Pastor Butch News title

The Food Industry was Purchased by the Cigarette Industry: “Our Food a Science Experiment”

It's OK
A VERY hard 4 minute video to watch. This is EXACTLEY why it IS VITAL that you watch it!

NEWS BREAKING: Supreme Court Delivers Procedural Ruling on Abortion Drugs Another nail in America's coffin!!
Justice Brett Kavanaugh delivered the opinion of the Court, in which he wrote that even though the plaintiffs have “sincere legal, moral, ideological, and policy objections to elective abortion and to the FDA’s relaxed regulation of mifepristone,” because they do not prescribe or use the abortion drug mifepristone, and the FDA is not requiring them to “do or refrain from doing anything,” “the plaintiffs lack standing to challenge FDA’s actions.”

Louisiana expected to classify abortion pills as controlled and dangerous substances
Supporters of the reclassification of mifepristone and misoprostol, commonly known as “abortion pills”, say it would protect expectant mothers from coerced abortions. Numerous doctors, meanwhile, have said it will make it harder for them to prescribe the medicines they use for other important reproductive healthcare needs, and could delay treatment.

Eighty seven year old woman sentenced to 11 year in prison for sitting in front of "murder" center door.
A death sentence for trying to protect children.

BUSTED: Secret Hollywood Pharmacy Caught Selling Adrenochrome Pills to Elite Celebrities
An elite pharmacy in Los Angeles has been busted selling adrenochrome pills to Hollywood executives and celebrities according to an LAPD source who reveals the ancient drug sourced from tortured and murdered children is booming in popularity in Tinseltown. According to law enforcement, Hollywood elites believe the more the child has suffered, the better the high. They believe the negative emotions that were coursing through the kid’s body, the adrenaline and terror, will give them health benefits and special powers. It’s a Hollywood thing influenced by old school Satanism and they believe they are untouchable because they own everything including the media.“ Unfortunately for the elite, they can’t pay for our silence and we are determined to expose their crimes against children to the masses. Buckle up, this one is going to get wild.

He quit his job after what he witnessed..This brief antimated video of a baby being torn apart in the womb is a true story. It is gruesome!! You have been warned!! Watch what we have allowed in America!!

Consciousness May Actually Begin Before Birth, Study Suggests
Although the prevailing theory throughout the 20th century was that consciousness didn’t develop until many months after birth, this new research argues that consciousness could occur much earlier, and even possibly in the final month of pregnancy. (Note: The study makes it clear that any consciousness that could develop during pregnancy only occurs around 35 weeks of gestation.) The researchers published their findings in the journal Trends in Cognitive Sciences.

Margaret Sanger and the Culture of Death
Since 1916 when Sanger opened the nation’s first birth control clinic in New York City, Planned Parenthood has become a multi-billion-dollar “nonprofit” organization. According to its 2022 annual report, Planned Parenthood has more than $2 billion in assets and generated more than $1.6 billion in revenue worldwide in 2022, including $670 million from government sources. In addition to now being the largest abortion provider in America, Planned Parenthood is also the largest provider of pornographic comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) in public schools, and is the second largest provider of harmful puberty blockers and hormone treatments in America. Planned Parenthood is operating a perpetuating cycle of death that has claimed millions of lives in abortions since 1970; harmed more than 274,000 adults and minors alike with medical procedures performed in 2020-2022, including harmful, “experimental gender services;” and has provided public schools with CSE that promotes adolescent sexual activity and experimentation, and normalization of “transgenderism” that aims to channel more people into its “services.”

New Records Show Obama Admin Purchased Aborted Babies’ Heads for $515 Each
Judicial Watch received the records through a March 2019 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, of which the FDA is a part (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department Health and Human Services (No. 1:19-cv-00876)). The lawsuit asks for all contracts and related documentation on disbursement of funds, procedural documents and communications between FDA and ABR for the provision of human fetal tissue to be used in humanized mice research. After successfully opposing the FDA’s redaction of certain information from its records, a federal court ordered HHS to release additional information about its purchases of organs harvested from aborted human fetuses – including “line item prices,” or the price per organ the government paid to ABR. The court also found “there is reason to question” whether the transactions violate federal law barring the sale of fetal organs. Documents previously uncovered in this lawsuit show that the federal government demanded the purchased fetal organs be “fresh and never frozen.”)

“Christian” Pastors Defend Killing Babies in Abortions: God Wants Us to Have “Freedom”
According to the Religion News Service, the pastors, who profess to be Christians, asserted that God gives women the “freedom” to make their own decisions about aborting their unborn babies. One even wore a pink pastor’s stole with the name and logo of the billion-dollar abortion chain Planned Parenthood.

