Pastor Butch News title

Trump throws his weight behind new generation of mRNA gene-therapy injections, for cancer and other diseases
So AI will be used to “early diagnose” people with cancer, and then within 48 hours they will get their personalized mRNA cancer jab. What could possibly go wrong with that scenario?

161 Years Ago, A Farmer Warned Us About The Dangers Of AI – And He Was Right!
On June 13th, 1863, The Press newspaper of Christchurch, New Zealand published an ominous letter that warned that machines would eventually become more intelligent and more powerful than humans. The letter was entitled “Darwin Among the Machines”, and it was written by an English sheep farmer living in New Zealand named Samuel Butler. He argued that humans are literally “creating our own successors”, and he was entirely convinced that at some point in the future “we shall find ourselves the inferior race”. Below is the most important paragraph from Butler’s letter…

What Will You Do When You Can’t Buy Or Sell Anything On The Internet Without Your UN-Mandated Digital Identity Chip?
Imposing mandatory digital identification on every nation on the entire planet has become a primary goal for the global elite. It isn’t going to happen tomorrow, but eventually the plan is to get virtually everyone in the world into the system. If the global elite get their way, a time will come when you will not be able to buy or sell anything on the Internet without logging in with your UN-mandated digital identity chip. You won’t be able to go to school, get a job or open a bank account without your UN-mandated digital identity chip either. In essence, you will become a complete and utter outcast from society.

The Eve Of Destruction
And as I compile this message, the words of Barry McGuire’s 1965 song echo in my mind and I can’t help but feel this really is the time he sang about way back then, because today, we really are “on the eve of destruction.” Many have waited so long for this upcoming date: November 5, 2024... for an end to the Communist Regime in power in our nation, for an end to the deliberate destruction of our country, an end to the demoniacs “building back better,” “unburdened by what has been,” after tearing down all that we’ve built. An end to the weaponization of our judicial system, the tyranny endured by good, patriotic and Godly men and women and an opportunity for justice to return to America.

John Kerry's Daughter Says 'First Amendment Terrorists' Must Be 'Federally Executed'
John Kerry made headlines last week by stating that the First Amendment is a “major obstacle” for global elites aiming to transform America = and the world - into a totalitarian society where only one official narrative is allowed. Under Kerry’s globalist vision, anyone who dares to challenge the elites’ agenda would be labeled a threat to society and imprisoned. As if that wasn’t disturbing enough, John Kerry’s daughter’s position is even more extreme than that of her authoritarian father.

The UN Just Adopted The “Pact For The Future” Which Lays The Foundation For A New “Global Order”
While everyone was distracted, the global elite got exactly what they wanted. The UN adopted the “Pact for the Future” on September 22nd, and the mainstream media in the western world almost entirely ignored what was happening. Instead, the headlines urged us to just keep focusing on Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. Sadly, the vast majority of the population has never ever heard about the “Pact for the Future”, and so there was very little public debate about whether or not we should be adopting a document which lays the foundation for a new “global order”. The text of the “Pact for the Future” is available online, but hardly anyone will ever read it and many of the most important provisions are buried toward the end of the 56 page document. Of course everyone should take the time to actually read this document, because our leaders just committed us to an extremely insidious global agenda that literally covers just about every conceivable area of human activity.

Gates Insider: Digital ID Will Be Embedded Under the Skin of Every Child by 2025
Globalist billionaire Bill Gates has begun rolling out Digital IDs that will be embedded under the skin of every child in the world – with or without parental consent. The People’s Voice has warned for years that Gates and the World Economic Forum are planning to create a digital database that tracks all citizens across the globe as part of its Agenda 2030 for humanity. Now the elite are making their move and innocent children in Bill Gates’ laboratories are being tagged with Mark of the Beast microchips in pilot programs as we speak.

Japan Declares State of Emergency After 'Nanobots' Found in 96 Million Citizens
Japan has issued an apology to its citizens for the disastrous consequences of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines and has launched far-reaching scientific inquiries and criminal investigations to establish the truth and punish the perpetrators. The globalist elite and Big Pharma are panicking, terrified of what the Japanese are finding, and they are doing everything they can to discredit these investigations, including ordering the mainstream media to initiate a total media blackout of any news coming out of Japan. But we are not going to allow the elite to succeed in gaslighting the public any longer. Japan are uncovering crimes against humanity and the whole world needs to hear this information.

