Top Scientist: ‘Every Single Vaccine’ Was Designed ‘to Kill’
A top scientist has issued a warning to the public that “every single shot” of a vaccine produced since 1992 contains cancer-causing material and was designed “to kill.”
The explosive statement was made by Dr. Judy Mikovits, a U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) whistleblower.
Renowned Virologist Warns Fully Vaxxed Have Just Years Left to Live: ‘Tsunami of Death Is Upon Us’
Belgian virologist Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche sounded the alarm over a looming collapse of immunity among the fully vaccinated, resulting in widespread global turbo cancer, heart attacks, strokes, and ultimately death.
Canada To Begin Euthanizing Millions of COVID Vaccine Injured Citizens
Justin Trudeau’s government has begun euthanizing Canadian citizens suffering from severe injuries linked to the COVID vaccines—the same vaccines that his administration mandated and coerced the majority of the population to take.
As the body bags pile up and more vaccine-injured individuals step forward, the Trudeau government’s socialized medical system faces a sobering reality: healthcare for the affected is projected to cost billions, and lawsuits could financially cripple both the government and Big Pharma.
The nation that once prided itself on being open-minded and tolerant, now has a regime that is euthanizing citizens with low social credit scores – and the reality on the ground is so terrifying that the media have been ordered to cover up the story.
General Flynn Blows Whistle: ‘Covid Was a Bioweapon Introduced to Rig 2020 Election’
General Michael Flynn has blown the whistle and warned the American people that COVID-19 was created as a “bioweapon” that was unleashed onto the public in order to rig the 2020 election for the Democrats.
CIA Agent Testifies 'We Invented mRNA As a Bioweapon With Gates and WEF'
The CIA invented mRNA technology in conjunction with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum and the Rockefeller Foundation, according to the bombshell testimony of CIA agent who admits that Covid vaccines were developed as a bioweapon to control humanity.
According to the agent and leaked top secret documents, the Covid plandemic was a psy-op run by the CIA to frogmarch humanity towards a total surveillance state, and Covid mRNA vaccines were not developed during Operation Warp Speed, but were ready and waiting for deployment for at least 10 years prior to the plandemic.
These revelations are all backed by fully verifiable documents and sources and will spell doom for the elite if we can spread this information to enough people.
Pfizer Insider Admits 'Pandemic Was a Depopulation Scam'
Breaking news from the heart of Pfizer, where former long-term and high-level employees have stepped forward to bravely expose what they describe as crimes against humanity perpetrated by the pharmaceutical giant.
This isn’t just another corporate scandal. It’s a tale of betrayal, manipulation, and mass murder on a scale that’s hard to fathom unless you hear it from those who were on the inside of one of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies and understand Big Pharma’s role in implementing Agenda 2030 on behalf of the global elite.
COVID-19 Vaccine Myocarditis Not Healing > 1 Year after Diagnosis
As a cardiologist, my two greatest fears concerning COVID-19 vaccine myocarditis are: 1) sudden cardiac death, 2) permanent damage to the heart resulting in scar. The reason why scar is important is because it puts the patient at risk for two late complications: 1) malignant arrhythmias and cardiac arrest, 2) development of dilated cardiomyopathy and heart failure.
Government Ordered Doctors to Kill Patients to Boost Covid Fears
Several doctors have come forward to blow the whistle with bombshell statements alleging they were ordered by the government to kill patients and list the cause of their deaths as “Covid” in order to boost fears about the virus among the general public.
The vaccine industry is a fraud; for 225 years vaccines have been making people unhealthier
One of the reasons the polio vaccine doesn’t work is because polio isn’t caused by an infectious virus. It’s caused by toxins. Poliovirus is a commensal virus that is completely harmless in the absence of toxic onslaught.
Covid ‘Booster’ Shots Cause Heart Failure in Young Adults, Top Study Confirms
The study, published in the world-renowned European Heart Journal on February 15, found that a third dose of the Pfizer or Moderna injections is directly linked to the “increased incidence rate of myocarditis.”
RFK Jr: COVID Jabs Are Bioweapons Developed by U.S. Military
The global elite have been lying to humanity every step of the way, about every detail, as part of an effort to terrorize the masses into compliance.