CompassCare’s exterior sign was defaced using red-letter graffiti in typical Antifa/Jane’s Revenge fashion. Red letters spelling “LIARS” were splayed over the entirety of the sign. Maoist Antifa sympathizers oddly insist that Christian pro-life pre
CompassCare’s exterior sign was defaced using red-letter graffiti in typical Antifa/Jane’s Revenge fashion. Red letters spelling “LIARS” were splayed over the entirety of the sign. Maoist Antifa sympathizers oddly insist that Christian pro-life pregnancy centers mislead and enslave women. International Maoist Antifa claims are based on a political philosophy that is anti-Christian and anti-capitalist, wrongly believing women are forced to have their babies thereby becoming a permanent socio-economic underclass.

South Carolina becomes the latest GOP-led state with a bill to make the death penalty a punishment for abortion
State Rep. Rob Harris introduced the South Carolina Prenatal Equal Protection Act of 2023 last week, which could make getting an abortion the same as committing homicide. The bill had been prefiled in December and is now sits in the Judiciary Committee.

Talmudics Are Out Front Promoting The Abortion Agenda--Again!
As I have stated before, and as many others have shown, Tel Aviv, Israel, is the world capital in regards to the glorification and promotion of abortion, homosexuality and all things hedonistic. That evangelical Christians continue to regard the Zionist State of Israel as "The Holy Land" and Talmudic Jews as "God's Chosen People" is a testament to the depths of ignorance and apostasy to which evangelical pastors and churches have fallen.

EVIL IN OUR MIDST: Democrats Ditch the US Flags and Wear “Abortion” Pins Instead to SOTU Address
In June 2022 the US Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in a landmark decision. The SCOTUS ruling effectively ending recognition of a constitutional right to abortion and giving individual states the power to allow, limit, or ban the practice altogether.

Minnesota passes abortion with no regulations up to birth.
All these States that are passing these Evil Murderous Laws will….at some point in Time lose their Right to keep and Bear Arms. Why should God allow the people the right and privilege to self defense when they refuse as a collective whole to protect the unborn and soon to be born. I said to my neighbor and his wife several years ago the Right to Bear Arms in this State would be taken away if Vermonters won’t protect the unborn. They said it would never happen because the right to abortion and firearms are the Law and I said laws and rights change. Since that conversation they have stopped talking or waving to me. The Truth cuts.

Woke Companies - How Many "Christians" Will Continue To Patronize These Damnable Cesspools? The Answer!! NO TRUE CHRISTIANS WILL!!

For Immediate Release: Pro-Abortion Terrorism Continues Post-Roe
Attacks on Christian, pro-life pregnancy centers have not subsided after the reversal of Roe v Wade on Friday, June 24. Christian, pro-life pregnancy centers are still the target of pro-abortion terrorist activity. The pro-abortion terrorist group Jane’s Revenge promised a “Night of Rage” for the evening Roe v Wade was reversed. While there were multiple protests, the “Night of Rage” also yielded at least one more firebombing of a Christian, pro-life pregnancy center—this time in Colorado. With the “Night of Rage,” Jane’s Revenge proudly wears the moniker of “Kristallnacht.”

Proliferation of Mass Shootings Related to Abortion
The latest mass shooting in Suburban Chicago over the Fourth of July weekend brings the national toll of mass shootings so far this year to 309. CompassCare CEO, Rev. Jim Harden, insists that the root cause of the proliferation of this violence is the same reason abortion is promoted: the devaluation of human life.

Judge rules church meeting near abortion biz caused 'psychiatric symptoms'!
The Church at Planned Parenthood (TCAPP) in Spokane, Washington, has been ordered to pay $110,000 in damages to Planned Parenthood of Greater Washington and North Idaho. According to KXLY, a judge ruled that the church violated state law, and that their meetings interfered with patient care. Their actions, the judge claimed, “created an increased risk of hypertension, increased pain, and a variety of psychiatric symptoms.”

An Evil Nation
To give you an idea of the number of preborn babies killed by abortion in the United States since the legalization of Abortion in 1973.

FBI raids home of Catholic pro-life speaker, author with guns drawn as his terrified kids watch
A well-known pro-life author, sidewalk counselor, and father of seven was the latest victim of a U.S. Department of Justice-sponsored SWAT raid and arrest — for supposed “FACE Act” violations — at his rural home as his children looked on “screaming.”

