Dozens Of Bullets Were Just Fired At A Famous Pastor’s Home. Sadly, This Was NOT An Isolated Incident.
On Tuesday night, dozens of bullets were fired at Pastor Greg Locke’s home in Tennessee. It is being reported that one of his children was actually inside the home at the time of the shooting…
Springfield Residents Warn Pets and Wildlife Are Being Eaten by Haitians
“My neighbor informed me that her daughters friend had lost her cat. She checked pages, kennels, asked around, etc. One day she come home from work, as soon as she stepped out of her car, looked towards a neighbors house, where Haitians live, & saw her cat hanging from a branch, & they were carving it up to eat. I’ve been told they are doing this to dogs, they have been doing it at Snyder park with the ducks & geese, as I was told that last bit by Rangers & police. Please keep a close eye on these animals.”
Gates Insider: Digital ID Will Be Embedded Under the Skin of Every Child by 2025
Globalist billionaire Bill Gates has begun rolling out Digital IDs that will be embedded under the skin of every child in the world – with or without parental consent.
The People’s Voice has warned for years that Gates and the World Economic Forum are planning to create a digital database that tracks all citizens across the globe as part of its Agenda 2030 for humanity.
Now the elite are making their move and innocent children in Bill Gates’ laboratories are being tagged with Mark of the Beast microchips in pilot programs as we speak.
Armed Venezuelan Prison Gang In Denver Highlights Map Of US Sanctuary Zones To Avoid Amid Migrant Crisis
Law-abiding Americans should be made well aware of the cities, counties, and states that have laws, ordinances, and policies that obstruct immigration enforcement and shield illegal alien criminals from US Immigration and Customs Enforcement. This is because the Biden-Harris administration has imported the third world into the first world, and with that comes elevated risks of violent crime and chaos.
When Is Armed Resistance Justified?
When is it justifiable for a Christian to take up arms against a tyrannical government? As we witness the relentless erosion of our rights, the purposeful skyrocketing cost of living and erosion of the value of our currency, and the undeniably increasingly authoritarian actions of those in power, many believers are grappling with a profound question: At what point must we follow the example of our forefathers at Lexington and Concord? Should Christians, whose faith commands peace, also stand ready to resist tyranny with force when necessary? Where does our duty to God intersect with our duty to defend liberty? When is enough enough?
Whistleblower: Nancy Pelosi Murdered a Child in 'Horrific' Adrenochrome Ritual
The political elite in Washington D.C. practice an occult religion that involves the sacrifice of children and the consumption of their blood, according to a young whistleblower who spent years working on Capitol Hill.
According to the whistleblower, these depraved rituals are an open secret in D.C. and form part of a sickening initiation ritual for newcomers to the Hill earmarked for a career involving status, power, and wealth.
Although not everyone succeeds in passing the initiation trial, everyone understands the dire consequences of speaking out.
The Woke Mind Virus
And this, from 2 Timothy 3, “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away...
The Food Industry was Purchased by the Cigarette Industry: “Our Food a Science Experiment”
Japan Declares State of Emergency After 'Nanobots' Found in 96 Million Citizens
Japan has issued an apology to its citizens for the disastrous consequences of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines and has launched far-reaching scientific inquiries and criminal investigations to establish the truth and punish the perpetrators.
The globalist elite and Big Pharma are panicking, terrified of what the Japanese are finding, and they are doing everything they can to discredit these investigations, including ordering the mainstream media to initiate a total media blackout of any news coming out of Japan.
But we are not going to allow the elite to succeed in gaslighting the public any longer. Japan are uncovering crimes against humanity and the whole world needs to hear this information.
The 15 minute truth bomb going round the world. Is it too late?
GUEST: Katherine Watt,
Dr. Jane Ruby is an American scientist, medical professional, and commentator. You can follow her Substack at and her work on
The soap opera that is the presidential election of 2024 is coming into full bloom. Chances are before we get to the first Tuesday in November, this soap opera will become a full-blown Shakespearian tragedy if not a war in the streets of America if the election is again shown to be as corrupt as the election in 2020.
Adrenochrome Whistleblower: 'Zelensky and Other Leaders Are Addicted to Children’s Blood'
Hundreds of Ukrainian children living in slavery were liberated by Russian special forces this week as Putin’s Adrenochrome Task Force made a series of grisly discoveries deep inside Ukraine.
Reports from the front line reveal that hundreds of children were found in degrading “factory farm” conditions at a location in Ukraine’s Donetsk region, the focal point of Russia’s slow advance along the eastern part of the front line.
Russian soldiers are describing finding children with fragile, emaciated bodies hooked up to intravenous drips while their bodies were expertly drained of blood and adrenal fluid for the global adrenochrome trade.
The adrenochrome industry in Ukraine is larger than previously expected and Putin is determined to use the leads generated to destroy the global adrenochrome supply chain and punish those committing crimes against children – including the politicians and celebrities who are hooked on the drug he calls “the devil’s work.”
America Has Only Two Religions: Democrat and Republican
Poll after poll describes how religious America is. It is true that at its inception, and for over 150 years following, America was indeed a very religious nation. In fact, without the strong Christian convictions of the Pilgrims, Puritans and Patriots, the United States would have never come into existence. That statement is indisputable.