The Demons Have Taken Over
China has mastered Geo tracking, Geo tagging and Geofencing. Australia is in process and the US has started the process

WEF Unveils Mandatory 'Brain Implants' to Eradicate Conspiracy Theories
Not content with euthanizing your grandparents, pumping mRNA into the food supply to alter your DNA, normalizing pedophilia, and riddling the population with turbo cancer via Bill Gates’ synthetic meat products, the globalist elite are now desperate to regain total control over humanity by waging a war the WEF have disturbingly named the “Battle for your Brain.” According to Klaus Scwab’s WEF, humanity will be better equipped to deal with future challenges if unborn children undergo gene editing to ensure they are free of disabilities, disease, and psychological traits of which the elite disapprove. If Schwab’s plans to “alter the human being” and win the “Battle for your Brain” are not disturbing enough, wait until you hear how the European Union is planning to crack down on any opposition to the globalist agenda. Forewarned is forearmed. This is a coordinated attack by the global elite and its about to explode.

Maria Zeee: Nanobots Inside People Programming Humanity
Maria Zeee hosts the final hour of the Alex Jones Show with special guest Dr. Ana Mihalcea.

We Are Being Warned That Nanobots Will Be Flowing Through Our Bodies “By 2030” And Will Be Used To Connect Our Brains To The Internet
Once thousands of nanobots are zipping around inside your body, will you still be in control of your mind, will and emotions or will the nanobots be running the show? According to Google, a nanobot is “a hypothetical, very small, self-propelled machine, especially one that has some degree of autonomy and can reproduce”. Scientists here in the United States have been working on nanobots that can travel through our bodies at astonishing speeds, deliver medicines to targeted locations, and even enter our brain cells. Eventually, researchers hope to use nanobots to connect our brains directly to the Internet. I realize that all of this sounds quite crazy, but as you will see below, everything that I am sharing with you has been documented.

WEF Admits Pandemic Was a Hoax to Eliminate Cash
The World Economic Forum (WEF) has admitted that the Covid pandemic was a globalist hoax that sought to eliminate cash and force the public to accept central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and digital IDs.

America’s First 15-Minute City Has Been Created In Tempe, Arizona – Do Residents Know What’s in Store for Them?
A Tempe, Arizona, neighborhood has been named “Culdesac” and is America’s first example of a 15-minute city, a vision of the World Economic Forum and the globalist cult, who are pitching the concept as being more environmentally friendly. Instead of seeing this development as a dystopian nightmare, Culdesac residents appear to be thrilled at their new way of life, do they have any idea what they have in store for them?

Australia sets a date to achieve the first goal of The Great Reset – nationwide digital IDs
The Australian government recently announced it has set 1 July as the tentative rollout date for its nationwide digital ID. The exact date will depend on the timing of its legislation which is due to be adopted by the federal parliament.

WEF Unveils 'Flying Microchips' That Can Detect 'Thought Crimes' and 'Disable Your Brain'
The World Economic Forum in Davos has unveiled the latest technology designed to surveil populations, monitor for thought crimes and alter human behavior – with or without your consent. As NPR report, it’s “neither a bird nor a plane, but a winged microchip as small as a grain of sand that can be carried by the wind as it monitors such things as pollution levels or the spread of airborne diseases.” As usual, the manipulative mainstream media is only giving their audience half the story. But strap yourself in because we’ve got the WEF-funded scientists at Northwestern University admitting on video what the real agenda behind the groundbreaking technology really is.

Klaus Schwab: ‘All Humans’ Will ‘Have Implant in Their Brains 10 Years from Now’
Schwab continued by explaining how he would be able to read everyone’s thoughts once they all have microchips in their brains.