There is just one problem for Schwab and his co-conspirators in government cabinets and Big Pharma board rooms in global capitals. Millions of people around the world did not fall for the swindle and we are forensically examining the crime scene.
Dr. Robert Malone made an appearance this week at an “Injuries Caused by COVID-19 Vaccines” hearing led by Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), at which he revealed how Moderna’s own patent shows that its (COVID-19) “vaccine” vials contain billions of DNA fragments and other contaminants linked to birth defects and cancer. Source
Cardiac Arrest: Lebron James’s 18-year-old Son Bronny James Had a Cardiac Arrest During Practice on July 24, 2023. He Was Fully COVID-19 Vaccinated.
Lebron James’ 18 year old son Bronny James suffered a cardiac arrest during practice at 9:30am and had to be rushed to the hospital and ICU.
Documenting the Global Genocide by Bioweapon Injection – Graphic Warning PAY DAY SOMEDAY FOR THESE DAMNABLE DEMON FILLED HEATHENS!!
(Jan 6, 2023) This is a great compilation of video clips documenting the ongoing global genocide. Besides showing tons of people suddenly dropping dead (which it does), it also features many clips of the complicit grinning globalist psychopaths, MSM news anchors, actors, politicians, and singers who all pushed the shot. There are also some pre-COVID predictive programming clips mixed in of the CIA’s MK-Ultra Monarch Butterfly asset and singer famously known as “Poppy” on YouTube. The long planned, Satanically inspired, psychopath driven global genocide was proudly telegraphed to the entire world long before 2019!
KIRSCH: At least one million Americans have been severely injured by covid jabs
Independent journalist and investigator Steve Kirsch conducted a survey among his roughly 100,000 Substack subscribers back in May which found that a shockingly high number of jab recipients ended up developing serious symptoms. As many as 22 million had to receive some kind of medical attention while at least one million – and likely even more than that – can no longer function as they once did.
New COVID Variant Has Unusual Symptom; WHO Launches Global Vax Passports | Facts Matter
The CDC just announced a new COVID variant, Arcturus, which is spreading throughout the United States and carries with it some unusual symptoms—symptoms not seen with other variants. And strangely enough, the rise of this new variant coincides perfectly with the World Health Organization’s new plan to adopt the European Union’s digital vaccine passport setup. They’re using the EU’s vaccine passports as the framework for their own new global, digital health certificates.
Deagel’s 2025 Depopulation Forecast is on Target due to Millions of Excess Deaths, Infertility & huge surge in Child Deaths due to Covid-19 Vaccination
A controversial forecast by Deagel, a global intelligence and consulting firm, recently gained attention for its startling prediction of a significant depopulation event by 2025. While initially dismissed as a speculative estimation, current events and emerging trends have led many to question whether there may be more to Deagel’s forecast than meets the eye.
Coming soon: Climate lockdowns?
The past two years have been a checklist for the worst impulses of government and public sentiment. COVID allowed for supposedly temporary measures to morph into two years of “emergency” restrictions. But what if COVID was only the opening act, and another proclaimed crisis is the main event? Implementing significant but partial restrictions, one by one, in the name of the common good can allow for encompassing government control that results in relatively little backlash. Fear over climate change could lead to long-term soft lockdowns, given the precedent of immense growth of government power and significant support for sweeping state actions.
Force Jabbing the Children
Chelsea Clinton says its time to "force jab" American children.
Bill has a few things to say about that.
It started earlier than imagined and it is later than we think.
NWO: Horrific epidemic of excess deaths in the United States
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Secret CDC Report confirms over 1.1m Americans have ‘Died Suddenly’ since the COVID Vaccine Roll-Out; & further Government reports confirm the Vaccines are to blame
Official reports quietly published by the United States Centers for Disease Control (CDC) confirm that over 6 million Americans have died ever since the U.S. Food & Drug Administration granted emergency use authorisation to a Covid-19 vaccine in December 2020; with 2021 being a record-breaking year for deaths.