That's What Christians Do Now
I’ve now been in full time ministry work with Wisconsin Christian News for over 25 years. For over 25 years, I’ve been sounding the alarm and doing my best to send out “wake up calls” to Christians, who see the evil in our land, but feel powerless to do anything about it, because they’ve never been trained for the work of the ministry. They’ve never been asked to do anything, other than greet people at the door, hand out programs, pass the collection plate or work in the nursery — all within the four walls of their own churches.
The Demons Have Taken Over
China has mastered Geo tracking, Geo tagging and Geofencing.
Australia is in process and the US has started the process
Population Control: More U.S. Women Are Getting Permanently Sterilized Because They Never Want To Have Children
Large numbers of young women in their twenties and thirties are getting permanently sterilized in order to make absolutely sure that they will never get pregnant. In the old days, it was extremely rare to hear of a young woman getting sterilized during her prime childbearing years, but now it is very common. As you will see below, many U.S. adults no longer consider having children or being married to be very important goals in life. Instead, a lot of them are focusing on other pursuits, and they don’t want unintended pregnancies messing that up. In some cases, young adults are taking things to the extreme by getting permanently sterilized. According to one national study, there was a very sharp increase in the number of tubal sterilizations and vasectomies immediately following the Supreme Court decision that overturned Roe v. Wade…
Science And The Bible Just Keep Confirming One Another
And I want to thank my faithful core supporters for making it possible for me to reach thousands upon thousands of people in more than 100 different countries with this sort of information each month. When you purchase my books or subscribe to this newsletter, you are supporting work that is changing lives. I hear from people that live in nations all over the planet that have been touched by my work, and it is only because of you that this is possible.
They Are Using Lab-Grown Human Brains That They Have Enslaved Called “Organoids” To Run Computers
When I first started researching this, I could hardly believe that it was true. A company in Switzerland known as “Final Spark” has constructed a bizarre hybrid biocomputer that combines lab-grown miniature human brains with conventional electronic circuits. This approach saves an extraordinary amount of energy compared to normal computers, but there is a big problem. The lab-grown miniature human brains keep wearing out and dying, and so scientists have to keep growing new ones to replace them. Stem cells that are derived from human skin tissue are used to create the 16 spherical brain “organoids” that the system depends upon. I realize that this sounds like something straight out of a really bad science fiction movie, but it is actually happening.
Fully Naked Men on Bikes Cycle in Front of Kids at Seattle Gay Pride Parade
DEVELOPING STORY: Fully naked men riding bicycles exposed themselves in front of children during the Seattle Gay Pride Parade. Journalist Katie Daviscourt filmed the graphic video, which you can watch below. It’s beyond repulsive.
California Cops Stand Idly By As Men Expose Themselves, Pee On Each Other At Event Open To Kids -WARNING!! Graphic material!! This should make you sick and extremely angry!! If it doesn't there is something wrong with you!!
Police appeared to opt out of taking action as San Francisco’s Pride march attendees openly performed oral sex on each other and engaged in disturbing sexual acts, including urinating on one another, during Sunday’s pride parade, social media video shows.
Bible must be taught in Oklahoma schools, state superintendent says
Oklahoma's state superintendent sent a letter to school districts Thursday ordering them to incorporate the Bible in the classroom.
Ominous Signs In a Godless Nation
As followers of Christ — Jesus, the Son of God, our souls are saved by the blood He shed for us on Calvary, but we remain strangers, foreigners in this world. We must understand, we’re living in a world ruled by Satan, sojourners among the enemies of God, and we’re commanded to “occupy” until Jesus returns.
Pope Francis Urges Pride Organizers To Be Inclusive of 'Pedosexuals'
If you thought Pope Francis could not possibly make it any clearer that he’s a false prophet who is actively working to subvert Christianity, you would be wrong.
If you thought the pope who replaced the conservative Pope Benedict in a globalist coup orchestrated by Obama, Clinton and Soros could not possibly find yet more shameful ways to betray his followers, you would be wrong again.
Brace yourself because Pope Francis has voiced his support of people who molest children being openly accepted in mainstream society.
Pope Francis has outdone himself this time, putting his Satanic cards on the table in the most shameless way possible as he joins the globalist elites’ war against our children.
Teens Face Felony Charges For Scooter Marks on Pride Street Mural
Three Washington State teenagers are facing felony charges after they left scooter marks on a gay pride mural that had been painted onto the pavement. A “no-ride zone” has been created around the mural.
We Can't Do the Work For You
You see, “pride” parades and festivals, and “transgender” “drag” events — which not so long ago only happened in the big cities — are now invading small town America, like waves of locusts. The outrage is justifiable, especially considering the targets of all this stuff are our children, and they’re no longer even trying to hide that fact. But my question is, “where have you been all this time?” People: are you just now finding out about all this? Have you listened to nothing I’ve been sounding the alarm about for the last 25 years? Did you not believe the evidence and proof I brought forth, over and over again? Or did you just not care because it wasn’t affecting you?
NEWS BREAKING: Supreme Court Delivers Procedural Ruling on Abortion Drugs Another nail in America's coffin!!