EU Declares Citizens Who Refuse Bill Gates’ Digital ID Will Be Excluded From Society
The European Parliament and member states have reached an agreement on the mandatory roll out of Bill Gates’ Digital ID which has inbuilt features designed to exclude people from participating in society if they do not comply with the globalist agenda. Here at the People’s Voice we have been warning the masses for years that a key plan in the globalist agenda involves Digital IDs and Central Bank Digital Currencies to lock humanity in a digital prison – and the European Union has just admitted that we were right all along.

The Inevitable Takeover: Digital Identity And Total Control Is Coming
The European Parliament and the Council of the European Union reached a final agreement this week on the establishment of "European Digital Identity Wallets," the first central and fully digital identification system for all Europeans.

Karen Kingston: Nanotechnology injected into our bodies damages our brains, minds and spirits
She explained that nanotechnology particularly causes damage to the neurological system and, hence, to the brain, mind, and spirit. The industry has always known this, Kingston explained, remarking that even gold nanoparticles without biomarkers on them just love going to the brain.

Bill Gates ‘Digital IDS’ Will Be Mandatory To Participate in Society
The United Nations, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and partners of the Rockefeller Foundation are launching a campaign to accelerate digital ID, digital payments, and data-sharing rollouts in 50 countries under the umbrella of digital public infrastructure (DPI) by 2028. (source).

CIA Agent Confesses on Deathbed: 'Billions Will Die in 2024'
In the final months of his life, former CIA agent Joseph Spencer gathered his family and told them he had many secrets he needed to share with the world in the form of a deathbed confession. At the time, he was dismissed by many as a conspiracy theorist peddling far-fetched theories about secret societies and their plans for humanity. But in 2023 his deathbed confession is gaining attention because everything he predicted is happening as we speak, like clockwork – one chilling prediction after another. The former CIA agent predicted some key things including the pedophilia and child trafficking epidemic, the elite’s obsession with depopulation, chemtrails, alien disclosure, and what he described as a “modified flu virus” that would be unleashed on humanity by the psychopathic elite. Does any of that sound familiar? But his predictions don’t stop there and it’s his predictions for the year 2024 that are shocking those who are familiar with his work.

WEF Declare 'We Are Gods, if You Stand in Our Way, You Will Die'
A World Economic Forum insider has declared that the globalist elite are going to become gods, and if you interfere with this process there will be big trouble…

And Just Like That, The Brazilian Central Bank Goes Live With Digital Currency
It's official: the Brazilian Central Bank has announced the introduction of its CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency). It's called DREX, the acronym for Digital Real Electronic X (real is Brazil's currency), and the finished logo reveals the project is, in fact, quite advanced. Here's the meat of the Central Bank's press release:

UN Declares Christians Who Don't Accept MAPs Will Be Excluded From Society

The Coming Digital Society: Blessing or Curse? – Michele Bachmann - Must Watch
Jan Markell talks to Michele Bachmann for the hour, and they conclude a form of global government is here now. The centerpiece of this is healthcare. A digital gulag now exists in Europe but the goal is America and the rest of the West. A global health emergency could make this system functional tomorrow. Covid set the stage. To join her yearly prayer effort, write

The Microchipping Agenda: Why are the Freemasons collecting the DNA of your Children?
The “MYCHIP” program refers to the MasoniCHIP program. MasoniCHIP stands for Masonic Child Identification Program. It’s a community service initiative sponsored by North American Masonic lodges to allegedly aid in the identification and recovery of missing children. The program involves creating a package of items for parents which allegedly helps to identify their child quickly.

Russia’s Smart City inmates will be “safe and comfortable” technocrats promise
According to Edward Slavsquat, “Russia’s capital is arguably the ‘smartest’ city in the country – and not just because of its safe and convenient biometric payment system. Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin has pledged to introduce ‘genetic passports’ and even ‘implanted medical digital devices’, which can be used to calculate insurance payments for his city’s lucky residents. These are just a few of the exciting features included in Sobyanin’s ‘Moscow 2030’ project.”

While You Were Sleeping - FedNow Goes Live Providing Path To Digital Currency
Yesterday, with a bit of fanfare but not TOO much fanfare, a "wonderful" new product was launched. FedNow is live, and we can all transfer money to our heart's content via the Federal Reserve.