FBI raids home of Catholic pro-life speaker, author with guns drawn as his terrified kids watch
A well-known pro-life author, sidewalk counselor, and father of seven was the latest victim of a U.S. Department of Justice-sponsored SWAT raid and arrest — for supposed “FACE Act” violations — at his rural home as his children looked on “screaming.”

Walmart announces it will cover the cost of an abortion and pay for staff to travel to obtain one You "Christians" Continue To Support Baby Murderers!!
Walmart told its employees on Friday that it will now cover the cost of abortion and related travel expenses in cases up until the point of “fetal viability.”

Democrats demand “abortion tents” in national parks to mass murder American babies on federal land; Sen. “Pocahontas” Warren thinks federal butchery of Native Americans didn’t go far enough
Left-wing abortion zealots want to set up “abortion tents” across America’s national parks in red states so that baby murder can continue to be carried out against America’s babies in contradiction to the recent Roe decision rendered by the US Supreme Court.

Former Planned Parenthood Official: We Pushed Sex Ed on Kids to Create a Market for Abortion
Monica Cline worked as a “comprehensive sex educator” and volunteer for Planned Parenthood for a decade before walking away to become a specialist in avoiding sexual risk and start an organization called It Takes a Family.

Starbucks will cover travel for workers seeking abortionsGo ahead you "Christians" and support Starbuck and the other business's listed in this email. God doesn't care if you support the MUDERING of innocent children!!
Starbucks said Monday it will pay the travel expenses for U.S. employees to access abortion and gender-confirmation procedures if those services aren’t available within 100 miles of a worker’s home.

Absolute Insanity
The absolute disconnect of these people…

Pro-Abortion Extremists Threaten To Burn Down, Storm Supreme Court, Murder Justices, Government Memo Reveals
Pro-abortion extremists are reportedly threatening to burn down the Supreme Court building and murder justices and the clerks, prompting law enforcement to ready itself for political violence should Roe v. Wade be overturned.

Pro-Abortion Extremists Threaten To Burn Down, Storm Supreme Court, Murder Justices, Government Memo Reveals
Pro-abortion extremists are reportedly threatening to burn down the Supreme Court building and murder justices and the clerks, prompting law enforcement to ready itself for political violence should Roe v. Wade be overturned.

Texas Rep Goes Off After Abortion Doctor Dances Around the Murderous Procedure
When is a Republican using “inflammatory language” to describe abortion? When he or she describes what the procedure can entail, apparently.

Most do not allow abortion after the first trimester unless there is serious danger to the mother’s health. Meanwhile, Democrats in the US demand abortion up to the moment of birth. And several Democrat leaders are in support of infanticide or murdering the baby after birth.

Pro-Abortion Mob Gets Even Worse: ‘Fetus = Good Snack’
We knew the pro-abortion protesters were nutcases. But, I don’t think anyone of us realized just how sick they truly are. In pictures and videos posted by The Blaze, we get to see just how perverted they can be. Journalist and videographer Drew Hernandez chronicled the signs and people in pictures and on video.

⁣Babies Delivered Alive and Hearts Cut Out Without Anesthesia to Develop Vaccines
⁣Babies Delivered Alive and Hearts Cut Out Without Anesthesia to Develop Vaccines

Antifa goons hurl Molotov cocktail into offices of Wisconsin anti-abortion group and spray chilling message saying: 'If abortions aren't safe you aren't either'
Antifa vandals hurled at least one Molotov cocktail into offices of an anti-abortion group in Wisconsin and scrawled a chilling message on the wall that read: 'If abortions aren't safe you aren't either.'


Evidence of infant-murder in the creation of the fetal cell line used for COVID vaccine testing
To obtain embryo cells [for research on vaccines and other pharma products], embryos from spontaneous abortions cannot be used, nor can those obtained by means of abortions performed via the vagina: in both cases, the embryo will be contaminated by micro-organisms.

Maryland Senate Bill 669 Legalizes Infanticide Up To 28 Days After Birth
There’s a lot of rubber meeting the road these days. And, as we have warned time and again, giving an inch leads to taking a mile. Residents in Maryland are about to find that out with Senate Bill 669 proposed in the Maryland legislature.

SCOTUS Rules Texas Abortion Law Remains in Place
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Supreme Court ruled today in two cases, Whole Woman’s Health v. Jackson and United States v. Texas, that Texas’ six-week abortion ban will remain in place while allowing abortion facility lawsuits to proceed in the lower courts.

Chief Justice John Roberts warns Supreme Court over Texas abortion law
WASHINGTON — The chief justice of the United States, John Roberts, warned Friday that the Supreme Court risks losing its own authority if it allows states to circumvent the courts as Texas did with its near-total abortion ban.