Justice Brett Kavanaugh delivered the opinion of the Court, in which he wrote that even though the plaintiffs have “sincere legal, moral, ideological, and policy objections to elective abortion and to the FDA’s relaxed regulation of mifepristone,” because they do not prescribe or use the abortion drug mifepristone, and the FDA is not requiring them to “do or refrain from doing anything,” “the plaintiffs lack standing to challenge FDA’s actions.”
Navy SEALs ridiculed for promoting LGBT ‘pride’ on social media: ‘Our enemies are laughing at us’
The Navy SEALs – famous for being one of the military’s most elite, respected fighting forces – and the Department of Defense are being blasted on social media for promoting rainbow-colored social media posts promoting Pride month
WEF Unveils Mandatory 'Brain Implants' to Eradicate Conspiracy Theories
Not content with euthanizing your grandparents, pumping mRNA into the food supply to alter your DNA, normalizing pedophilia, and riddling the population with turbo cancer via Bill Gates’ synthetic meat products, the globalist elite are now desperate to regain total control over humanity by waging a war the WEF have disturbingly named the “Battle for your Brain.”
According to Klaus Scwab’s WEF, humanity will be better equipped to deal with future challenges if unborn children undergo gene editing to ensure they are free of disabilities, disease, and psychological traits of which the elite disapprove.
If Schwab’s plans to “alter the human being” and win the “Battle for your Brain” are not disturbing enough, wait until you hear how the European Union is planning to crack down on any opposition to the globalist agenda.
Forewarned is forearmed. This is a coordinated attack by the global elite and its about to explode.
‘Your Children Will Love Us. And Your Children Will Join Us!’ – LGBT Activist
In Philadelphia over the weekend a bit of chaos during the pride parade. Pro-Palestinian Queers formed a blockade – leading to a tense confrontation between the Pro-Palestinian mob and a bunch of lesbians banging their bongos.
VA Hospital Replaces American Flag With LGBT Flag
The American flag was reportedly removed and replaced with a gay pride flag inside the VA medical center in Orlando, Florida. Video of the flag was posted on social media and has since gone viral. The public affairs officer at the medical center has yet to respond to inquiries about the whereabouts of Old Glory. The video also shows a sign posted asking veterans to provide their preferred pronouns. There’s also another sign that says, “love wins.”
Manhunt Underway for Motorist Who Left Tire Marks on Gay Pride Crosswalk -- May God bless this individual!! I would like to shake their hand for their bold stance!! We need to see more of this!!
“In light of the recent vandalism targeting our Progressive Pride flag mural, I want to emphasize that there is no place for hate in St. Petersburg,” an aghast Welch wrote on his X account. “We stand united in valuing and appreciating every resident, regardless of their orientation, gender identity, or expression.”
Colorado Middle School Requires Teachers to Show LGBTQ+ ‘Day of Silence’ Video to Students
A middle school in Colorado set time aside for all students and staff to participate in a daylong LGBTQ+ celebration, encouraging students to watch a promotional video, complete “solidarity” activities, and buy related merchandise.
Maryland parents must accept LGBTQ-inclusive curriculum, appeals court decides
On Wednesday, a 2-1 panel of the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia ruled that Maryland parents cannot opt their children out of LGBTQ-inclusive book curricula in classrooms.
Women Are Paying Thousands Of Dollars To Attend “Rage Rituals” Where They Scream And Smash The Ground With Sticks
Would you pay thousands of dollars to take part in a “rage ritual” which involves screaming at the world at the top of your lungs and smashing the ground with large sticks? I imagine that your answer to that question is the same as mine. But there are lots of women that are signing up to do this, and the scam artists that are running these programs are making enormous amounts of money in the process. The women that get conned into attending one of these rage rituals are instructed to work themselves up into an unhinged frenzy by thinking of “every person who’s ever crossed you, who’s ever hurt you, who’s ever ignored your boundaries or taken advantage of you or abused you in any way”, and then they are supposed to use all of that anger as fuel as they hit the ground with big sticks.
‘Queer Planet’ NBC Series to Teach Children About Transgender Animal Fornication
One of the social engineers’ ongoing projects in the furtherance of transing the world is to convince the public, and particularly children, that animals, like humans, are rampantly pansexual or whatever, with the intended conclusion that abnormal human sexual behavior produced by chemical castration and gender ideology is actually a feature of the natural world and a product of evolution.
Elite Pedo Victim Claims 'Hung' Michelle Obama Attended Satanic Sex Parties
Welcome back to the People’s Voice where breaking news out of the Obama household raises the question – is absolutely everything about Barack and Michelle a carefully constructed lie?
The dark truth about Michelle Obama has been hiding in plain sight for years now.
Michelle’s high school boyfriend has confirmed she is in fact a biological male, and child rape victims are coming forward to testify they were raped by the former first lady – when she was a man.
Then there is the eye test. Some things simply cannot be unseen.
Then there is Barack Obama, whose own family have outed him as a closeted homosexual, as has his college girlfriend, and multiple former male lovers. How many people have to come forward before the mainstream media accept their liberal pin-up boy might not be who he claims to be?
If everything about the Obamas is a lie, then questions must be asked – who are they, and why are the elite so determined to protect them?
Louisiana expected to classify abortion pills as controlled and dangerous substances
Supporters of the reclassification of mifepristone and misoprostol, commonly known as “abortion pills”, say it would protect expectant mothers from coerced abortions. Numerous doctors, meanwhile, have said it will make it harder for them to prescribe the medicines they use for other important reproductive healthcare needs, and could delay treatment.
