Senior Citizen Ordered to Stop Saying ‘Merry Christmas’
The woman never imagined offending anyone when she concluded a newsletter with “Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa!” It seemed to me that she was covering all of her holiday bases (although Kwanzaa is not really a holiday).
Top US university offers courses on sex work and queer studies
Princeton University, one of the most prestigious institutions in the US, is introducing courses on traditionally taboo subjects as part of its spring 2025 semester curriculum, according to its recently published online course listing.
Pizza Parlor Under Fire For Refusing to Cater Gay Wedding
A pizza parlor in Chattanooga, Tennessee is facing the wrath of a LGBT mob after they declined to cater a same-sex wedding ceremony.
Ohio Senate Passes Bill Aimed at Outlawing Criticism of Israel, Criminalizing Gospel
The GOP-controlled Ohio Senate has overwhelmingly passed a bill aimed at outlawing criticism of Israel, criminalizing preaching the Gospel and expanding hate crime "ethnic intimidation" laws to fight "antisemitism."
The CDC Planned Quarantine Camps Nationwide
Features of the CDC’s edicts did incredible damage. It imposed the rent moratorium. It decreed the ridiculous “six feet of distance” and mask mandates. It forced Plexiglas as the interface for commercial transactions. It implied that mail-in balloting must be the norm, which probably flipped the election. It delayed the reopening as long as possible. It was sadistic.
The U.S. Government Is Dramatically Expanding The Use Of Facial Recognition Technology
Do you want to live in a society where you are required to have your face scanned wherever you go? If not, you may want to speak up now while you still can. As you will see below, the U.S. government is aggressively expanding the use of facial recognition technology for identification verification purposes. For now, the use of facial recognition technology will be optional. But as we have seen before, once a voluntary option is adopted by enough people our leaders have a way of making it mandatory. Of course it isn’t just our government that is pushing facial recognition technology. It is popping up throughout our society, and given enough time it would literally be everywhere.
U.S. Military Now Authorized to Kill Americans on U.S. Soil? New DoD Directive Drops
“As the U.S. prepares for one of the most controversial and closely watched elections in its history, a concerning update to DoD Directive 5240.01 has quietly been put into effect. Reissued on September 27, 2024, this directive governs the Department of Defense's (DoD) intelligence activities and now includes provisions authorizing lethal force in certain circumstances when assisting civilian law enforcement. While the directive forbids assassination, it opens the door to lethal interventions under "national security" conditions….
The Eve Of Destruction
And as I compile this message, the words of Barry McGuire’s 1965 song echo in my mind and I can’t help but feel this really is the time he sang about way back then, because today, we really are “on the eve of destruction.” Many have waited so long for this upcoming date: November 5, 2024... for an end to the Communist Regime in power in our nation, for an end to the deliberate destruction of our country, an end to the demoniacs “building back better,” “unburdened by what has been,” after tearing down all that we’ve built. An end to the weaponization of our judicial system, the tyranny endured by good, patriotic and Godly men and women and an opportunity for justice to return to America.
John Kerry's Daughter Says 'First Amendment Terrorists' Must Be 'Federally Executed'
John Kerry made headlines last week by stating that the First Amendment is a “major obstacle” for global elites aiming to transform America = and the world - into a totalitarian society where only one official narrative is allowed.
Under Kerry’s globalist vision, anyone who dares to challenge the elites’ agenda would be labeled a threat to society and imprisoned.
As if that wasn’t disturbing enough, John Kerry’s daughter’s position is even more extreme than that of her authoritarian father.
Why were birth certificates really created
When Is Armed Resistance Justified?
When is it justifiable for a Christian to take up arms against a tyrannical government? As we witness the relentless erosion of our rights, the purposeful skyrocketing cost of living and erosion of the value of our currency, and the undeniably increasingly authoritarian actions of those in power, many believers are grappling with a profound question: At what point must we follow the example of our forefathers at Lexington and Concord? Should Christians, whose faith commands peace, also stand ready to resist tyranny with force when necessary? Where does our duty to God intersect with our duty to defend liberty? When is enough enough?