An oral vaccine for SARS-CoV-2 RBD mRNA-bovine milk-derived exosomes induces a neutralizing antibody response in vivo
The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus type 2 (SARS-CoV-2) that causes the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has presented numerous challenges to global health. The vaccines, including lipid-based nanoparticle mRNA, inactivated virus and recombined protein, have been used to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infections in clinics and are immensely helpful against the epidemic. Here, we first present an oral mRNA vaccine based on bovine milk-derived exosomes (milk-exos), which encodes the SARS-CoV-2 receptor binding domain (RBD) as an immunogen. The results indicated that RBD mRNA delivered by milk-derived exosomes can produce secreted RBD peptide in 293 cells in vitro and stimulated neutralizing antibodies against RBD in mice. These results indicated that bovine milk-derived exosome-based mRNA vaccine could serve as a new strategy for preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection. Meanwhile, it also can work as a new oral delivery system for mRNA.
Warning Before You Fly on A Commercial Airplane
The airline industry is a major employer from pilots to shoe shine people in airports, car rental agencies, food services for flights to security personnel. I used to fly a lot when I was a photographic face and hair model; mostly to LA from the SF Bay Area. Over the decades it was to various locations including Boston, British Columbia (fishing trip) and DC.
Doctors find Graphene is shedding from the COVID Vaccinated to the Unvaccinated, forming Blood Clots & decimating Blood Cells
He also demonstrated that “shards” of graphene are being transmitted from “vaccinated” to vaccine-free or unvaccinated people destroying their red blood cells and causing blood clots in the unvaccinated.
UK Gov. secretly confirms Triple+ Vaccinated accounted for 92% of COVID Deaths in 2022
Official figures sneakily published by the UK Government, reveal that the triple+ vaccinated population accounted for 92% of Covid-19 deaths throughout the entirety of 2022, and 9 in every 10 Covid-19 deaths in England over the past two years.
Killing Children for Profit: Europe suffers 1580% spike in Child Deaths following EMA approval of COVID Vaccine for Children
The alleged COVID-19 pandemic has affected every aspect of our lives, and the approval of the COVID-19 vaccine for children was seen as a ray of hope by those who believe everything that their television tells them.
Tragic Cost of Profit, Secrets & Lies: Half a Million American Youth have “Died Suddenly” due to COVID Vaccination; Secret CDC Report Confirms
Amidst growing concerns over the safety of Covid-19 vaccines, a shocking report from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) reveals the devastating impact of the injections on children and young adults.
Most of the Jabbed Will Die Early
We all know that the short-term risks for those accepting the covid-19 jabs are horrific – worse than the risks associated with any traditional vaccine or drug that’s ever been made, and there have been some horror stories in the past associated with pharmaceutical products.
American Scientists Confirm Toxic Graphene Oxide, and More, in Covid VAXXXines
All the information presented in the following two research articles were authored by Dr. Robert O. Young and are impressive
All Hell Breaks Loose When Pfizer CEO Is Confronted – Watch
Project Veritas carried out another undercover sting to catch Pfizer Director of Research and Development Jordon Trishton Walker stating they are engineering COVID-19 variants. He also said on camera that COVID-19 will be a cash cow for the company.
Over 50k Brits have Died Suddenly in the past 8 Months due to falling Victim to the 5-Month Countdown to Death COVID Vaccination causes as per Government Reports
Video surfaces of CDC official calling for WHITE GENOCIDE to eliminate all white vaccine refusers in America
An official who served on the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization during the Obama administration has been captured on video calling for genocide against white people in America in order to eliminate those who resist vaccines.
Doctors in USA admit they killed Patients during the Pandemic by putting them on Ventilators
A jaw-dropping article published by The Wall Street Journal in December 2020 has resurfaced. In it, American physicians admitted to ventilating patients who did not need it as a step in their protocol. It was done not as a treatment that was likely to benefit the patient, but rather as a fruitless and callous way of attempting to stop the spread of covid-19.
Former UK semi-professional football referee speaks about his devastating vaccine-injuries
His diagnosis is thrombosis thrombocytopenia. He has multiple blood clots and extremely low blood platelet levels. He is now wheelchair-bound and relies on a mobility scooter to give him a level of independence. He is unable to work and there is a real possibility they will lose their family home as he is struggling to pay his mortgage. The AstraZeneca injection has taken away his health, his ability to work and possibly the roof over his head in the near future.
