemmed up in a prostitution sting this past August.

Tyrese calls out Devil Worshiping (With Examples)
Tyrese Gibson called out a lot of the Satanic crap thats been center stage in the Music Industry on BigBoyTV back in May during an Interview for Fast and Furious 10

ADL Declares Pedophiles 'Will Liberate America'
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) are working towards the strategic goal of legalizing child rape and pedophilia, according to an insider who warns the achievement of this objective will result in the downfall of American civilization. The ADL have been attempting to normalize pedophilia behind the scenes for more than a century – and now they are becoming so arrogant that we are seeing the fruits of their labor right out in the open.

Kim Davis Will Appeal Verdict in Ermold Case
ASHLAND, KY – Liberty Counsel will file a judgment notwithstanding the verdict to U.S. District Court Judge David Bunning next week in response to the jury rendering $100,000 against former Rowan County Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis in Ermold v. Davis. Essentially, the jury had no basis or evidence to support their verdict.

New Records Show Obama Admin Purchased Aborted Babies’ Heads for $515 Each
Judicial Watch received the records through a March 2019 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, of which the FDA is a part (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department Health and Human Services (No. 1:19-cv-00876)). The lawsuit asks for all contracts and related documentation on disbursement of funds, procedural documents and communications between FDA and ABR for the provision of human fetal tissue to be used in humanized mice research. After successfully opposing the FDA’s redaction of certain information from its records, a federal court ordered HHS to release additional information about its purchases of organs harvested from aborted human fetuses – including “line item prices,” or the price per organ the government paid to ABR. The court also found “there is reason to question” whether the transactions violate federal law barring the sale of fetal organs. Documents previously uncovered in this lawsuit show that the federal government demanded the purchased fetal organs be “fresh and never frozen.”)

Teen girls belittled for t-shirts at 4-H event in Washington State: 'My pronoun is nor/mal'
The girls were a part of the 4-H equestrian team competition in August called the Groom Squad. During the event, teams were awarded extra points if they showed up in matching shirts or outfits.

Top U.S. Doctor Group Wants Taxpayers to Fund Uterus Transplants for Men!
Many years ago, radical feminists and other pro-abortion women started a new chant against pro-life Catholics standing up for the defenseless unborn: “Keep your rosaries off my ovaries!”

‘Dream Scenario for Pedophiles’: Austin School District Approves Curriculum Giving Graphic Sex Tips to Kids
The Austin Independent School District (AISD) approved the standards unanimously last month. At the meeting where it was approved, over 100 people made their voices heard about the standards. Pro-child advocates faced off with depraved LGBT activists, who are delighted about the success of their efforts to corrupt the souls of the youth.

The Magical Rainbow Flag
On June 17th, Capitol Square in Madison, Wisconsin was packed with people. It was the usual crowd shopping at the Farmer’s Market, but those shoppers were overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of people who came to watch — or participate in — the annual “Naked Bike Ride.”

A Grandfathers Saves His Grandkids from a Child Trafficker… He’s Now in Prison! | 8-14-2023

BREAKING! Child concentration camps discovered in U.S. near Texas border | Redacted w Clayton Morris
Children pouring across our souther border and now being kept in concentration camps. Yes this is happening in America. Children with no parents being shuttled across the U.S. border and then sold off to wealth Americans. All of this happening while the Biden administration and Governor Greg Abbot ignore the problem. Michael Yon and Ann Vandersteel join us from the U.S. Southern border.

College offers 'Talking Dirty' dual-credit course on sex
Professors Christine Grela and Tim Seitz jointly teach the ‘twofer’ class, merging the disciplines of human sexuality and ethics to create its curriculum and provide students with the opportunity to earn double the college credit.

Trans Soldiers Can “Skip” Deployment
In accordance with a February 2023 Department of Defense letter explaining care at the Womack Army Medical Center (WAMC) at Fort Liberty, transgender personnel taking hormone therapy may postpone deployment for as long as 300 days.

The Return of the Gods | Rabbi Jonathan Cahn | LW
Welcome to Living Word Christian Center, Thank you for joining us! If you enjoy this message, be sure to like and subscribe to see more messages from guest speakers, pastors, and discussions with community members!