Learning about the requirements for preschool got me thinking – why send your kids there at all? Or to kindergarten, or any public school, for that matter. As a parent, you are the best teachers, and there are plenty of resources out there.
The 15 minute truth bomb going round the world. Is it too late?
GUEST: Katherine Watt,
Dr. Jane Ruby is an American scientist, medical professional, and commentator. You can follow her Substack at and her work on
The soap opera that is the presidential election of 2024 is coming into full bloom. Chances are before we get to the first Tuesday in November, this soap opera will become a full-blown Shakespearian tragedy if not a war in the streets of America if the election is again shown to be as corrupt as the election in 2020.
Property Tax & The Death Of The American Dream
While the primary catalyst for the original English pilgrims to venture to America was religious freedom, a strong desire for independence followed closely behind. They desired to be independent of two things: poverty and government meddling. This spirit carried into the American Revolution and informed domestic policy for many years. The Homestead Act of (FIND YEAR) was enacted to allow citizens a type of independence those who first fled Britain could only dream of. Remote settlers earned their own homes by proving their merit to Mother Nature. It was fairly easy to live as one wished without violating rules and regulations. The law was a fairly small framework that attempted to allow lives free from violence and evil. The two curses they fled were now powerfully refuted. The poverty caused by government oppression of the past was replaced by success or failure based upon individual action.
‘Your Children Will Love Us. And Your Children Will Join Us!’ – LGBT Activist
In Philadelphia over the weekend a bit of chaos during the pride parade. Pro-Palestinian Queers formed a blockade – leading to a tense confrontation between the Pro-Palestinian mob and a bunch of lesbians banging their bongos.
Eighty seven year old woman sentenced to 11 year in prison for sitting in front of "murder" center door.
A death sentence for trying to protect children.
Teacher fired for her Christianity, what she 'might' do if a student wanted her to use fake pronouns wins big settlement
JUPURA VALLEY, CA - On Monday, May 13th, the Jurupa Unified School District (JUSD) settled a $360,000 lawsuit after it fired a teacher for her refusal to use a student's preferred pronouns.
What Bill of Rights?
Contrary to modern popular belief, the US Constitution isn’t the first document establishing the USA as a sovereign nation of free self-governed people, the Declaration of Independence is. In fact, the document that preceded the Declaration of 1776 is the Mayflower Compact (1620), the foundation for what appears in the Declaration establishing the USA as a free people and independent sovereign nation almost 250 years ago.
Zoe Warren’s Post
"Taylor, a 52-year-old New York native and a software engineer, discovered the world of gunsmithing years ago. He decided to take it up as a hobby and possibly turn it into a business later. However, when a joint ATF/NYPD task force discovered he was legally buying parts from various companies, they opened up an investigation that led to a SWAT raid and arrest.
Viral Videos Appear To Show FBI Agents Visiting Homes Over Social Media Posts
The first clip shows three people who claim to be FBI agents visiting a woman called Rolla Abdeljawad at her home in Stillwater, Oklahoma.
WEF Pushes Ban on Home-Grown Food to ‘Fight Climate Change’
The World Economic Forum (WEF) is calling on governments to ban the general public from growing their own food at home by arguing that they are causing “climate change.”
America’s First 15-Minute City Has Been Created In Tempe, Arizona – Do Residents Know What’s in Store for Them?
A Tempe, Arizona, neighborhood has been named “Culdesac” and is America’s first example of a 15-minute city, a vision of the World Economic Forum and the globalist cult, who are pitching the concept as being more environmentally friendly. Instead of seeing this development as a dystopian nightmare, Culdesac residents appear to be thrilled at their new way of life, do they have any idea what they have in store for them?
For Those Who Say American Troops Would Not Fire On US Citizens – They Did It Before
Our military will FOLLOW ORDERS, just like cops and all Federal and local Law Enforcement will.
Man Who Destroyed Satanic Shrine In Iowa Capitol Charged With ‘Hate Crime’
Instead of simply charging him with misdemeanor damage to property or vandalism, the Des Moines Register reports that Polk County prosecutors charged the veteran with felony third-degree criminal mischief, arguing that the act was “in violation of individual rights” under Iowa’s hate crime statue.