Push to Microchip Kids: It won’t Protect Kids & it will usher in Total Tyranny
I am going to argue that microchipping kids is not the answer to this problem. It will feel good, but it won’t provide the safety parents will be looking for and, in the end, it will usher in tyranny on a scale never before seen in human history.

Werner says that he was told by a central banker something that is never discussed: that the CBDC being proposed by the Bank for International Settlements will be an implantable chip. Werner believes that the central bankers need to collapse the economy and to institute a Universal Basic Income in order to force the people to be chipped.


LATEST FROM MAX IGAN. THE CROWHOUSE. THE GREAT EXTINCTION.. - Be sure and at least watch the clip beginning at the 48 minute mark.
48 minute mark, insane woman with no empathy or conscience.

Critics Warn of ‘a Dragnet of Surveillance’ as U.S. Pushes Ahead With Plans for More ‘Smart’ Cities
Despite widespread and mounting pushback against biometric surveillance and control systems associated with smart city technologies and the failure of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) previous attempt to grant-fund smart city transformation in Columbus, Ohio, Buttigieg told The Verge he thinks “smart city technologies matter more than ever.”

FedNow Instant Payments Are Coming and CBDCs Will Follow
There’s absolutely no doubt that our financial system is in flux right now. We’re watching a storm approach, and it’s about to envelop the entire nation in chaotic conditions. If you think things are crazy now, just hang on to your halo…it’s about to get a whole lot worse.

Funding the Control Grid Part 3: The Food Framework
“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.” This quote has been attributed to Henry Kissinger, though he denies ever saying it. Kissinger certainly did, however, perfect the weaponization of food through The Kissinger Report during his tenure as Secretary of State.

World Economic Forum Panelist Boasts the Globalists Are Working on Tracking Where You Shop, What You Eat, Where You Travel and How You Travel (VIDEO)
Canadian Alibaba President J. Michael Evans bragged at the recent Global Economic Forum that the globalists are working on a tracking system that monitors where you shop, what you eat, how you travel and where you travel. The Tech Giants and government may be doing that already.

No Vaccine No Food? Grocery Industry Merging with Big Tech and Big Pharma as New App Tracks Drug and Vaccine Purchases Along with Food
Big Food is making its move into the “digital health space” as grocery chain giant Albertsons announced the roll-out of its “Sincerely Health” platform along with a new app where customers “can connect data from wearables, integrate prescriptions, design their diet and make telehealth or vaccination appointments.”

A secret plan in 1989 to microchip every man, woman and child
A newspaper article in 1989 described implanting microchips into all of us to link us to a master computer. “Plans for such a system are already underway,” the article written over 30 years ago stated. “Sources say the tiny transmitters can be injected painlessly … in humans without them even knowing it through a nationwide vaccination program.”

Beast Control System In The Sky!!

Biometrics Power Major Public, Private Sector Digital ID Projects
Biometrics are playing a prominent role in the passwordless movement, digital wallets and national ID programs making headlines this week. Both Thales and Idemia are involved in both EU digital wallets pilots and rumored interest in a lucrative contract in DRC. A FIDO Alliance event forecast a big year ahead for passkeys, just as Socure joined the group. Digital identity evolution in Kenya and the UK also made the most-read articles on Biometric Update.

Yuval Noah Harari | "The Only Thing the God of the Bible Managed to Create Was Organic Beings, Trees, Giraffes, and Humans. If We Succeed Then Very Soon We Will Be Beyond the God of the Bible."

Watch: Woman’s Experience Using Amazon Palm-Scanning Payment Machine Goes Viral
The European lady uses the Amazon device to scan her palm, which is then linked to her credit or debit card for use at checkout where she again scans her palm to pay for products.

Tony Blair calls for WEF and WTO to introduce “digital infrastructure” that monitors vaccination status
Former United Kingdom (UK) Prime Minister Tony Blair has called for global organizations such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) and World Economic Forum (WEF) to push national governments to introduce “digital infrastructure” that monitors who has been vaccinated and who hasn’t.