Maria Zeee: Nanobots Inside People Programming Humanity
Maria Zeee hosts the final hour of the Alex Jones Show with special guest Dr. Ana Mihalcea.
Eighty seven year old woman sentenced to 11 year in prison for sitting in front of "murder" center door.
A death sentence for trying to protect children.
We Are Being Warned That Nanobots Will Be Flowing Through Our Bodies “By 2030” And Will Be Used To Connect Our Brains To The Internet
Once thousands of nanobots are zipping around inside your body, will you still be in control of your mind, will and emotions or will the nanobots be running the show? According to Google, a nanobot is “a hypothetical, very small, self-propelled machine, especially one that has some degree of autonomy and can reproduce”. Scientists here in the United States have been working on nanobots that can travel through our bodies at astonishing speeds, deliver medicines to targeted locations, and even enter our brain cells. Eventually, researchers hope to use nanobots to connect our brains directly to the Internet. I realize that all of this sounds quite crazy, but as you will see below, everything that I am sharing with you has been documented.
BUSTED: Secret Hollywood Pharmacy Caught Selling Adrenochrome Pills to Elite Celebrities
An elite pharmacy in Los Angeles has been busted selling adrenochrome pills to Hollywood executives and celebrities according to an LAPD source who reveals the ancient drug sourced from tortured and murdered children is booming in popularity in Tinseltown.
According to law enforcement, Hollywood elites believe the more the child has suffered, the better the high. They believe the negative emotions that were coursing through the kid’s body, the adrenaline and terror, will give them health benefits and special powers. It’s a Hollywood thing influenced by old school Satanism and they believe they are untouchable because they own everything including the media.“
Unfortunately for the elite, they can’t pay for our silence and we are determined to expose their crimes against children to the masses. Buckle up, this one is going to get wild.
Teacher fired for her Christianity, what she 'might' do if a student wanted her to use fake pronouns wins big settlement
JUPURA VALLEY, CA - On Monday, May 13th, the Jurupa Unified School District (JUSD) settled a $360,000 lawsuit after it fired a teacher for her refusal to use a student's preferred pronouns.
What “The Most Controversial Commencement Speech In U.S. History” Says About America -- While I am not a Catholic I totally believe and support this mans statements!!
I have always been a fan of Harrison Butker, but now I am an even bigger fan. On May 11th, Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker delivered what has turned out to be the most controversial commencement speech in U.S. history. During his address at Benedictine College, he expressed traditional Christian viewpoints that nearly the entire country would have agreed with a few generations ago. But expressing those same viewpoints today has created a firestorm of controversy. Enraged leftists are seething with rage and are demanding that the Kansas City Chiefs release him immediately.
Target Retreats from LGBT Merch after Year-Long Profit Bloodbath
This year’s Pride Month is shaping up to be a much more humble affair at Target. In an extremely gratifying twist, the company that bragged their transgender line is “great for our brand” has changed its mind after a year-long stock market bruising. It’s the latest evidence that the wildfire of consumer activism is not only spreading but forcing the kind of change most people never thought possible.
Popular Mechanics: "Scientists Want to Use People as Antennas to Power 6G"
This confirms the analysis of human rights activist, Sabrina Wallace who recently explained that the purpose of the clots being formed by the Death Shot is to serve as 6G antenna for the new standard of wireless communications - the Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN). She said this is the result of the work done at the Foundries with DARPA, ten years ago.
Ashley Biden 'Singing Like a Canary' in Elite Pedophile Investigation
Three years ago, Klaus Schwab bragged that the World Economic Forum and their globalist stakeholders had seized total control over global politics and entertainment and were set to achieve total dominance over the human race by the year 2030.
Unfortunately for Schwab and his dystopian vision of open air prisons, reduced populations, and the decriminalization of pedophilia, the last three years have not gone to plan.
In fact, they have been a disaster for the globalists. The people of the world are slowly but surely waking up to the truth and according to investigators the elite pedophile ring operating in Washington D.C. is about to be exposed.
The elite pedophile ring operating in Washington D.C. and Hollywood is about to go down, according to an investigator who reveals Ashley Biden and Melinda Gates are “singing like canaries” in the high-stakes investigation that is set to shock the world.
Satanic Temple Seeks to Introduce Ministers in Oklahoma Public Schools if “Chaplain Bill” Becomes Law
The proposed bill stipulates rigorous checks for those aspiring to be school chaplains. Background checks are mandatory and individuals with a history as registered sex offenders or felony convictions are disqualified from the role. Additionally, any form of child abuse, negligence, or conduct deemed morally questionable can result in termination, KTUL reported.
United Methodists remove anti-gay language from their official teachings - If You Support The UMC In Anyway, Including Being A Member YOU ARE GUILTY OF THE SAME SIN!!!
United Methodist delegates on Thursday removed a 52-year-old declaration from their official social teachings that deemed “the practice of homosexuality ... incompatible with Christian teaching” — part of a wider series of historic reversals of the denomination’s longstanding disapproval of LGBTQ activity.
Pornography now in public school libraries. Did you know? Don't We Love Our Children Enough To Hang The People Responsible For This?!