Humzah Mashkoor had just cleared security at Denver International Airport when the FBI showed up. The agents had come to arrest the 18-year-old, who is diagnosed with a developmental disability, and charge him with terror-related crimes. At the time of the arrest, a relative later said in court, Mashkoor was reading ‘Diary of a Wimpy Kid,’ a book written for elementary school children.
As folks freeze to death in the Midwest, an Ohio pastor is charged for offering shelter
Winter is officially here with back-breaking, heavy, wet snow and a surge of arctic air. Some people are still without power from a recent snowstorm.
Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law
Most Americans cannot uphold, defend, or enforce their own Rights simply because they don’t even know what their Rights are, where those Rights come from, and what is or isn’t law. Most simply believe whatever they see on TV or social media posts. Very few ever do their own homework in order to know what’s true.
Kim Davis Will Appeal Verdict in Ermold Case
ASHLAND, KY – Liberty Counsel will file a judgment notwithstanding the verdict to U.S. District Court Judge David Bunning next week in response to the jury rendering $100,000 against former Rowan County Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis in Ermold v. Davis. Essentially, the jury had no basis or evidence to support their verdict.
WEF Declare 'We Are Gods, if You Stand in Our Way, You Will Die'
A World Economic Forum insider has declared that the globalist elite are going to become gods, and if you interfere with this process there will be big trouble…
Dystopian: Some U.S. Cities Consider Zero Beef, Zero Dairy, Zero Cars!
Now it seems that a list of American cities is actively pursuing that ideology, with their memberships in the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, which is calling for vast new restrictions on residents, including consumption of zero beef, zero dairy, zero private vehicles, and only three new clothing items per person per year.
We are moving toward a Global Empire and enslavement of humanity in a Digital Gulag
It is a global empire run by an exclusive club, perhaps 8,000 to 12,000 strong, whose members do not pledge allegiance to any national flag, who snobbishly view themselves as superior to their countrymen, and who are indifferent to political ideology so long as they can control the political structure from within. They aim to erase all national borders and are well on their way to shredding the constitutions of every nation-state.
WEF Admits Maui Wildfires Orchestrated To Transform Hawaii Into 15 Minute Cities
The Coming Digital Society: Blessing or Curse? – Michele Bachmann - Must Watch
Jan Markell talks to Michele Bachmann for the hour, and they conclude a form of global government is here now. The centerpiece of this is healthcare. A digital gulag now exists in Europe but the goal is America and the rest of the West. A global health emergency could make this system functional tomorrow. Covid set the stage. To join her yearly prayer effort, write
Illinois Governor Signs Bill Allowing Noncitizens to Become Police Officers
It states that foreign nationals who “are legally authorized under federal law to work in the United States” or any foreign national who “is an individual against whom immigration action has been deferred by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services under the federal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) process” can apply to become an officer.
They ARE Coming For Our Guns, Our Cars And Everything Else
But, in fact, the totalitarians now entrenched in Washington, D.C., are coming after much more than our guns. They are coming after our cars; they are coming after our gas generators and ovens; they are coming after our bank accounts; they are coming after our freedom of speech; they are coming after our right to privacy; and they are coming after our children. In short, they are coming after our Liberty and our very national existence.
Michigan House Passes Bill To Make Calling Person “Wrong Pronouns” A Felony!
Individuals could also be charged under the bill if they used words that cause a person to “feel terrorized, frightened, or threatened.”
WEF Declares Humans Must Eat Feces and Drink Urine To Fight Climate Change
The WEF is now calling for all of us to eat human feces and drink urine if we want to be one of the lucky few to survive the great depopulation they have planned for humanity…
WEF Declares Martial Law in America As Biden Deploys Military to U.S. Streets
US govt is FUNDING invasion camps in Central America – exclusive interview with Michael Yon
The United States government is secretly funding the migrant invasion camps in Panama, where hundreds of thousands of foreign nationals -- mostly military-aged men -- have been staged, processed and transported to the United States to take their positions across the country. One such camp is called "San Vicente," near the Darien Gap in Panama. Former special forces operator Michael Yon has toured the camp, revealing a sprawling, ever-expanding network of invasion infrastructure that's being directly supported by Homeland Defense secretary Mayorkas as well as other key members in the Biden administration.