BREAKING: Davos Is Rolling Out The Digital Takeover!
BREAKING: Davos Is Rolling Out The Digital Takeover! This video explains the takeover that’s being rolled out right now in Davos, Switzerland. Next video –

Hackable Humans at WEF: “We can decode faces in your mind, your PIN number to your bank account”
Thanks to AI and the Internet of Bodies (IoB) ecosystem, decoding the human brain is already well underway, according to a World Economic Forum (WEF) presentation.

British Protest 15-Minute Cities Where They Will Become Prisoners of the State
Fifteen-minute cities are popping up everywhere, and the World Economic Forum is wildly enthusiastic about them. Last year it was announced that Paris, France, would become a 15-minute city, and now the British city of Oxford is next. However, outraged Brits are fighting back. As reported previously at RAIR Foundation USA, the city council has announced that it will divide Oxford into 15-minute neighborhoods or small 15-minute towns billed as “greener, cleaner and safer.” To further seize control of people’s lives, globalists are pushing the false idea that these “green” cities – which make services accessible to residents within 15 minutes of their homes – will “save the planet” and help all humanity.
The Great Reset | The Great Reset Agenda Explained In Their Own Words In 15 Minutes (Featuring Klaus Schwab, Yuval Noah Harari, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, etc.)

QR Code Required to Enter DC Whole Foods and May Be Used to Implement Social Credit System
Whole Foods is owned by Amazon. Video shows entry at a Whole Foods market in Washington, DC with gates requiring a QR code on customers’ phones to enter the store. A sign advises customers that “cameras and sensors register what you take and put back”. Customers can skip checkout as purchases are tracked and processed through cell phones. Buying groceries can be linked to a social credit score similar to China’s system. The video creator plans to boycott Whole Foods. Other grocery stores track customers through their rewards cards, store apps, and in-store video surveillance. Update: There appears to be an entry gate for customers who want to use a register to pay for their items.

‘SMART CITIES’ Worldwide Being Converted Into ‘Open Concentration Camps,’ Says Ex-Silicon Valley Engineer Turned Whistleblower
Aman Jabbi is a native of India and an engineer who worked in Silicon Valley for 25 years, co-inventor of two cellphone camera apps. He emigrated to the United States in 1988 because he admired America’s culture of liberty and ingenuity.

Elon Musk Says Neuralink Is Almost Ready to Implant Brain Chips that No One Thinks Are Good for Society
Bloomberg reports that Neuralink, Elon Musk’s brain-computer interface firm, said at a Wednesday evening event at its headquarters that it plans to begin putting its coin-sized computing brain implant into human patients in six months. This news comes despite the fact that an overwhelming majority of America think slapping a computer chip inside the human brain is a terrible idea for society.

World Leaders Agree To Implement Vaccine Passports
WASHINGTON, DC – The leaders from 20 countries at the recent G20 Summit signed a declaration which states they agree to adopt vaccine passports to “facilitate” all international travel.

Cashless Society Talk Goes Mainstream in a Hurry and Should Be Trusted Like the NSA
As recently as a year ago, I’d be labelled a “conspiracy theorist” and get locked up as a Twitter jailbird for claiming some cabal of banksters, economists and government leaders is planning a new world order for everyone along with a government-controlled digital currency to empower it. Now, it is table talk, and those who are planning it all are only too happy to share their thoughts, so confident are they in how it will go down.

Central Bank Digital Currencies are the Next Frontier in the Battle for Freedom
“If you can move every human into a digital concentration camp, empty their bank account any time you want, and tell them what they can and cannot spend money on, you’ve got complete control.” – Catherine Austin Fitts

JPMorgan Chase deplatforms National Committee for Religious Freedom
In an op-ed in the Washington Examiner, the chairman of National Committee for Religious Freedom (NCRF), Sam Brownback, announced that JPMorgan Chase had deplatformed the organization without providing a reason. The bank said it would consider reopening the account if NCRF provided a list of donors and preferred political candidates.

IMF Chief says Central Bank Digital Currency should be used alongside Social Credit System to control what people can and cannot buy
The deputy managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) recently explained how Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) can be programmed to determine what people are allowed to buy and insisted they should be used alongside a China-style Social Credit Score system.