Big changes to abortion law appear likely after oral arguments at Supreme Court in Mississippi case
The U.S. Supreme Court appears poised to dramatically weaken legal abortion protections — and it could completely overturn the landmark Roe v. Wade ruling next summer — after oral arguments in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization on Wednesday.

Science proves Roe v. Wade wrong. Humanity doesn't start at 20 weeks: Lila Rose
Two little boys celebrated their first birthdays this summer, one in Minnesota and one in Alabama – miles apart, but with similar stories. Both born at 21 weeks, Richard Hutchinson and Curtis Means were 131 and 132 days premature, respectively.

Meet Baby Olivia | A Never Before Seen Look At Human Life In The Womb
From a single-celled human to a baby with a beating heart, brainwaves, fingers, and toes, Olivia shows the remarkable beauty of a unique life within the womb. Baby Olivia was created by Live Action and reviewed by accredited medical professionals to show audiences the spectacular life of a baby growing within the womb. With scientific accuracy, this video depicts the moment human life begins and beyond to show the humanity of preborn children throughout each stage of human development.

It should go without saying that liberals are completely nuts but there are those that still empathize with them. The hypocrisy that they display on a daily basis is mind-blowing and it seems that it only grows. However, this is one that really has me scratching my head since it literally makes no sense whatsoever.

Ohio Republicans introduce bill to effectively ban all abortions following Texas Heartbeat Act
The Ohio bill would ban abortion at any stage of pregnancy and employ a similar enforcement mechanism as the one used under the Texas Heartbeat Act.

Was COVID vaccine fetal tissue obtained by the murder of an infant?
With the release of COVID vaccines, and then the mandates, we’ve seen a new resurgence of people attempting to gain religious exemptions.

Presbyterian Pastor: Any Reason is a Good Reason to Kill a Baby in an Abortion
The last time we encountered progressive theologian The Rev. Rebecca Todd Peters she was offering a defense of why it’s was perfectly acceptable for North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper to veto a “dangerous” bill. “ What bill was she [and he] bravely opposing?

Texas Abortionist Says It’s His ‘Life’s Calling,’ Used To Perform 30 Abortions Per Day
A Texas abortionist who has claimed that he used to perform about 30 abortions a day called abortion his “life’s calling” in a recent interview where he describes his dilemma about whether he should follow Texas’ new “heartbeat bill.”

Human babies SCALPED ALIVE by NIH-funded University of Pittsburgh “research,” dubbed “Nazi-level” evil
In one instance, Frankenstein “scientists” at Pitt sliced off a baby’s scalp and implanted it onto the back of a laboratory rat to see if it would grow any hair. That “research” was published in the Nature journal, pictures included.

Texas Law That Bans Abortion Before Many Women Know They're Pregnant Takes Effect
Legislation banning abortions after about six weeks is now the law of the land in Texas, effectively ending Roe v. Wade protections in the state.

Satanic Temple argues abortion is religious right, challenging Texas law
The controversial Texas heartbeat bill, which bans most abortions in the state after six weeks' gestation, is now under attack from the Massachusetts-based group The Satanic Temple, which argues that the law infringes on the group’s religious freedom by imposing an “undue burden” on its "satanic abortion ritual."

University Admits Harvesting Kidneys From Unborn Babies While Their Hearts are Still Beating
The University of Pittsburgh may have inadvertently provided more evidence this week that aborted babies may be being born alive and left to die so that their organs may be used for scientific research, according to the Center for Medical Progress.

“Nothing in the ConsƟtuƟon Establishes a Right to AborƟon
3,300 babies are murdered every day during an abortion. Their beating heart which can be heard as early as 12-18 days, stops. Nearly 65 MILLION babies murdered since 9 men on the Supreme Court ruled Roe v Wade.

Texas governor signs law banning abortions after six weeks, allows lawsuits for procedure
(AUSTIN, Texas) Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed legislation on Wednesday that would ban abortions as early as six weeks, with no exceptions for rape or incest, and allow anyone in the state to sue over an abortion procedure, according to The Daily Beast.

Baby Harvesting Caught On Camera - Watch If You Can!!
caution human harvesting baby parts more evidence part 3 to back up what you are watching now part 1 is on this channel its more detailed when we find the video we will post ⁣

What can I even put here...pure evil...made from babies' bodies chopped into small pieces and cooked on a stove?!? But don't write about Vitamin C or D. That will get you kicked off social media. You just never know what is in something anymore.