It’s hard for me to put into words just how big this story is. This is a scandal of epic proportions. This is THE biggest news story not only of the year, but of the decade. And guess what? Complete silence from the mainstream media. But that’s ok. We ARE the media now.
Scott Adams admits that he was WRONG about the jab (and does it graciously): "You won. You won completely. I did not end up in the right place."
If Dilbert comes around, can the New York Times be far behind?
CDC Study: 49% of Children Ages 5 to 11 Experienced Systemic Reactions After Getting New COVID Booster
More than 1,600 children aged 5 to 11 experienced a systemic reaction such as fever or diarrhea after receiving one of the new COVID-19 vaccines, according to a study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Public Schools Start Screening Fully Vaccinated Athletes for Heart Problems As MSM COVID Narrative Crumbles
Schools are finally listening to the concerns of parents who are asking whether their children are safe to play sports after seeing an exponential rise in the number of young and healthy athletes collapsing and often dying on the field.
Expert Doctor confirms 50 Million Americans may have serious Heart Damage due to COVID-19 Vaccination
According to Dr. Thomas Levy, a minimum of 7 million Americans now have hearts damaged by covid “vaccines.” And, although there’s no way of being certain at this time, he said, it’s within the realm of possibility that over 100 million people in America have some degree of heart damage from the injections – not myocarditis, but heart damage that will be detectable with a troponin test.
Public Schools Start Screening Fully Vaccinated Athletes for Heart Problems As MSM COVID Narrative Crumbles reports: On today’s episode of The JD Rucker Show, I spent a short segment discussing a Facebook post from Everett Public Schools Athletics Department announcing a “Screen Your Teen” event in March. The goal is to “prevent sudden cardiac arrest,” which really hasn’t been a huge issue until the jabs were rolled out. Before the jabs, there were rare documented cases of young athletes succumbing to heart issues and invariably these were due to preexisting conditions. But as a recent study indicates, the number of young people developing heart conditions after getting vaccinated is startling.
55 Performers Collapsing or Dying on Stage or Live Camera in Late 2022 through 2023
Really? And we saw this happening prior to the roll-outs of the COVID “vaccines”? Did we see this in 2020 during the height of the COVID “virus pandemic” when they said we would see people dropping dead on the streets because the COVID “virus” was so bad?
Australia’s Health Institutions and Covid Vaccine Rollout have been controlled by US military
It is a fair bet that almost no Australians realise that their health system has been effectively taken over by the US Department of Defence (“DoD”). Yet that appears to be what occurred during the covid crisis.
This is what gorilla journalism is all about.
BREAKING: They’re Coming After Our Children, Again//Murder jab for babies 28 days old!!
Did you hear? On April 25, 2022, the failed Ebola drug Remdesivir was approved by the FDA for “treatment” of Covid-19 in babies as young as 28 days old and as small as seven pounds! This is the exact same drug that has been wreaking carnage throughout hospitals since Fauci and Company approved the rigid CARES Act hospital protocol, along with bonus payments for treatment of Covid-19 with Remdesivir.
CDC, UK Gov. & Oxford University confirm COVID Vaccination DOES NOT WORK & has potentially Lethal & Fatal Consequences
Several scientific studies have emerged that call into question the safety and effectiveness of Covid-19 vaccines, raising alarm bells about the potential harm they may cause and their ability to prevent infection and transmission.
Shocking Info Comes Out On The Effects The Vaccines Are Having On Others! (Including Dead Pets)
15 people have said they know someone that has pets that have died after their owner received the vaccine (some right after the second dose)
FL Will Hold Pharmaceutical Companies Accountable for COVID Shot Misconduct
WEST PALM BEACH, FL – Today, Governor Ron DeSantis held a “Public Health Integrity Committee” live roundtable conference with medical professionals and vaccine injured citizens and announced that the State of Florida is impaneling a grand jury to review evidence to hold COVID-19 injection manufacturers accountable under Florida law.
Did you know shingles is on the rise among young people?