CBA announces Australian banking first carbon tracking feature
Commonwealth Bank has announced an Australian banking first by providing personalised carbon footprints for customers based on their spending data in a partnership with fintech start-up CoGo.

WEF launches digital currency project to ‘reward’ climate action
The World Economic Forum (WEF) made a big move in the digital currency space this week with the launch of the Crypto Sustainability Coalition.

Biden Transhumanist Executive Order: ‘We Need to Program Biology’ Like We ‘Program Computers’
President Biden issued Executive Order 14081 calling for biotechnology that can “predictably program biology in the same way in which we write software and program computers.” The experimental and dangerous COVID injections were used as an example of how biotechnology can save lives, yet evidence has arisen that COVID ‘vaccines’ are toxic to humans. Gene editing can also be used to “program biology” in human beings. Biden’s executive order calls for biotech to sequester carbon and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, in addition to increasing agricultural yields (via GMOs), protecting against plant and animal pests and diseases; and cultivating alternative food sources, which may include insects. The Biden administration issued an executive order calling for biotechnology that can “predictably program biology in the same way in which we write software and program computers,” a transhumanist practice, in service of human “health.”

The US edges closes to passing digital ID legislation
The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Committee has approved the Improving Digital Identity Act, a legal framework for digital ID systems for US citizens.

Biden Administration Announces Framework for Digital Dollar
Last Friday, the Treasury department released a framework for regulating digital assets. One major objective, according to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, is to “advance policy and technical work on a potential central bank digital currency, or CBDC.”

“Absolute technological control” over your personal spending under Central Bank Digital Currencies
The Bank of International Settlements general manager Agustin Carstens stating boldly they will have "absolute technological control" over your personal spending under Central Bank Digital Currencies.

“Absolute technological control” over your personal spending under Central Bank Digital Currencies
The Bank of International Settlements general manager Agustin Carstens stating boldly they will have "absolute technological control" over your personal spending under Central Bank Digital Currencies.

Digital Identity – What’s Your Trust Score?
“Digital identity is a collage of up-to-date digital data that defines an individual, dynamic, multipurpose, and reusable, a system for verifying information to establish eligibility to access a service, perform a task, or receive a benefit, resulting from a dynamic network of distributed, data sources (such as financial institutions, mobile network providers, governments) that verifies identity in real time.”

World Economic Forum Looks To Normalize Implanting Tracking Chips Into Humans
The latest highly controversial technology/policy that the World Economic Forum (WEF) has set out to normalize is the idea of implanting tracking chips into humans.

World Economic Forum Adviser Claims the Planet No Longer Needs the ‘Vast Majority’ of the Population
Harai suggested that, in a departure from the 20th century, when the “big heroes” of political systems’ prevailing narratives were always “the common people,” now in the 21st century, people “are no longer part of the story of the future.” Instead, according to Harari, they have been replaced by artificial intelligence (AI) and displaced by a high-tech economy.

Top WEF Advisor Says Humans Will Wear ‘Biometric Sensors,’ be ‘Constantly Monitored’ by Chinese Government, Facebook, Google
A top advisor to the World Economic Forum says that humans will soon wear “biometric sensors” so that their every move and bodily function can be “constantly monitored” by big tech and the “Chinese government.” The comments are just the latest from the Israeli WEF advisor to raise serious eyebrows. Recently, he publicly proclaimed that the global elite “don’t need the vast majority of the population” even to be alive, mocking humanity as unintelligent and worthless. On another occasion, the same WEF advisor pondered how to keep “useless people” occupied after they’re replaced by AI, suggesting they be quelled with drugs and video games.

Dozens Of Whole Foods Stores Allow Customers To Pay With Palm Print Biometric Data
Amazon’s palm-reading payment technology will expand to dozens of Whole Foods locations across California. Shoppers will be able to pay for groceries by scanning the palm of their hand at checkout devices instead of using cash or card, as this is more evidence of the emergence of a cashless society.

Biden planning to ‘protect’ us from cash – beginning Dec. 13!
Some of America’s smartest men, including Robert Kiyosaki, investment guru and author of the personal finance book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad,” have some choice words for Executive Order 14067.