Citizens in **MANY** areas of the U.S.A. are startled that tanks, troops, assault aircraft are BEING DEPLOYED on the streets throughout the U.S.A. today, Saturday, June 17. Video below shows tanks on the highways of Idaho, Osprey Helicopters dropping Marines in California residential neighborhoods, and trainloads of military armor moving in Montreal, Quebec, CANADA.
Nothing like this has ever been seen before, and the media will never cover this.
🔺This is a first-of-its-kind. A J6 defendant shows the footage used to convict him on 5 charges leading to a 32 month prison sentence!
He tells the story WITH VIDEO of how he ended up in the Capitol, and tells how the DOJ twisted evidence to create a false narrative of his actions and intent.
Coming soon: Climate lockdowns?
The past two years have been a checklist for the worst impulses of government and public sentiment. COVID allowed for supposedly temporary measures to morph into two years of “emergency” restrictions. But what if COVID was only the opening act, and another proclaimed crisis is the main event? Implementing significant but partial restrictions, one by one, in the name of the common good can allow for encompassing government control that results in relatively little backlash. Fear over climate change could lead to long-term soft lockdowns, given the precedent of immense growth of government power and significant support for sweeping state actions.
Why does the USDA want you to add your local vegetable garden to a national database?
n a move that has many folks scratching their heads, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has renewed its push for the People’s Garden Initiative which now includes registering vegetable gardens nationwide. According to the USDA, the move is to foster a “more diverse and resilient local food system to empower communities to address issues like nutrition access and climate change.” But those who have been following the USDA closely for years know that they couldn’t care less about your health and nutrition.
Court Denies Massachusetts 7th Grader Free Speech Request Following Legal Battle Over ‘Two Genders’ Shirt
Liam Morrison, a seventh-grade Nichols Middle School student, sued for violatiion of his First Amendment right to freedom of speech. Officials forced him to remove a shirt with the message, “There are only two genders.”
Force Jabbing the Children
Chelsea Clinton says its time to "force jab" American children.
Bill has a few things to say about that.
Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes sentenced to 18 years in prison for Jan. 6 Capitol attack
Stewart Rhodes, founder of the right-wing militia group Oath Keepers, was sentenced to 18 years in prison and 3 years of supervised release Thursday after being convicted of seditious conspiracy in connection with the Jan. 6, 2021 Capitol attack. It's the first sentence passed down to a person found guilty of the rare, Civil War-era charge linked to the riot.
Arm Yourself!
The rate and scope of public shootings around the country are being used by would-be totalitarians as justification to disarm the American people. For example, Republican Tennessee Governor Bill Lee has scheduled his special session for the Tennessee legislature to convene to take up his proposed Red Flag gun confiscation bill on August 21.
Why My Grandpa Carries a Gun and So Should You
I don’t carry a gun to kill people; I carry a gun to keep from being killed. I don’t carry a gun because I’m evil; I carry a gun because I have lived long enough to see the evil in the world. I don’t carry a gun because I hate the government; I carry a gun because I understand the limitations of government.
Washington To Castrate Minors Without Parental Consent As UN Pushes Legalized Pedophilia
'Water is Not a Human Right': WEF Orders Govt's To Begin Rationing Water Into Homes
Court Threatens Street Preacher With Arrest for Using Bible Verses to Criticize Same-Sex Marriage, Denouncing Drag Show on Social Media
OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla. — Pushing back at attempts by the courts to silence individuals whose religious views may be perceived as intolerant or hateful, The Rutherford Institute is challenging a five-year restraining order against a street preacher who has been threatened with arrest after citing Bible verses on social media to express his moral concerns about a church that endorses same-sex marriage and raising awareness about a public drag queen performance that occurred in front of children.