Someone recently returned a library book that was 37 years overdue to the Riverside Library and Cultural Center in Weld County, Colorado. The book “Psychedelics” which was checked out in 1987, finally found its way home last month, with a Post-it note inside stating: “Sorry so late! It’s been a long, strange trip,” beside a drawing of a smiley face.
With our world drowning in so much senseless war and bloodshed, I have recently been thinking about finishing a project that I began several years ago. It is a short but powerful anti-war film that combines my personal Vietnam experience with the immortal message of the Napalm Girl. -- I do NOT like nor approve of some of the people shown in this video. John Lennon is just one example. BUT, this short video makes a VERY valid point of truth. I am ashamed to admit that although I didn't take an M-16 and kill anyone with it, I was part of the war machine in southeast Asia.
Melania Trump announces push for gay conservatives during fundraiser, organizer says
After having mostly stayed away from her husband’s campaign trail this cycle, Melania Trump made a rare appearance at a political event Saturday night, speaking as a guest of honor at the fundraiser at the Trumps' Mar-a-Lago Club for Log Cabin Republicans, the largest conservative LGBTQ+ organization in the United States.
Trump Sold-Out His Base to Shovel $95 Billion to Ukraine and Israel ay heed to Deut. 17:15, 1 Cor: 5:7-8 and Gal. 5:9. A little sin spreads like a cancer!! Tolerating sexual perversion and the sexual "perverts" damns a nation!!
The man who is most responsible for the $95 billion giveaway to Ukraine and Israel, is the same guy who pretends to oppose America’s “wasteful” foreign wars. Donald Trump. It was Trump who consulted with Speaker Mike Johnson about the contents of the Ukraine aid package, just as it was Trump who concocted the idea of issuing loans instead of dispersing the standard welfare handout. It was also Trump who said:
WEF Declares Pedophilia 'Sexual Orientation' Must Be Added To LGBTQ+
The LGBTQ+ rainbow community must add a P according to the World Economic Forum in Davos which has declared that pedophilia is an acceptable sexual orientation that deserves respect.
According to Klaus Schwab and his globalist cronies, pedophiles must be added to the protected class of citizens in Western countries who identify as LGBTQ and enjoy the benefits of hate crime protection.
Under Schwab’s directive in countries including Trudeau’s Canada, anybody found guilty of insulting a pedophile could face five years to life in prison.
There's No Excuse For Being Clueless
Given the work that I do, it grieves me to see so many professing Christians who are so ignorant of the days and times we’re living in. Most don’t know and don’t want to know what’s really going on in this world — or how Christ-followers are to respond to it all. Truly, those who are not Christians, or are “nominal Christians” at best, are much more well informed than those who claim to be “devout.” Because most modern American churches today do more harm than good for the Kingdom of God.
Veterans Affairs Sued to Provide 'Gender-Affirming' Surgery to 163,000 Transgender Vets
The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, follows a letter sent out by the TAVA on last November’s ‘Transgender Day of Remembrance’ demanding that the VA start paying for the surgeries or face legal action.
America’s First 15-Minute City Has Been Created In Tempe, Arizona – Do Residents Know What’s in Store for Them?
A Tempe, Arizona, neighborhood has been named “Culdesac” and is America’s first example of a 15-minute city, a vision of the World Economic Forum and the globalist cult, who are pitching the concept as being more environmentally friendly. Instead of seeing this development as a dystopian nightmare, Culdesac residents appear to be thrilled at their new way of life, do they have any idea what they have in store for them?
Proposed Canadian law could see Christians jailed for quoting the Bible
Should Christians be arrested for quoting portions of the Bible in public? Should pastors be charged with a “hate crime” when they preach against certain sins? Should churches be closed if the government does not approve of their beliefs?
Child Rape Victim Testifies 'Michelle Obama Raped Me When She Was a Man'
A child rape victim has blown the whistle and testified about the cult of pedophilia operating in the White House during the Obama years, alleging that both Obama and Biden raped her during their time in office.
Multiple powerful pedophiles stalked the halls of the White House during Obama’s presidency, according to Ally Carter, none more shameless than then Vice President Biden whose secret security staff have long been aware of his sick predilections.
But the culture of pederasty did not stop at the top during the Obama years. It permeated the entire system and goes much deeper than you might expect. According to …. alleges she was also raped by Michelle Obama and this is where things get really disturbing.
Presidents. Vice Presidents. Art collectors. Hollywood executives. Climate czars and pizza shop owners. Let’s face it, it’s one big depraved cult and thank god you ain’t in it.
King Charles and Close Friends Raped 'Hundreds of Children' - Explosive New Testimony
King Charles has been implicated in a massive decades-old pedophile ring at an “elite” British boarding school, according to revelations by a former student and whistleblower who has blown the lid off the horrific scale of the elite’s chosen vice.
According to an award-winning journalist who attended the school as a boy, children at the elite school are routinely beaten, harassed, raped, and driven to suicide.
Inevitably with pedophilia, all roads lead to Rome. In this case Rome’s latest incarnation: the British ‘royal’ family, who, in the words of Stevens, regularly visit Aldenham School to “feed” on children.
Ohio Megachurch Performs Annual Super Bowl Themed Service. Pastor Punts Bible Across Stage Like Football
“It was the first time I heard that Crossroads would do anything short of sin to get people in the door. At first, that phrase alone sounded too provocative, and I bristled. But then I broke it down. OK, if it’s short of sin, it’s not sinning. So, maybe it’s OK,” said an editor for the church in an article.