COVID QR codes now being used to RATION FUEL in Sri Lanka as economic collapse accelerates
We are hearing through the grapevine that Sri Lanka’s latest approach to handling the fuel crisis in its country is to ration fuel using residents’ Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) QR codes.

Senator Alex Antic discussing Trusted Digital Identity Bill
Jun 24, 2022 • Senator Alex Antic discussing the proposed ‘Trusted Digital Identity Bill’ which will give the Oz govt. unprecedented access to private and personal information. Under the guise of safety and convenience, the foundation is being set for a social credit system.

Norway to Track All Supermarket Purchases
People living in Norway are used to big government. But the latest news coming out of Oslo is a surprising new step down the road of data collection that not everyone is happy with.

Norway to Track All Supermarket Purchases
Statistics Norway wants to receive several million daily receipts from food stores, signalling a new era in state data collection. Privacy advocates and the supermarkets themselves are unhappy.

World Economic Forum: Smartphones Will Be In Your Body By 2030
Those in cutting edge tech, and often associated with the World Economic Forum, have a vision for integrating technology with the human body in a way that may change what it means to be human. How do you feel about this?

World Economic Forum Pushes Facial Recognition Technology
The World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, has just ended. The theme of the five-day event, “Working Together, Restoring Trust,” was both vague and troubling, in equal measures.

Major Supermarkets to ban paying with Cash or Card and only accept payments via Digital ID & Facial Recognition Technology
All major supermarkets will very soon no longer accept cash or card payments, and instead, force customers to use their face or fingerprints to pay for essential items, in what is another huge leap toward a dystopian cashless society.

CREDIT or DEBIT: TO DONATE BY PHONE CALL: 800.724.2719 EXT. '3' TO DONATE BY MAIL Please make checks or money orders payable to "RBN" and send to: 2251 Double Creek Dr. #302 Round Rock, Tx. 78664 FOR MORE INFORMATION REGARDING GIFTS TO RBN, PLEASE CA
The payments giant said it is rolling out the biometric checkout programs to speed up checkout time and reduce queues. It also claims that biometric systems are more secure and hygienic than debit and credit cards.

AI control//Humans become useless and are promised eternal life through AI
Everyone Needs to Pay Attention to This! (AI ALERT MESSAGE 2022-2023) terrifying alert message strange truth world news current events may 2022 today this week this month…

Governments worldwide are working in Lockstep to bring in Digital I.D. & Social Credit System as EU agrees to expand online censorship with ‘Digital Services Act’
Under pressure applied by both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, the European Union is working to expand online censorship to an extreme Orwellian level, as well as strictly regulate speech during what authorities deem to be times of crisis (we always seem to be in the middle of a “crisis”), and remove online anonymity by forcing the public to have a digital identity.

'Floating Sensors' Spread Like Dandelion Seeds
Dandelions have evolved to disperse their seeds more than a kilometer in the air. Researchers from the University of Washington want to give sensors that kind of distance, in a way that supports agricultural and environmental-monitoring applications.

CDC Used Phone Location Data to Monitor Churches and Schools to Determine Whether Americans Followed Covid Lockdown Orders
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention used phone location data to track millions Americans in 2021.

A National Vaccine Passport Has Quietly Rolled Out – And Red States Are Joining
While the United States government has not issued a federal digital vaccine pass, a national standard has emerged and 21 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico offer the SMART Health Card, a verifiable digital proof of vaccination developed through the Vaccination Credential Initiative (VCI), a global coalition of public and private stakeholders including Microsoft, Salesforce, Oracle, the Mayo Clinic and other health and tech heavyweights. Utah was the first red state to offer the SMART Health Card while Arizona, Mississippi and West Virginia are using other third-party digital verification sources for vaccine verification. Every Canadian province has adopted SMART Health Card verification, as has Singapore and Japan. While the United States government has not issued a federal digital vaccine pass, a national standard has nevertheless emerged. To date, 21 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico offer accessibility to the SMART Health Card, a verifiable digital proof of vaccination developed through the Vaccination Credential Initiative (VCI), a global coalition of public and private stakeholders including Microsoft, Salesforce, Oracle, the Mayo Clinic and other health and tech heavyweights.