Joan, a accounting professional and mother of two in Allentown, PA, noticed a rash on the back of her leg. She'd been working in her yard and thought nothing of it. But then when she awoke in the middle of the night, she was in excruciating pain.
Pandemic of the Vaccinated: Japan’s excess deaths are four times higher after Pfizer “booster” shots
During 2022, Japan experienced the highest number of excess deaths in 11 years. Excess deaths were approximately four times the number of those in the years 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2021.
Data of 72 Million Insured Shows “Sudden, Unexpected Deaths” Exploded in Germany Since 2021
This is an explosive report out of Germany showing a massive increase in “sudden deaths” following COVID “vaccines” that has not received much exposure in the Alternative Media yet, because the sources are all in the German language.
Catastrophic Contagion
The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, in partnership with WHO and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, conducted Catastrophic Contagion, a pandemic tabletop exercise at the Grand Challenges Annual Meeting in Brussels, Belgium, on October 23, 2022.
Killing You Softly, Sponsored By, the CDC and Pfizer
Killing You Softly, Sponsored By, the CDC and Pfizer
60,000 Children Injured and Dead Along with 4,571 Fetal Deaths Following COVID Vaccines
Since publishing this article Albert Benavides of has contacted me to report how he found almost another 200 deaths of children following COVID vaccines in VAERS by searching the nearly half million records where the age field is “unknown,” but the age is revealed in the write-up section.
The Pete Santilli Show Episode 2921 6 PM - with special guest Dr. Judy Mikovits, PhD (Molecular Biologist) - joins Pete Santilli in a POWERFUL interview that you do not want to miss. Share this interview far and wide!
Vaccine Shedding Finally Proven!
Do vaccinated people shed their vaccine byproducts to us? We definitely, for sure, knew that vaccine shedding was not a thing, because “health experts and fact checkers” told us so. And we “believe science” and our “health experts”. Right?
Australia Sees 63% Drop in Births After Introduction of COVID “Vaccines” – What Will the Government’s Excuse be?
From October to November in 2021, there was a 21 percent decrease in births compared to the average over a 10-year period. From November to December 2021, just one month later, there was a 63 percent decrease in births.
David Martin Says 700 Million Worldwide Will Die from COVID-19 Vaccines by 2028
David Martin is one of the key people seeking justice in lawsuits suing medical companies and the federal government involved in delivering the so-called vaccines for COVID-19. In this interview, he provides evidence that the COVID-19 pandemic was planned and that the vaccines are bioweapons. He estimated that the COVID-19 injections will kill 700 million people worldwide and 75 million to 100 million Americans. David Martin is one of the speakers at G. Edward Griffin’s Red Pill Expo to be held in Indianapolis, Indiana on July 9 and 10. Click here for tickets to attend in-person or to livestream the event.
48,817 DEAD and 5,107,883 Injured Following COVID-19 Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions
The European (EEA and non-EEA countries) database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, verified by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and they are now reporting 48,817 fatalities, and 5,107,883 injuries following injections of four experimental COVID-19 shots:
Australian Bureau of Statistics Shows 72% Drop in Births 9 Months After COVID Shots Started
Australia appears to be one of the first countries to publish birth rates for 2021, and their December 2021 statistics show that births dropped 72% over the previous December average for the past six years. This drop in births is reportedly about 9 months after the roll-out of the COVID vaccines.
Truly Terrifying! Why Are These People Dropping Dead & What Are They Seeing Before Death?!
It's not often that I see something that frightens me, but in the last two years, people (who have taken the jab)
started dropping dead.
Young athletes, entertainers on stage, airline pilots in the air, etc.
But now there appears to be a new twist.
People are now stopping what they are doing.
Turning their heads to look at something above them.
Flailing with their arms and collapsing.
It's like they can see something others cannot. One scene in the video below actually labels the security cam footage "angel of death"
As Christians, we know about the invisible war and demonic beings.
Is it possible that Satan is launching a new and deadly attack on people?