EU Legalizes Child Porn As WEF Agenda To Normalize Pedophilia Accelerates
Germany has decriminalized bestiality and child pornography, Spain now encourages pedophiles to parade their naked victims around the streets, and France does not have an age of consent law anymore.
That’s right – Europe has fallen under the influence of Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum and the shameless campaign to normalize pedophilia and other perversions in the western world.
According to Schwab, the EU’s push to normalize pedophilia and legalize sexual relations with children must now be adopted with the same enthusiasm in the US.
There is just one problem for Schwab and the other reprobates who crawl the halls of his globalist headquarters in Davos. We will never allow his sick agenda to infiltrate our culture. This is a hill we are willing to die on.
Australia sets a date to achieve the first goal of The Great Reset – nationwide digital IDs
The Australian government recently announced it has set 1 July as the tentative rollout date for its nationwide digital ID. The exact date will depend on the timing of its legislation which is due to be adopted by the federal parliament.
Town locals concerned over ‘diaper spa’ for adults with diaper fetishes (and it's near a children's park)
ATKINSON, NH – A business reportedly catering to adults harboring diaper fetishes has opened its doors in the New Hampshire city of Atkinson, spawning concerns among locals as to the sorts of clientele such an establishment would introduce to the area.
Pope Francis Orders Christians To 'Pray to Satan' for 'Real Enlightenment'
If you thought Pope Francis couldn’t possibly make it any clearer that he is a false prophet who worships the Devil, you would be wrong.
If you thought the pontiff who replaced the conservative Pope Benedict in a globalist coup orchestrated by Obama, Clinton and Soros couldn’t find an even more disgraceful way to betray his followers than he has in the past, you would be wrong again.
Pope Francis has outdone himself this time, putting his Satanic cards on the table in the most shameless and blasphemous manner possible. That’s right, he announced the coming of Lucifer and told his followers to get down on their knees and pay their respects.
The First Casualty of War Is Truth. And Propaganda is the First Weapon Used in Times of War
“Propaganda is the way the ruling classes get the working classes to march off to war and how the billionaire CEOs of the multinational big Pharma, Big Medicine corporations (and Bill Gates, the CDC, the WHO, etc, etc) gets parents to willingly over-vaccinate their vulnerable, immune-compromised infants with vaccines that have never been subjected to FDA-approved, double-blind clinical trials to establish safety or efficacy, especially long-term!”
Consciousness May Actually Begin Before Birth, Study Suggests
Although the prevailing theory throughout the 20th century was that consciousness didn’t develop until many months after birth, this new research argues that consciousness could occur much earlier, and even possibly in the final month of pregnancy. (Note: The study makes it clear that any consciousness that could develop during pregnancy only occurs around 35 weeks of gestation.) The researchers published their findings in the journal Trends in Cognitive Sciences.
WEF Tells Americans 'Your God Given Rights Are a Fiction - You Will Be Happier as Slaves'
Citizens of the United States and other western countries who believe they have “god given rights” are in for a rude awakening according to the World Economic Forum which has declared that human beings have the same rights as “jellyfish.”
Human beings must prepare to be enslaved, according Klaus Schwab’s right-hand-man, Yuval Noah Harari, because everything that humans believe about God, their nations, and themselves is fake news.
Harari’s disturbing speech represents the most devastating attack by the WEF on humanity to date and signals that the elite are shifting their mission to enslave the masses into high gear.
But we’ve got news for the prophet of Davos and his cronies at the World Economic Forum. We the people are waking up and we are not going to be gaslit by globalist psychopaths spewing lies and falsehoods.
WEF Unveils 'Flying Microchips' That Can Detect 'Thought Crimes' and 'Disable Your Brain'
The World Economic Forum in Davos has unveiled the latest technology designed to surveil populations, monitor for thought crimes and alter human behavior – with or without your consent.
As NPR report, it’s “neither a bird nor a plane, but a winged microchip as small as a grain of sand that can be carried by the wind as it monitors such things as pollution levels or the spread of airborne diseases.”
As usual, the manipulative mainstream media is only giving their audience half the story.
But strap yourself in because we’ve got the WEF-funded scientists at Northwestern University admitting on video what the real agenda behind the groundbreaking technology really is.
Man Who Destroyed Satanic Shrine In Iowa Capitol Charged With ‘Hate Crime’
Instead of simply charging him with misdemeanor damage to property or vandalism, the Des Moines Register reports that Polk County prosecutors charged the veteran with felony third-degree criminal mischief, arguing that the act was “in violation of individual rights” under Iowa’s hate crime statue.
United Airlines CEO is a cross-dressing freak…
Have you noticed? The US aviation industry is crashing, both literally and figuratively. It’s like we’re watching the whole airline sector fall apart at the seams: pilots passing away out of the blue, passengers turning flights into WWE-style brawls, doors and windows blowing off mid-flight, and air traffic controllers resorting to Google for on-the-spot training. And when it seems things couldn’t get stranger, there’s the case of the freaky guy leading United Airlines.