Shocking plans to implement depopulation and a worldwide totalitarian system revealed more than 50 years ago
Dr. Day spoke at The Pittsburgh Paediatric Society in March 1969. Dr. Lawrence Dunegan attended that meeting and in 1988 blew the whistle about the plans that were in place in 1969 to form a new system of government, altering all of society to implement this new system. All of society has been redirected according to these plans.
'Water is Not a Human Right': WEF Orders Govt's To Begin Rationing Water Into Homes
Critics Warn of ‘a Dragnet of Surveillance’ as U.S. Pushes Ahead With Plans for More ‘Smart’ Cities
Despite widespread and mounting pushback against biometric surveillance and control systems associated with smart city technologies and the failure of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) previous attempt to grant-fund smart city transformation in Columbus, Ohio, Buttigieg told The Verge he thinks “smart city technologies matter more than ever.”
"The food supply of every American is going to start being INTENTIONALLY POISONED with mRNA genetic modifications being fraudulently called "vaccines."
CompassCare’s exterior sign was defaced using red-letter graffiti in typical Antifa/Jane’s Revenge fashion. Red letters spelling “LIARS” were splayed over the entirety of the sign. Maoist Antifa sympathizers oddly insist that Christian pro-life pre
CompassCare’s exterior sign was defaced using red-letter graffiti in typical Antifa/Jane’s Revenge fashion. Red letters spelling “LIARS” were splayed over the entirety of the sign. Maoist Antifa sympathizers oddly insist that Christian pro-life pregnancy centers mislead and enslave women. International Maoist Antifa claims are based on a political philosophy that is anti-Christian and anti-capitalist, wrongly believing women are forced to have their babies thereby becoming a permanent socio-economic underclass.
“15-Minute Cities” and Penning You In for the Next Lockdown
International Man: The “15-minute city” is an urban planning concept rapidly spreading in North America and Europe. They aim to make everything—where people work, shop, get their education, healthcare, and leisure activities—just 15 minutes away.
The Plot To Control America
We all know how bad the Covid “vaccines” are. They kill people. We also know how bad the lockdowns were. They destroyed large parts of the economy, crippled the lives of children who couldn’t see their friends, and led to many deaths of people who couldn’t get the medications they needed. Masks, which still haven’t gone away, interfere with breathing and don’t stop Covid. Given these facts, the question arises, what was the point of the whole operation? The answer is that all these measures were designed to bring us under control. Once people get used to obeying these unprecedented intrusions, they are primed for permanent dictatorship. Now brain-dead Biden and his gang of neo-con controllers are planning to do it again. Through the fake “climate change” danger, they plan to subject our entire economy to total control.
CDC Trailers Raising Alarms In Illinois: They Know Who's Vaccinated And Want To Test The Unvaxxed
Remember Obama’s death panels? Medicare now using AI algorithms to deny coverage to people deemed expendable
No longer are actual human doctors making personalized decisions in patient care for elderly people on Medicare. Instead, artificial intelligence (AI) robots are deciding who lives and who dies.
American Government Agrees To Allow UN Military Takeover BY: STEVE ALLEN
“UNITED NATIONS – The United States is announcing its support for a set of principles that give a green light for U.N. peacekeeping troops and police to use force to protect civilians in armed conflicts.
Funding the Control Grid Part 3: The Food Framework
“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.” This quote has been attributed to Henry Kissinger, though he denies ever saying it. Kissinger certainly did, however, perfect the weaponization of food through The Kissinger Report during his tenure as Secretary of State.
World Economic Forum Panelist Boasts the Globalists Are Working on Tracking Where You Shop, What You Eat, Where You Travel and How You Travel (VIDEO)
Canadian Alibaba President J. Michael Evans bragged at the recent Global Economic Forum that the globalists are working on a tracking system that monitors where you shop, what you eat, how you travel and where you travel. The Tech Giants and government may be doing that already.
A Massive Transfer of Power Over Children, From Parents to Governments
“We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.” —Ayn Rand
A secret plan in 1989 to microchip every man, woman and child
A newspaper article in 1989 described implanting microchips into all of us to link us to a master computer. “Plans for such a system are already underway,” the article written over 30 years ago stated. “Sources say the tiny transmitters can be injected painlessly … in humans without them even knowing it through a nationwide vaccination program.”
