Pastor Butch News title

Top Scientist: ‘Every Single Vaccine’ Was Designed ‘to Kill’
A top scientist has issued a warning to the public that “every single shot” of a vaccine produced since 1992 contains cancer-causing material and was designed “to kill.” The explosive statement was made by Dr. Judy Mikovits, a U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) whistleblower.

What Have Vaccines Done to Us? The Truth is Disturbing
My mind often overlaps the past present and future onto themselves. Because of this, I will frequently recall events that happened in the past which perfectly mirror what is unfolding before us, and in turn, I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve witnessed humanity repeat its same mistakes. During COVID, I realized we were again reenacting the same tragedy humanity had ever experienced since the smallpox vaccine was brought to the market and I had a thought. If people became aware of what had happened before and ended our collective amnesia, perhaps this could at last stop.

Learning about the requirements for preschool got me thinking – why send your kids there at all? Or to kindergarten, or any public school, for that matter. As a parent, you are the best teachers, and there are plenty of resources out there.

CIA Agent Testifies 'We Invented mRNA As a Bioweapon With Gates and WEF'
The CIA invented mRNA technology in conjunction with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum and the Rockefeller Foundation, according to the bombshell testimony of CIA agent who admits that Covid vaccines were developed as a bioweapon to control humanity. According to the agent and leaked top secret documents, the Covid plandemic was a psy-op run by the CIA to frogmarch humanity towards a total surveillance state, and Covid mRNA vaccines were not developed during Operation Warp Speed, but were ready and waiting for deployment for at least 10 years prior to the plandemic. These revelations are all backed by fully verifiable documents and sources and will spell doom for the elite if we can spread this information to enough people.

Pfizer Insider Admits 'Pandemic Was a Depopulation Scam'
Breaking news from the heart of Pfizer, where former long-term and high-level employees have stepped forward to bravely expose what they describe as crimes against humanity perpetrated by the pharmaceutical giant. This isn’t just another corporate scandal. It’s a tale of betrayal, manipulation, and mass murder on a scale that’s hard to fathom unless you hear it from those who were on the inside of one of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies and understand Big Pharma’s role in implementing Agenda 2030 on behalf of the global elite.

Here are just SOME of the harmful ingredients present in routine vaccines
Dr. David Cartland is a fully qualified medical doctor and GP practising in the UK as a freelance locum GP and a private health advocate. In early 2022, he resigned from the NHS because of the way the NHS and the government mishandled the covid pandemic.

25 historical books that demonstrate vaccines have caused serious harm for 200 years
The 25 books in the ‘History of Vaccination’ series shed light on the history of vaccines through the eyes of doctors, scientists, and historical data. They answer the pressing question: “Are vaccines safe and effective?” “I can conclusively say that vaccination is the biggest fraud in medical history,” Trung Nguyen wrote. Since 1796, the year the first smallpox vaccine was introduced, every generation has been burdened by disease due to vaccination, he said.