Babylon The Great Is Fallen
have good news, and bad news. First the good news, from Psalm 33: “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD.” Now the bad news: God is not pleased with the United States of America. Almighty God is no longer Lord of our nation. In Moses’ last days, as his death was near, he instructed the Israelites specifically and emphatically as to how they should conduct themselves, how they should raise and train their children and he warned what would happen if they ever forsook the Lord their God, who gave them the Promised Land as their inheritance.
Margaret Sanger and the Culture of Death
Since 1916 when Sanger opened the nation’s first birth control clinic in New York City, Planned Parenthood has become a multi-billion-dollar “nonprofit” organization. According to its 2022 annual report, Planned Parenthood has more than $2 billion in assets and generated more than $1.6 billion in revenue worldwide in 2022, including $670 million from government sources. In addition to now being the largest abortion provider in America, Planned Parenthood is also the largest provider of pornographic comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) in public schools, and is the second largest provider of harmful puberty blockers and hormone treatments in America. Planned Parenthood is operating a perpetuating cycle of death that has claimed millions of lives in abortions since 1970; harmed more than 274,000 adults and minors alike with medical procedures performed in 2020-2022, including harmful, “experimental gender services;” and has provided public schools with CSE that promotes adolescent sexual activity and experimentation, and normalization of “transgenderism” that aims to channel more people into its “services.”
Klaus Schwab: ‘All Humans’ Will ‘Have Implant in Their Brains 10 Years from Now’
Schwab continued by explaining how he would be able to read everyone’s thoughts once they all have microchips in their brains.
As folks freeze to death in the Midwest, an Ohio pastor is charged for offering shelter
Winter is officially here with back-breaking, heavy, wet snow and a surge of arctic air. Some people are still without power from a recent snowstorm.
Biden admin pours nearly $700,000 into program to prevent transgender boys from getting pregnant
The Biden administration has dished out nearly $700,000 to support the creation of a national pregnancy prevention program for transgender boys, federal grant records show.
'Horrific' Child Adrenochrome Market Found in NYC Jewish Tunnels - Media Blackout
Woke Church in Illinois Plans to ‘Fast from Whiteness’ for Lenten Season
A church in Oak Park, Illinois announced that they will not use “any music or liturgy written or composed by white people” during the Lenten season as they commit to “fasting from whiteness.”
SHOCKING REPORT: A middle school mom went undercover at @LakelandCSD to expose the shocking material they were teaching students and how the principal covered it up.
Students were given resources on se* dolls, herpes home testing, pe*is enlargers, and groping. They were also given a personality test which included questions about their se*uality and se*ual activity.
CV NEWS FEED // A retired military officer and former congressional candidate destroyed a “holiday Satanic display” at the Iowa State Capitol Thursday.
Masonic symbols and brethren on world currency, according to the Grand Lodge of Russia
Below is a slideshow published by the Freemasonic Grand Lodge of Russia. It reveals masonic symbols and Freemason members on bank notes from various countries throughout the world and during different eras.
Pope Hosts Group of Transgender People for Luncheon at Vatican f You Are Supporting The Catholic "Whore" In Any Way You Are Part Of The Problem!!
The move comes shortly after the Vatican released a controversial document stating that transgender people – mentally ill people who believe they were somehow born as the “wrong” gender – are allowed to be baptized, serve as godparents, and witness marriages, all under certain conditions.
Former Mayor, LGBTQ Activist Found Guilty – Given Jaw-Dropping Sentence for Horrible Crime
Patrick Wojahn, a well-known LGBTQ activist and friend of key people in the Joe Biden administration, was sentenced to 30 years in prison on Monday. Wojahn pleaded guilty to 140 charges related to child pornography as part of a deal struck with prosecutors, according to Fox News. He was sentenced to 150 years total, with all but 30 years suspended. The former Democrat mayor, who resigned in March, will be eligible for parole in 7.5 years under state lawed.
EU Declares Citizens Who Refuse Bill Gates’ Digital ID Will Be Excluded From Society
The European Parliament and member states have reached an agreement on the mandatory roll out of Bill Gates’ Digital ID which has inbuilt features designed to exclude people from participating in society if they do not comply with the globalist agenda.
Here at the People’s Voice we have been warning the masses for years that a key plan in the globalist agenda involves Digital IDs and Central Bank Digital Currencies to lock humanity in a digital prison – and the European Union has just admitted that we were right all along.
The Inevitable Takeover: Digital Identity And Total Control Is Coming
The European Parliament and the Council of the European Union reached a final agreement this week on the establishment of "European Digital Identity Wallets," the first central and fully digital identification system for all Europeans.
Must Watch: Laura Aboli Delivers Epic 4-Minute Speech on the Transhumanist PsyOp of 'Transgenderism'
Karen Kingston: Nanotechnology injected into our bodies damages our brains, minds and spirits
She explained that nanotechnology particularly causes damage to the neurological system and, hence, to the brain, mind, and spirit. The industry has always known this, Kingston explained, remarking that even gold nanoparticles without biomarkers on them just love going to the brain.
War: Organized Murder and Nothing Else
The title of this subversive little missive comes from a quote by Harry Patch, the last surviving soldier from World War I. The great Smedley Butler said that war is never about enemies, but opportunities for profit. Butler was one of Huey Long’s closest friends, and retreated from politics after the Kingfish was assassinated.