Barack Obama Says Pedophiles Deserve 'Same Rights' As 2SLGBTQI+
As the mainstream media continues celebrating the global elite’s war on our children, Barack Obama has nailed his colors to the mast by admitting in a tweet that pornographic books like “Gender Queer” have played a key role in shaping his life. Obama’s tweet contains so many red flags that even liberals are starting to wake up and question if their golden boy has been living an artfully constructed lie in front of the American people for decades. If this is you, then welcome, and congratulations on finally daring to ask the questions that the establishment media has been telling you that you must not. There is a lot of information out there and the warning signs that Obama is a clear and present danger to our children are flashing red.

Brawl erupts as California parents protest 'sexualized' curriculum
The 'Outnumbered' panel breaks down a brawl that erupted outside a California school board meeting over 'sexualized' curriculum and Southern Poverty Law Center labeling Moms for Liberty an 'extremist group.'

Nation’s Largest Teachers Union Votes To Officially Promote Child Sex Changes
The nation’s largest teachers union approved a new measure this week that calls for the group and its members to promote sex-change procedures for LGBTQ youth, according to Education Week, a news organization that focuses predominantly on K-12 schools.

A small-town Georgia preacher fills pews by leaving no one out
In this small town in the rural northeast corner of Georgia, it’s the kind of message that assures Teri Massey she is loved for being who she is — a message 180 degrees from the one she heard in the Baptist church where she spent her teens into her 40s, where her grandfather, father and brother all held leadership positions.

Schools Are Now Allowing Children To Identify As Cats, Horses And Dinosaurs
I seriously should have thought of this when I was a kid. If I could have answered every question a teacher asked by meowing like a cat or roaring like a dinosaur, there is no way they could have ever accused me of getting an answer wrong. And when it was time for a quiz or a test, I could have just responded to every question with a paw print.

Conservatives Call for Kellogg’s Boycott After Dylan Mulvaney Poses with Tony the Tiger at the Tony Awards (VIDEO)
Conservatives are now calling for a Kellogg’s boycott after transgender pervert Dylan Mulvaney posed with Tony the Tiger at the Tony Awards on Sunday.

China Publishes Command and Conquer Red Alert Video – While America Promotes Trans Members for Pride Month
China is serious. Communist China just posted this video of female forces with Command and Conquer Red Alert theme music. The video was allegedly published by the Chinese Embassy in France.

California Bill Will Charge Parents With Child Abuse If Not Trans Affirming
A recently amended California bill would add "affirming" the sexual transition of a child to the state's standard for parental responsibility and child welfare--making any parent who doesn't affirm transgenderism for their child guilty of abuse under California state law.

Boys Beware – “Prejudiced” 1960’s Educational Video
The title of this clip is NOT quite accurate. This was just released on youtube in the Celebration of Pride month. Prejudice ? Only to those who are part of the LGBTQ Agenda and who feel it is ok to prey on young children. I remember seeing this short clip when I was in the 6th grade at Westlake Elementary School in Indianapolis, Indiana. All the boys in the school were escorted to the gym to watch this clip. THESE CHANGING TIMES…. and in a very BAD Way. Schools back then were PROTECTING children and today… they are PROMOTING the Homosexual LIfestyle. Drag Queen Story Hour ?? Draq Queen Shows at Elementary Schools??

Girl Scouts Pushes LGBT Agenda on Members With Special Patch
ORLANDO, FL – Girl Scouts USA (GSUSA) which has become a politically divisive, pro-abortion organization that abandoned its mission years ago, is now offering a special patch for members who complete a series of LGBT-themed activities as part of a “multicultural community celebration.”

LIBBY EMMONS: Massachusetts town legalizes polyamorous 'domestic unions' only 8 years after Supreme Court ruled in favor of same-sex marriage
A New York City judge cited Roberts' dissent to Obergefell in determining that polyamorous partners have housing rights just as a married couple would. The judge, ruling that a shared apartment can continue to be held by a surviving member of a throuple upon the death of the leaseholder, used Roberts’ position that if the door were opened to same-sex unions, polyamorous ones would be next.

WATCH: Target Tops Bud Light – Goes Next Level Pushing Satan Worship & Murder
Radio host Owen Shroyer visits a Target store in Austin, Texas, to expose the sickening clothes & accessories still being marketed to infants & young children:

Shock Ruling By Judge - Pride Parade For Students Can Be Mandatory
A parental war against a school's decision to forcibly indoctrinate 4-year-old students into the LGBT ideology is continuing – even though a judge in the case already has issued a radical ruling that the agenda for alternative sexual lifestyle choices essentially is "Christian."