Vaccine Expert Warns Of Catastrophe Within Months Driven By 'The Vaccinated': 'This Will Be The End Of Western Civilization - Hospitals Will Crash And The Rest Of Society Will Follow'
Vanden Bossche has long asserted that the global covid vaccination program, unprecedented in human history, would put enormous pressure on the virus to mutate; his warning has repeatedly been proven true. While the unvaccinated gained long-lasting, adaptable natural immunity from covid infection, the vaccinated harbor a confused and mostly unhelpful array of old-variant anti-spike antibodies; Vanden Bossche believes these so complicate the immune response that more serious disease from new variants will result. In the vaccinated, the SARS-CoV-2 virus, he predicts, will imminently turn a corner from more contagious to more virulent.
A Plain Spoken Hard Hitting Revealing Of The Covid HOAX!!! Warning, Some Rough Language!!
As a watchman on the wall I am obligated to sound this horn. Those who do nothing, do it at their own peril. Those who watch will absolutely understand what has taken place in our nation and the world. I implore you to watch this with your adult family members. Now that you have been made aware hopefully you will act. You can only come to one conclusion.
Funeral Embalmer: 85% of Dead Bodies Now Have Strange Blood Clots Since COVID Vaccine Roll-outs
Some of the strongest evidence that the COVID-19 vaccines have caused crippling injuries and huge numbers of deaths in the vaccinated population have come from funeral home directors who have reported huge spikes in deaths in their business that correlate with the roll-out of the COVID-19 vaccines and mandates.
More Evidence that It’s Not Over
Warning! Oil and Gas Companies Planning on Vaccinated Employees Dying
Message To The Unvaccinated
People who were capable of such personality, courage and critical ability are undoubtedly the best of humanity. They are everywhere, in all ages, levels of education, states and ideas. They are of a special kind; they are the soldiers that every army of light wants to have in its ranks. They are the parents that every child wants to have and the children that every parent dreams of having. They are beings above the average of their societies, they are the essence of the people who have built all cultures and conquered horizons. They are there, next to you, they look normal, but they are superheroes.
We were right.
CDC Quietly Drops Vaccine-Status Discrimination – Finally Admits Their Vaccines Do Not Prevent Anyone from Getting or Spreading the Virus
For over a year now the CDC, Joe Biden, Dr. Tony Fauci, Democrats and the WHO demanded the American population from primary school-aged children to senior citizens be vaccinated with the government’s experimental mRNA vaccines.
Australian News is Starting to Tell the Truth about the Vaccines
It will take decades to find out the truth about the vaccine’s long-term side effects and why it was pushed on people without proper studies being done.
UK government confirms the fully vaccinated accounted for 94% of covid-19 deaths in May
I just had a covidtard tell me today that the jab won’t prevent covid, but if you get sick with it, it will keep you from dying. Will I email this video to them? No. In their case they would have to make an effort to learn something and they will not. They know how to get to my channel. I have made a previous effort to help them and was rebuked. So be it. I am not their babysitter. I make this effort, they refuse to make any effort and they die. I have much to do, I don’t have time to cast pearls before swine.
Studies Reveal Ivermectin Greatly Reduces COVID Mortality
WASHINGTON, D.C. – A new study shows Ivermectin can reduce the chance of COVID death by 92 percent. The large prospective observational study of 88,012 people in a strictly controlled city-wide program in Southern Brazil, shows that regular use of Ivermectin as prophylaxis for COVID-19 led up to 92 percent reduction in COVID-19 mortality rate. In fact, there were 0 COVID hospitalizations in the group of regular Ivermectin users compared to 10 in the irregular user group.
700 Million Worldwide Will Die from COVID-19 Vaxx by 2028 — Dr. David Martin
Dr Martin replies that they will not get away with it and he explains the reason why we don’t see Pfizer or Moderna suing people like him, who are disclosing information that is material to criminal cases against them is because in order to prove defamation or libel, “You actually have to show the evidence that what we said was not true and the problem is, 100% of the evidence that we talk about is true.
How Did They Get So Crazy?
"Mass Formation" is what our best psychologists call it.
In this tight little video, Professor Mattias Desmet explains how our whole society came to be 'in the grip of a Narrative'.