Biometrics Power Major Public, Private Sector Digital ID Projects
Biometrics are playing a prominent role in the passwordless movement, digital wallets and national ID programs making headlines this week. Both Thales and Idemia are involved in both EU digital wallets pilots and rumored interest in a lucrative contract in DRC. A FIDO Alliance event forecast a big year ahead for passkeys, just as Socure joined the group. Digital identity evolution in Kenya and the UK also made the most-read articles on Biometric Update.
Georgia cop, 19, resigns after suspension for religious post on gay marriage: 'Dangerous precedent'
A former Georgia police officer who was investigated for a religious social media post that claimed "there's no such thing" as gay marriage said he felt pressured to resign after he was told he could be fired for sharing his beliefs.
Video surfaces of CDC official calling for WHITE GENOCIDE to eliminate all white vaccine refusers in America
An official who served on the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization during the Obama administration has been captured on video calling for genocide against white people in America in order to eliminate those who resist vaccines.
America Will “Soon” Have “Hate Speech” Laws, EU Commission VP Tells World Economic Forum
The US will “soon” have laws to punish “illegal hate speech,” EU Commission VP for Values and Transparency Vera Jourova told the World Economic Forum on Tuesday.
Tony Blair calls for WEF and WTO to introduce “digital infrastructure” that monitors vaccination status
Former United Kingdom (UK) Prime Minister Tony Blair has called for global organizations such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) and World Economic Forum (WEF) to push national governments to introduce “digital infrastructure” that monitors who has been vaccinated and who hasn’t.
Hackable Humans at WEF: “We can decode faces in your mind, your PIN number to your bank account”
Thanks to AI and the Internet of Bodies (IoB) ecosystem, decoding the human brain is already well underway, according to a World Economic Forum (WEF) presentation.
British Protest 15-Minute Cities Where They Will Become Prisoners of the State
Fifteen-minute cities are popping up everywhere, and the World Economic Forum is wildly enthusiastic about them. Last year it was announced that Paris, France, would become a 15-minute city, and now the British city of Oxford is next. However, outraged Brits are fighting back. As reported previously at RAIR Foundation USA, the city council has announced that it will divide Oxford into 15-minute neighborhoods or small 15-minute towns billed as “greener, cleaner and safer.” To further seize control of people’s lives, globalists are pushing the false idea that these “green” cities – which make services accessible to residents within 15 minutes of their homes – will “save the planet” and help all humanity.
Conservative Christian Icon Released from Prison after three years
Philip Zodhiates recently completed a three-year federal prison sentence and one year of supervised release for giving Lisa Miller and her daughter a car ride from Virginia to New York. Lisa was fleeing the country to protect her then 7-year-old child from court-sanctioned sexual abuse perpetrated by Lisa’s former lesbian civil union partner – a relationship that ended after she surrendered her life fully to Jesus Christ.
Dr. James Dobson and Gary Bauer on Senate’s Passing of ‘Respect for Marriage Act:’ ‘One of the Darkest Days for Religious Liberty in America’
“Nov. 29, 2022 was one of the darkest days for religious liberty in America. Fortynine out of 50 Democrat senators and 12 out of 50 Republican senators turned their backs on the institution of marriage and voted “yes” to pass the misnamed Respect for Marriage Act (RMA). The legislation now goes to the House, where it will likely be passed, and then onto the president for his final signature.
QR Code Required to Enter DC Whole Foods and May Be Used to Implement Social Credit System
Whole Foods is owned by Amazon. Video shows entry at a Whole Foods market in Washington, DC with gates requiring a QR code on customers’ phones to enter the store. A sign advises customers that “cameras and sensors register what you take and put back”. Customers can skip checkout as purchases are tracked and processed through cell phones. Buying groceries can be linked to a social credit score similar to China’s system. The video creator plans to boycott Whole Foods.
Other grocery stores track customers through their rewards cards, store apps, and in-store video surveillance.