Florida Teacher Under Investigation for Showing “Woke” Disney Movie to Students
Florida educators have been trying to navigate the battle ground that is the state’s legal system for over a year. There’s been a slew of bills proposed or passed recently attacking Florida’s LGBTQ+ community, with many aimed at the transgender community.

U.S. Supreme Court Unanimously Sides with Transgender Refugee, Affirming Her Identity in Historic Ruling
Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson wrote the court's opinion in Santos-Zacaria v. Garland, which is historic for its humanizing language to describe a transgender woman who fled persecution in Guatemala

"Schools must equip children to have sexual partners" - say the UN and WHO
This evidence report reveals how the World Health Organization and United Nations are sexualizing little children in primary education worldwide, for the purpose of normalizing pedophilia. This report consists of nothing but solid evidence, with many official documents, videos, books, archives, etc. All PDF documents may be downloaded from the references section at the end of this report.

POLITICSUS Navy Appoints Drag Queen to Lead Recruitment Drive
In a bid to address the ongoing recruitment crisis and promote diversity, the US Navy has appointed Yeoman 2nd Class Joshua Kelley, an active-duty drag queen who identifies as non-binary, as the first of five Navy Digital Ambassadors.

Sexual deviant child molester tells his fellow perverts to buy a gun to fight Christians!! ARM UP CHRISTIANS!! Obey Nums. 1:1, Neh. 4:13 and Luke 22:36!!

Archdiocese of Boston responds to Satanic Temple event with call for prayer, Eucharistic Adoration
The event, titled SatanCon, will be held Friday-Sunday, April 28-30, at the Boston Marriott Copley Place. Organizers are boasting that the event, which has reportedly sold out, will be “the largest satanic gathering in history.”

Washington To Castrate Minors Without Parental Consent As UN Pushes Legalized Pedophilia

WEF and UN Order Govt's To Decriminalize Sex With 'Willing Children'

Florida LGBTQ Parade Canceled After Law Protecting Children Passed - PRAISE GOD!!!
The Florida House of Representatives, which passed the bill 82-31, sent it to Governor Ron DeSantis last Wednesday, and he is expected to sign it into law. The bill defines “adult live performance” as “Any show, exhibition, or other presentation in front of a live audience which, in whole or in part, depicts or simulates nudity, sexual conduct, sexual excitement, or specific sexual activities … lewd conduct … when … taken as a whole, is without serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value for the age of the child present.”

Missouri House Republicans Vote to Defund Public Libraries After School Libraries Sue Over ‘Sexually Explicit’ Book Ban
Republican lawmakers in Missouri voted to defund public libraries this week, cutting all $4.5 million in state funding that libraries were slated to receive in the next fiscal year.

Drag queens do sexual themed performances in front of a baby who then hands them cash tips with the mom’s help
Lev. 20:13 and Roms. 1:32

New Trans Gimmick Mocks Women And Disgusts Anyone With A Brain
First of all, a prosthesis is an artificial device used to replace a missing body part. People apparently STILL don’t understand that a baby is a whole separate person and not simply a part of a woman’s body. But, labels aside, since when do women poop out babies?! Are we just trying to make a mockery of childbirth?

Angelina Jolie: "I Was In The Illuminati I'm Going To Tell You Everything" - Shocking Exposé

School forced to close after donors pull funding over LGBTQ language
Urban Christian Academy is a private, K-8 school with an enrollment of 100 that describes itself as providing "a tuition-free, high-quality, Christ-centered education for low-income students."

Girls Basketball Team Withdraws From State Tournament In Protest Against Transgender Player Who Dominates Games
After finding out that their opponents the Long Trail School Mountain Lions (LTS) had a biological male on their team, the Mid Vermont Christian School Eagles (MVCS) forfeited their playoff game.

Virginia Elementary School Hosts First Meeting of ‘After School Satan Club’
According to a flyer posted on Reddit, the club plans to teach kids “benevolence and empathy, critical thinking, problem-solving, creative expression, personal sovereignty, and compassion.”