Jab, Shedding Causing Heart Explosion: Myocarditis, Autophagy Solution: Highpowerheart.Com
Who could have seen this coming? Before 2021, chances are you’d never heard of myocarditis in your life. Now, cases are skyrocketing all over the country and around the world, and everyone is trying to pretend this is perfectly normal. They’re pumping out papers explaining that this condition, which involves surprise inflammation of your body’s most important organ, is really just “mild and rare.”
Big Pharma Boss Caught FAKING His COVID Vaccination Status; Injected Himself With Salt Water Instead… Now Facing Criminal Charges
While the WHO and our political leaders want us to trust in the COVID vaccines and push for legal measures to force it upon us, it seems even Big Pharma executives don’t even trust the safety of the vax.
Executive Director of Oxfam Tells Audience at World Economic Forum – “COVID Has Been One of the Most Profitable Products Ever”
Oxfam International at the World Economic Forum called for the wealthiest beneficiaries of the COVID pandemic to be taxed to finance childcare, education, and work opportunities for women in Global South, Economic Times reported.
Shocking Covid Shot 'Shedding' Effects: Acupuncturist Treating Vaxxed Starts Passing Parasites
The vaccinated are NOT the only ones who should fear for their well being. Ananda joins The Stew Peters Show to discuss her life-altering story behind the side effects she dealt with during her practice of curing vaccinated patients of blood-clots via medical cupping.
Yes, that’s right, just as the survivors of The Simulated Apocalyptic Plague of 2020-2021 were crawling up out of their Covid bunkers and starting to “build the world back better,” another biblical pestilence has apparently been unleashed on humanity!
vaccine deaths and adverse reaction
Walgreen’s Own Data Inadvertently Admits COVID Vaccines Don’t Work
One of America’s most well-known pharmacy chains, Walgreens. has inadvertently admitted that the COVID-19 “vaccines” are a scam in terms of protecting against COVID disease. The company released published data that proves the “vaccines” do not prevent a COVID-19 “infection.”
If you would like one of these pulled out of your lungs go and get jib jabbed.
Utah nurses try to hide case of fully vaccinated patient coughing up massive fibrous clot from one of his lungs
A group of intensive care unit nurses in Utah has tried to cover up the fact that one of their patients who is fully vaccinated against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is coughing up fibrous clots from one of his lungs.
Psaki Admits Forced Masking on Planes is About Preserving Power
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Wednesday admitted forced masking on planes had nothing to do with science or keeping people from getting infected with Covid.
7,500% Increase in Recorded Cases of Cancer Following COVID-19 Vaccines
Dr. Ryan Cole was recently interviewed by Maria Zeee where he stated that he is getting reports all across the world from doctors observing that cancer rates are “taking off like wild fire” following COVID-19 vaccinations.
Pfizer Chief Scientist Warns Shot WILL Kill You!!
Check Out The Attached Website On Article For Proof!!
Pfizer Bombshell: ‘Stay Away from the Vaccinated’
Occupational exposure occurs when a person has unplanned direct contact with a subject for a vaccine, which may or may not lead to the occurrence of an adverse event. These individuals may include caregivers, relatives, and other people close to the subject.
Canada: 90% of COVID Deaths Are Vaxxed! Israel: 83% of Cases are Vaxxed!
Just like we saw in England where 92% of COVID deaths were vaccinated, Canada is at 90%.
Evidence of infant-murder in the creation of the fetal cell line used for COVID vaccine testing
To obtain embryo cells [for research on vaccines and other pharma products], embryos from spontaneous abortions cannot be used, nor can those obtained by means of abortions performed via the vagina: in both cases, the embryo will be contaminated by micro-organisms.
Millennials Experienced the “Worst-Ever Excess Mortality in History” – An 84% Increase In Deaths From All Causes After Vaccine Mandates Introduced
The most recent data from the CDC shows that U.S. millennials, aged 25-44, experienced a record-setting 84% increase in excess mortality during the final four months of 2021, according to the analysis of financial expert and Blackrock whistleblower, Edward Dowd, who appeared on Steve Bannon’s War Room this week to discuss his findings.
Official data: Fully vaccinated people account for 9 of 10 COVID deaths
The fully vaccinated account for 9 of every 10 deaths from COVID-19 in England and 4 of 5 deaths among the triple-vaccinated, according to the latest data published by the U.K. Health Security Agency.