Taxpayers Must Now Fund Trafficking of Baby Body Parts
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has reversed a policy put in place under President Donald Trump that halted all NIH funded research using aborted fetal tissue. The Biden administration will now force taxpayers to fund the trafficking of aborted baby body parts.

Abortion Leading Global Cause of Death in 2020 with 42.7 Million Killed
Abortion was once again the number-one cause of death globally in 2020, with a record 42.7 million unborn babies killed in the womb, according to data provided by Worldometer.

Most Shocking Thing I Have Ever Seen - Disgusting And Chilling Proof That Pro-Abortion Advocates Think Killing Babies Is Fun - This Has Nothing to Do With Healthcare Or 'Reproductive Rights'
In my 50-plus years I have seen a lot, much of which I wish I hadn't, but what we will be discussing below has got to be the most chilling, shocking and disgusting thing we have seen from pro-abortion feminists to date, and considering some of we have seen, that is saying something.

Louisiana Voters Exclude ‘Right to Abortion’ from State Constitution
BATON ROUGE, LA – Voters overwhelmingly approved Louisiana Amendment 1 which adds language to the Louisiana Declaration of Rights that says that “nothing in the state’s constitution shall be construed to secure or protect a right to abortion or require the funding of abortion.”

33 Countries Declare No International Right to Abortion
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The United States and 32 other nations recently signed the Geneva Consensus Declaration on Promoting Womens Health and Strengthening the Family, which declares 'there is no international right to abortion and that the family is fundamental to society.

United Nations Creating a Global Network to Slaughter Children as a Human Right
United Nations Combining The World’s Largest Abortion Providers To Create A Unified Global Network To Slaughter Children As A ‘Human Right’

BREAKING: The Satanic Temple Sues Over Banned Billboards
The Satanic Temple (TST) has sued the Lamar Billboard Company over allegations of religious discrimination and breach of contract after Lamar refused to post TST’s designs that announce its religious abortion ritual. Sincere performance of this ritual exempts members from complying with many state regulations, such as mandatory waiting periods and compulsory counseling, that are not medically necessary and violate TST’s religious beliefs.

Aborted Fetus Cells Used In Drug Used And Touted By Trump For Covid
A COVID-19 treatment used by President Trump during his illness was tested using a cell line derived from a human fetus, even though his administration opposes the use of aborted fetuses for scientific purposes.

Supreme Court Rules 5-4, favoring Abortion; Justice Roberts Casts Deciding Pro-Abortion Vote in Louisiana Case.
Intro: For the first time since Trump’s new appointees have served on the Supreme Court, the Court has issued a major ruling on abortion. Chief Justice John Roberts joined the four liberal justice in opposing a pro-life, Louisiana bill that likely would have eliminated all but one abortion clinic in that state. This 5-4 decision sends a significant message that the Court is now leaning in a decidedly pro-abortion direction. Now that Justice Roberts showed his true colors on this issue, pro-life advocates can only hope President Trump will be reelected to appoint one or more pro-life justices.

The Stench of Death
“Abortion has an odor,” I repeated to my wife, who was sitting in the room beside me. “My God, what a word-picture. How does anyone who has ever been in a medical office not relate to the smells that hang in the air?” Right now, pro-aborts in the Demonic Democrat Party are squealing from the arrow that struck right in the heart of the abortion industry.

Satanic Temple Claims Killing Babies in Abortions is a ‘Protected’ Religious Ceremony
The Satanic Temple admitted proudly Wednesday that, in their belief system, killing an unborn baby in an abortion is a religious ritual similar to communion or baptism for Christians.

All COVID-19 vaccines to be made with aborted human fetal cells
If you or someone you know is anxiously waiting for a Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine to hit the market, just know that all of the top contenders are being formulated with ingredients made from aborted human fetal cells.

US Govt. Paid $96,370 for Aborted Baby Parts for Humanized Mice Experiments
Judicial Watch announced today it received 165 pages of records from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) showing the agency entered into 8 contracts worth $96,370 with Advanced Bioscience Resources (ABR) to acquire fresh and never frozen tissue from 1st and 2nd trimester aborted fetuses for use in creating humanized mice for ongoing research between 2012 and 2018. -GEG

Black man silences medical workers vocal for BLM by asking, Do aborted black babies matter?
A video making the rounds online exposes the rank hypocrisy behind the Black Lives Matter movement, which has become a runaway train following the death of George Floyd, despite all the violence associated with the movement.

CONFIRMED: Coronavirus vaccines will contain aborted human babies
Pro-lifers everywhere had better think long and hard about what they plan to do in the event that state or local governments try to mandate vaccination for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) once a jab is commercially released because chances are those syringes will contain the remnants of aborted babies.