Digital Currency Being Introduces Worldwide!!
Beware, and be aware of what is happening! Open your eyes! The "would-be" dictators of the "new world order" are asserting themselves! The battle is whether or not dictatorship is in our future! Will you submit to their control? Are you a slave, or not?

Hand-implanted microchip could be used for contactless payments
London-based Walletmor said the chip will work with the Purewrist app, a digital wallet. After downloading the app, users will go to a specialist to have a chip installed in their hands that would act in conjunction with the app and businesses that use the app.

BBC Lauds Implantable Microchip “Wallet”
The article reads like an advert for the company Walletmor, which is offering to put the chips literally in people’s hands for just $300.

The New Human created by technocracy: bio-digital convergence
We have a stunning February 2020 report, “Exploring Biodigital Convergence,” released by “Policy Horizons Canada… a strategic foresight organization within the Government of Canada…” The report lays out a pattern of joining biology and digital technology to create new humans.

Why the New World Order Wants Programmable Currency
Technocracy is the proverbial operating system for the “superclass,” a centralized global elite that is working toward securing the exclusive ownership of all the world’s assets, reducing the rest of us to indebted serfs.

Meta plans to create currency – media — Analysis
Social media behemoth Meta is reportedly considering rolling out a digital currency, the Financial Times revealed on Wednesday, years after the company’s initial efforts to create a cryptocurrency called Libra ran around on a combination of stifling regulations and user distrust.

The NWO Financial Reset Being Discussed At Summit.

Is Klaus Schwab the 'Most Dangerous Man in the World?'
Comedian JP Sears revealed Klaus Schwab's schemes to monitor and even alter human beings in a recent AwakenWithJP segment.

Ukraine Adopts WEF Proposals
Zelensky has just signed into law the first steps of Schwab’s Great Reset. He announced he is introducing a Social Credit Application combining Universal Basic Income (UBI), a Digital Identity & a Vaccine Passport all within their Diia app. He also says that because so much money is coming into Ukraine as he has become an international celebrity, he has legalized cryptocurrencies in Ukraine. He will allow foreign and Ukrainian cryptocurrencies exchanges to operate legally, according to the country’s Ministry of Digital Transformation.

The Cashless Life Won’t Be Worth Living
While they have us freaking out about “Ukraine,” our overlords are moving swiftly to rendition all of us into the global cyber-gulag of a social credit system, enabled by a digital currency doled out (or not) by the central banking system.

SOCIAL CREDIT SCORE HAS ARRIVED! Biden Ushers in Digital Currency to Control and Monitor You!
The Biden administration is reportedly pushing to unleash a new digital currency on the American people, which the government could simply shut off for non-compliers.

What You Need to Know About the Transhumanist Agenda
Professor Yuval Noah Harari predicts that algorithms will increasingly be used to make decisions that have historically been made by humans, either yourself or someone else, including whether or not you’ll be hired for a particular job, whether you’ll be granted a loan, what scholastic curriculum you will follow and even who you will marry.

The Global Digital ID Prison
Do you get the feeling digital ID is being hyped by every government, corporation, financial institution and globalist-connected NGO as “the way of the future”? Well, you’re right!

Klaus Schwab’s WEF: Humans Are Now ‘Hackable Animals’ And Will Be ‘Re-Engineered’
Humans are now “hackable animals” according to an advisor of Klaus Schwab, who issued the chilling warning that humans no longer possess “free will” and are set to be “re-engineered” by Bill Gates.

The END of ATMs in Australia? Thousands of cash machines are removed across the country as banks go digital
As Australian banks continue to focus on digital transactions for customers, ATMs and bank branches are disappearing across the country, according to new data.

Klaus Schwab wants the general population chipped and enslaved by 2026.

Unbelievable New Chip Acts like a Human Brain
Feb 22, 2022 • Scientists created a new type of Computer Chip which has the ability to constantly rewire itself just like the human brain and is thus able to more efficiently adapt to new processes. This is a new type of neuromorphic computing and holds great promise for future and better Artificial Intelligence models which more closely resemble how humans behave. You will not believe this unbelievable AI Robot Computer Chip!