Update: There appears to be an entry gate for customers who want to use a register to pay for their items.
What to Expect from the Government in 2023? More of the Same
For those wondering what to expect from the government in 2023, it looks like we’re going to be in for more of the same in terms of the government’s brand of madness, mayhem, corruption and brutality.
Obedience Culture
When did Americans become so . . . obedient? That is easy to answer. It became so when they became so reflexively fearful. Of everything. Of anything.
Judge rules church meeting near abortion biz caused 'psychiatric symptoms'!
The Church at Planned Parenthood (TCAPP) in Spokane, Washington, has been ordered to pay $110,000 in damages to Planned Parenthood of Greater Washington and North Idaho. According to KXLY, a judge ruled that the church violated state law, and that their meetings interfered with patient care. Their actions, the judge claimed, “created an increased risk of hypertension, increased pain, and a variety of psychiatric symptoms.”
‘SMART CITIES’ Worldwide Being Converted Into ‘Open Concentration Camps,’ Says Ex-Silicon Valley Engineer Turned Whistleblower
Aman Jabbi is a native of India and an engineer who worked in Silicon Valley for 25 years, co-inventor of two cellphone camera apps. He emigrated to the United States in 1988 because he admired America’s culture of liberty and ingenuity.
Banks Are Monitoring Your Guns and Ammo Purchases
This is such a lightly reported reality, for more than 50 years, the United States government has given banks the legal tools they need to snoop into the private affairs of their customers. And now, they are monitoring the exercise of citizens’ Second Amendment rights.
Cops “Protect” Town by Kidnapping and Caging 82yo Grandma Over Unpaid $70 Trash Bill
Valley, AL — Over the years, the Free Thought Project has reported on many asinine reasons police have used to arrest entirely innocent people who have harmed no one. Frequently, long grass on one’s own property or a burnt-out license plate light can get people killed in the land of the free as officers fail to use their discretion and instead react with brute force and callousness toward their fellow humans.
CBA announces Australian banking first carbon tracking feature
Commonwealth Bank has announced an Australian banking first by providing personalised carbon footprints for customers based on their spending data in a partnership with fintech start-up CoGo.
FBI raids home of Catholic pro-life speaker, author with guns drawn as his terrified kids watch
A well-known pro-life author, sidewalk counselor, and father of seven was the latest victim of a U.S. Department of Justice-sponsored SWAT raid and arrest — for supposed “FACE Act” violations — at his rural home as his children looked on “screaming.”
NY Pays $30K For 3D Printed Firearms At Gun Buy Back
What she doesn’t want the public to know is that 177 of those guns were 3D printed guns, including sixty “Yankee Boogles” that were printed just for the gun “buy back” that cost the state over $30,000, including $21,000 to a single person. The money was paid out in pre-paid Visa and Master Cards, costing the state even more in activation fees.
FBI raids home of Catholic pro-life speaker, author with guns drawn as his terrified kids watch
A well-known pro-life author, sidewalk counselor, and father of seven was the latest victim of a U.S. Department of Justice-sponsored SWAT raid and arrest — for supposed “FACE Act” violations — at his rural home as his children looked on “screaming.”
Oregon Ballot Measure 114 : Weapons Bans, Mandatory Training, Social Media Snooping
“The measure requires a “class” with live fire training before a person can apply for a permit to purchase a firearm. There are virtually no facilities that will be available for this training. For first time gun buyers this could well require that you have a gun before you can get a permit to buy a gun.
Digital Identity – What’s Your Trust Score?
“Digital identity is a collage of up-to-date digital data that defines an individual, dynamic, multipurpose, and reusable, a system for verifying information to establish eligibility to access a service, perform a task, or receive a benefit, resulting from a dynamic network of distributed, data sources (such as financial institutions, mobile network providers, governments) that verifies identity in real time.”
FOIA Request Uncovers FBI Effort to Get Americans to Forfeit 2nd Amendment Rights
A Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by Gun Owners of America (GOA) secured release of information surrounding a form which was used by the FBI in an effort to secure forfeiture of Second Amendment rights.