Taxpayers Paying Millions for Child Medical Mutilation
ORLANDO, FL – As the “gender surgery industry” in the United States is expected to grow to $5 billion by 2030, many states are giving the industry tens of millions in taxpayer dollars to reimburse hospitals for harmful puberty blockers, hormone treatments, and mutilating surgeries administered on children. Researchers at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles reviewed the Medicaid policies for all 50 states and found that at least 25 states were using taxpayer money to cover gender surgeries in February 2021. As of November 2023, at least 26 states allow their Medicaid insurance programs for low-income families to cover medically mutilating procedures on minors.
Bill Gates ‘Digital IDS’ Will Be Mandatory To Participate in Society
The United Nations, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and partners of the Rockefeller Foundation are launching a campaign to accelerate digital ID, digital payments, and data-sharing rollouts in 50 countries under the umbrella of digital public infrastructure (DPI) by 2028. (source).
What Should Christian Be Doing?
In Revelation 22, we’re given a glimpse of what the New Jerusalem will be like... what heaven will be like... a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. The tree of life, bearing twelve fruits, one for every month, the leaves of which are for the healing of the nations. There will be no more curse. We will see His face. There will be no night there, and those whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life will reign forever and ever.
Insanity: New Biden administration policy will fire HHS employees for using 'improper pronouns'
The policy, being implemented this month, was sent to department staff on Oct. 11, according to Roger Severino, former director of the HHS Office for Civil Rights, entitled the “Gender Identity Non-Discrimination and Inclusion Policy for Employees and Applicants.” is being touted as a “necessary step” to create a more “inclusive” space for “gender-diverse” employees and “provide workplace procedures safeguarding gender expression.”
‘Gender-bending’ elementary school teacher couple busted in prostitution sting
CHATTANOOGA, TN – A couple of elementary school substitute teachers who worked in the Hamilton County Schools district, who also happen to be some kind of a romantic couple, were apparently hemmed up in a prostitution sting this past August.
Knowledge Of the Truth Is Essential
The readers of our newspaper, Wisconsin Christian News, are some of the most well-informed and knowledgeable people you’ll ever come across. They seek the truth and are sick and tired of the lies from the mainstream media, the government, the medical and pharmaceutical industrial complex and pop culture. They’re tired of the lies from those so-called “experts” who are paid to lie, and who profit handsomely by lying convincingly.
Knowledge Of the Truth Is Essential
The readers of our newspaper, Wisconsin Christian News, are some of the most well-informed and knowledgeable people you’ll ever come across. They seek the truth and are sick and tired of the lies from the mainstream media, the government, the medical and pharmaceutical industrial complex and pop culture. They’re tired of the lies from those so-called “experts” who are paid to lie, and who profit handsomely by lying convincingly.
Tyrese calls out Devil Worshiping (With Examples)
Tyrese Gibson called out a lot of the Satanic crap thats been center stage in the Music Industry on BigBoyTV back in May during an Interview for Fast and Furious 10
ADL Declares Pedophiles 'Will Liberate America'
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) are working towards the strategic goal of legalizing child rape and pedophilia, according to an insider who warns the achievement of this objective will result in the downfall of American civilization.
The ADL have been attempting to normalize pedophilia behind the scenes for more than a century – and now they are becoming so arrogant that we are seeing the fruits of their labor right out in the open.
Kim Davis Will Appeal Verdict in Ermold Case
ASHLAND, KY – Liberty Counsel will file a judgment notwithstanding the verdict to U.S. District Court Judge David Bunning next week in response to the jury rendering $100,000 against former Rowan County Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis in Ermold v. Davis. Essentially, the jury had no basis or evidence to support their verdict.
New Records Show Obama Admin Purchased Aborted Babies’ Heads for $515 Each
Judicial Watch received the records through a March 2019 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, of which the FDA is a part (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department Health and Human Services (No. 1:19-cv-00876)). The lawsuit asks for all contracts and related documentation on disbursement of funds, procedural documents and communications between FDA and ABR for the provision of human fetal tissue to be used in humanized mice research. After successfully opposing the FDA’s redaction of certain information from its records, a federal court ordered HHS to release additional information about its purchases of organs harvested from aborted human fetuses – including “line item prices,” or the price per organ the government paid to ABR. The court also found “there is reason to question” whether the transactions violate federal law barring the sale of fetal organs. Documents previously uncovered in this lawsuit show that the federal government demanded the purchased fetal organs be “fresh and never frozen.”)
CIA Agent Confesses on Deathbed: 'Billions Will Die in 2024'
In the final months of his life, former CIA agent Joseph Spencer gathered his family and told them he had many secrets he needed to share with the world in the form of a deathbed confession.
At the time, he was dismissed by many as a conspiracy theorist peddling far-fetched theories about secret societies and their plans for humanity.
But in 2023 his deathbed confession is gaining attention because everything he predicted is happening as we speak, like clockwork – one chilling prediction after another.
The former CIA agent predicted some key things including the pedophilia and child trafficking epidemic, the elite’s obsession with depopulation, chemtrails, alien disclosure, and what he described as a “modified flu virus” that would be unleashed on humanity by the psychopathic elite.
Does any of that sound familiar?
But his predictions don’t stop there and it’s his predictions for the year 2024 that are shocking those who are familiar with his work.