Official Gov’t Docs Expose Michelle Obama’s 14 Year History as a Man
As news breaks that Barack and Michelle Obama have been named and shamed by one of Jeffrey Epstein’s child sex trafficking victims, it has never been so important to understand who Michelle Obama really is. According to official documents obtained from the Illinois State Board of Elections, former First Lady Michelle Obama was registered to vote as a man from 1994 until 2008. The official documents also reveal Obama officially changed her sex to female in 2008, the same year her husband was running for the presidency.

Christian Teacher Fired For Refusing To Hide 'Gender Transitions' From Parents
This practice of secrecy is standard across Canada's public school system and much of the UK system; the New York Times published a journalistic essay admitting that this has become common across the United States, as well.

Prostitutes Solicit Sex Next to Catholic Elementary School in Oakland After Newsom Signs Law Ending Loitering Arrests For Prostitution (VIDEO)
Prostitutes are now soliciting johns next to a St. Anthony’s K-8 Catholic grade school in Oakland all hours of the day after Governor Newsom signed a law ending loitering arrests for prostitution.

The 2023 Grammys, Host of the Sam Smith Satanic Ritual
While the 2023 Grammy Awards featured Beyonce, Jay-Z, Harry Styles and Lizzo, the main star of the show was Sam Smith and the ritualistic drama he carried out throughout the ceremony Here’s a look at the intense symbolism of the 2023 Grammy Awards.

EVIL IN OUR MIDST: Democrats Ditch the US Flags and Wear “Abortion” Pins Instead to SOTU Address
In June 2022 the US Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in a landmark decision. The SCOTUS ruling effectively ending recognition of a constitutional right to abortion and giving individual states the power to allow, limit, or ban the practice altogether.

Georgia cop, 19, resigns after suspension for religious post on gay marriage: 'Dangerous precedent'
A former Georgia police officer who was investigated for a religious social media post that claimed "there's no such thing" as gay marriage said he felt pressured to resign after he was told he could be fired for sharing his beliefs.

Nebraska Democratic State Senator Proposes Amendment To Bar Kids From Attending Church Events
Legendary poet Maya Angelou is famous for her quote “when someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” A far-left Nebraska state senator decided to declare war on religious families despite her protestations afterwards that she was merely trolling.


YMCA Staff Shamed Teen Girl Upset by Seeing ‘Trans Woman’s, Man’s Private Part, In Women’s Locker Room
Rebecca Philips, 17, said she was shocked and frightened when a naked man walked through the women’s locker room at the Santee YMCA in the near northwestern San Diego suburb, the New York Post reported.

It’s no secret that the modern university system is a breeding ground for liberal ideologies. But what Penn State professor Sam Richards is doing takes that to a whole new level.

Why Is the LA Zoo Inviting Children to Their Drag Show?
LA Zoo hosted an "All Ages" drag show with tickets available for "Children" and even "Infants" in partnership with LA Pride. Aldo attended the event to ask parents, zoo administrators, and drag participants why children should be allowed to participate in a sexually charged event

Conservative Christian Icon Released from Prison after three years
Philip Zodhiates recently completed a three-year federal prison sentence and one year of supervised release for giving Lisa Miller and her daughter a car ride from Virginia to New York. Lisa was fleeing the country to protect her then 7-year-old child from court-sanctioned sexual abuse perpetrated by Lisa’s former lesbian civil union partner – a relationship that ended after she surrendered her life fully to Jesus Christ.

Dr. James Dobson and Gary Bauer on Senate’s Passing of ‘Respect for Marriage Act:’ ‘One of the Darkest Days for Religious Liberty in America’
“Nov. 29, 2022 was one of the darkest days for religious liberty in America. Fortynine out of 50 Democrat senators and 12 out of 50 Republican senators turned their backs on the institution of marriage and voted “yes” to pass the misnamed Respect for Marriage Act (RMA). The legislation now goes to the House, where it will likely be passed, and then onto the president for his final signature.

Uganda President: "Homosexuals are disgusting"
Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni has signed into law a bill that toughens penalties against gay people and defines some homosexual acts as crimes punishable by life in prison.

School Bathroom Policy Based on Biology Upheld
In Adams v. School Board of St. Johns County, the Eleventh Circuit reversed and remanded the district court’s previous order regarding a student’s statutory and constitutional challenge to a school district policy barring students from using bathrooms that do not correspond with their biological sex. Drew Adams, a biological girl in Florida, wanted to use the boys’ restrooms instead of either the girls’ restrooms or the single-stall restrooms that the school made available for students.