Nearly 300 southern Illinoisans have to give up their firearms after gun rights revoked
As part of a “firearms enforcement blitz” from June 16 to July 31 in 41 southern Illinois counties, including St. Clair, Madison, Monroe, Clinton and Randolph counties, state police officers performed 710 “compliance checks,” which resulted in 295 people being “placed into compliance” with the state’s Firearms Owners Identification Card, or FOID card, law.
IRS hiring agents that must ‘carry gun,’ ‘use deadly force’ during ‘dangerous assignments’
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is hiring special agents that will be required to “carry a firearm” and “be willing to use deadly force” during possible “dangerous assignments,” according to a job posting on the IRS website. Looks like the new Gestapo.
The Armed IRS Training Video You Have to See to Believe
Top WEF Advisor Says Humans Will Wear ‘Biometric Sensors,’ be ‘Constantly Monitored’ by Chinese Government, Facebook, Google
A top advisor to the World Economic Forum says that humans will soon wear “biometric sensors” so that their every move and bodily function can be “constantly monitored” by big tech and the “Chinese government.” The comments are just the latest from the Israeli WEF advisor to raise serious eyebrows. Recently, he publicly proclaimed that the global elite “don’t need the vast majority of the population” even to be alive, mocking humanity as unintelligent and worthless. On another occasion, the same WEF advisor pondered how to keep “useless people” occupied after they’re replaced by AI, suggesting they be quelled with drugs and video games.
“Can you understand how 87,000 new IRS agents would scare the heck out of millions of Americans?”
Democrat Sen. Ben Cardin: "If there's no reason to be fearful, and if you paid your taxes and if you complied with our laws, you should want to make sure everyone else does that."
US Census Bureau demanding gun holster companies hand over customer info
The US Department of Commerce Census Bureau is demanding gun holster makers and retailers turn over customers’ order numbers, product descriptions and shipping information, according to letters from the agency obtained by AmmoLand News last month. Those who don’t comply could face fines of up to $10,000.
Nothing to See Here, Move Along… Robo Dog Outfitted With Machine Gun Autonomously Lights Up Targets On Firing Range
On Friday, a video of a robotic dog firing bullets from a machine gun mounted on its back began circulating online, terrifying those who witnessed it in action. In the short amount of time it has been on Twitter the footage has already amassed over 7.6 million views and 27,000+ retweets.
“We Can Find a Reason to Pull You Over” — Cop Admits Police Can Make Up Reasons to Extort You
Federal Way, WA — Every year in the ostensible land of the free, millions of Americans are extorted, arrested, caged, beaten, and even killed for traffic “offenses” which have no victim — like no seat belt, dark window tint, and even something as trivial as having an air freshener hanging from their rear view mirror.
Why We Need Our Guns
Make no mistake about, brain-dead Biden and his gang of criminals want to take our guns away. And these efforts didn’t start with him. As James Bovard pointed out in 2020, ““’Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15,’ declared ‘Beto’ O’Rourke at a Democratic party presidential candidate debate in September. Compelling Americans to surrender their so-called assault weapons is ‘the newest purity test’ for Democratic presidential candidates, according to the Washington Post. O’Rourke and other Democratic presidential candidates, including Cory Booker, Kristin Gillibrand, and Bill de Blasio (now withdrawn from the race, as are Gillibrand and O’Rourke) have all endorsed mandatory buy-backs of assault weapons. Though such proposals are momentarily politically profitable, they could start a cascade of public-policy dominoes that ends in civil war.
Supreme Court Rules That Constitution Does Not Apply To 60% Of US Population
Supreme Court Rules That Constitution Does Not Apply To 60% Of US Population
OPINION: Red-Flagged Nation: Gun confiscation laws put a target on the back of every American
Indeed, at a time when red flag gun laws (which authorize government officials to seize guns from individuals viewed as a danger to themselves or others) are gaining traction as a legislative means by which to allow police to remove guns from people suspected of being threats, it wouldn’t take much for police to be given the green light to enter a home without a warrant in order to seize lawfully-possessed firearms based on concerns that the guns might pose a danger.